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He can't see me traduction Espagnol

345 traduction parallèle
And he said, "Oh, can I see your pictures?" And I opened a box, and as soon as I opened the box he said, "Oh, they're in black and white." And he really... wasn't exposed to art photography
Y él me dijo "Oh ¿ puedo ver tus fotos?" Yo abrí una caja, y en lo que abrí la caja me dijo "Oh, son en blanco y negro". Él realmente... no deseaba ver fotografía artística.
He said he ain't gonna give me a contract for the new stock season... till I've been in the show for two weeks and he can see how I get by.
Que no me contratará para la próxima temporada... hasta estar yo en el show dos semanas y ver qué recepción tengo.
Next time you see Dr. Arrowsmith. tell him for me that I don't stand for this kind of monkey business. and if he can't keep off my cattle.
La próxima vez que vean al Dr. Arrowsmith... díganle que no me gustan estos engaños... y que mejor que se aleje de mi ganado y de mi vista.
Excuse me, my friend, I can't see Mr Lestingois ; is he out?
Perdone, amigo mío. No veo al Sr. Lestingois. ¿ Ha salido?
Decirme que no puede ver...
Oh, I don't see how they can go on having a good time when maybe he's... Oh, you know.
¡ No puedo entrar si me van a verter las bebidas encima!
Can't he see what work's done to me? Quiet, quiet.
¿ No ve lo que me ha hecho a mí el trabajo?
He can't see me this way.
No puede verme en esta postura.
I just can't believe I'm going, that he really wants to see me.
Es que no puedo creer adónde voy, ni que él quiera verme.
I've had my cry, and I swore I wouldn't, but you can just tell Bob that, well, I-I went home to see my family.
He llorado, y juré que no lo haría. Pero puede decirle a Bob sólo que... Bueno, que me fui a casa a ver a mi familia.
I can't wait to see his face when he sees who I'm waiting for.
Me encantará ver su cara cuando llegue la mujer a la que espero.
I sympathize with your ideas most sincerely, most sincerely, but you must see surely that I can't possibly throw away everything I've built up on some fantastic scheme.
Me gustan tus ideas, sinceramente. Pero comprende que no puedo lanzar por la borda todo lo que he conseguido por un plan fantástico.
He says, "You never want to see me again and then I can't even go out for air."
El le respondió : "No me quieres ver más y no puedo siquiera salir a tomar aire".
It's no use. You can't go asking favours from an old friend. He wouldn't see it like that.
Estás muy segura de que me ayudará, pero yo no me fío de nadie.
Let me go! Can't you see he's alive?
¡ Soltadme!
I'm glad you can't see the second-hand car I bought.
Me alegra que no puedas ver el coche que he comprado.
Can't you see he's got me covered?
¿ No veis que me está apuntando?
Melody, I don't think he can see me. Are you sure?
Melody, creo que no puede verme. ¿ Estás seguro?
If he can't even walk across the plaza to say goodbye to me I don't want to see him again or think of him or hear his name.
Si no puede ni cruzar la plaza para despedirse no quiero volver a verlo, ni pensar en él, ni oír su nombre.
He said he can't see you for a few days and that he'll call if necessary.
Me ha pedido que te dijera que por algunos días no se dejará ver, que si puede te telefoneará.
I can see that little angel on your knee can't you see he kind of sort of looks like me?
Puedo ver ese pequeño ángel en tus rodillas, ¿ No puedes ver el tipo de persona que soy?
I don't know, I didn't pay any attention because in the confusion... we can see from the top if they're coming get on my shoulder, don't worry... it's just pepper
- No sé, no me he dado cuenta. Con la confusión... Podemos ver si vienen desde arriba.
He didn't say what his name was, but I can tell a nut doctor when I see one.
No me dijo su nombre, pero reconozco a un psiquiatras cuando los veo.
- I can't see. I'm blind.
- Me he quedado ciego.
If he can't see me.
Si no puede verme
See, he's trying to make me furious, so that I'll turn around and kick him, but he can't do it.
Él intenta enfurecerme para que yo voltee y lo patee, pero no lo consigue.
Shut up, can't you see he's trying to comfort me?
Cállate, ¿ no ves que me está intentando consolar?
He said Ordway can't see any farther than the end of his hand.
Me dijo que Ordway no puede ver más allá de su mano.
He can't see me...
El no me puede ver...
A Mr Stephen Torino gave this as his address but now I see it I can't imagine why he wants to work for me.
El Sr. Stephen Torino dio esto como su dirección pero ahora que la veo no puedo imaginar por qué quiere trabajar para mí.
─ No, he can't see me like this.
- Él no me ha de ver.
I can't wait to see his face when he sees us.
Me muero de ganas de ver Ia cara que pondrá cuando nos vea.
Don ´ t you see that since he explained it to me, I can ´ t be near you without blushing?
¿ No ves que desde que me lo explicaron, no puedo estar contigo sin ruborizarme?
As you can see, he's growing impatient, and I don't like it, because I promised to help him and I always keep my promises.
Se está impacientando y eso me molesta. He prometido ayudarle y yo cumplo mis promesas.
I'll make sure he can't see us!
Me aseguraré de que no pueda vernos.
I can't see their faces, but when I dream, I see them staring at me.
No he visto nunca sus caras, pero cuando sueño, se abalanzan sobre mí.
We can't see him. He's got no body. But that's all right.
- No, pero no me importa.
Well, after what he said when he came to see me last month it can't do any good making it public.
Después de lo que él me dijo cuando vino a verme el mes pasado. No es bueno hacer público éso.
So you can't see what I've become.
Así no puedes ver en lo que me he convertido.
Can't you see me challenging a senior officer on the grounds that he's a birdbrain?
¿ Creen que voy a recusar a un superior porque es un mentecato?
Well he can't see me now.
Pero ahora no puede verme.
Can't you see I apologize.
¿ Que no has visto que me he disculpado?
He's framing me, can't you see that?
¡ Es una trampa! ¿ No lo ven?
As you can see, I haven't forgotten all the things you have done for me.
Como puede ver, señor, no he olvidado todas las cosas que Ud. ha hecho por mí.
But he can't see me.
Pero no puede verme.
He told me : "What can we do so that the children won't see it?"
Él me dijo : "¿ Qué podemos hacer para que los niños no lo vean?"
Lost my train, can't leave until tomorrow... I want to see you, I have to speak with you, tell me where are you?
He perdido el tren, no puedo partir hasta mañana... quiero verte un momento, te debo hablar, dime dónde estás?
... and now I see a psychiatrist about five times a week, and he told me that, uh... well, he told me that I can't have sex except under certain conditions, and he said that it's a matter of time, it's a matter of time.
... y ahora voy a un psiquiatra casi cinco veces por semana y me dijo que... dijo que no puedo tener relaciones si no es en ciertas condiciones y dijo que es cuestión de tiempo.
Do you know the name of a good hypnotist I can go and talk to and see if he could help me lay off these cigarettes before tomorrow night, or else Warren won't get that job, see?
¿ Sabe el nombre de un hipnotizador que pueda ayudarme a dejar de fumar? Si no lo hago, Warren no conseguirá el trabajo.
He's graduating in the top 2 percent of the business school and Chemical Foods, Inc., wanna give him a lifetime contract, see, and I can ruin it. I mean, you know, if they don't like me.
Se gradúa dentro del primer dos por ciento de los de empresariales y Chemical Foods le ofrece un contrato y yo puedo estropearlo.
I can't see a thing. - Not me!
No veo nada - ¡ No he sido yo!

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