He didn't want to traduction Espagnol
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He didn't want to communicate via words in any sense.
No quería comunicarse mediante las palabras.
He didn't want to work for Internal Affairs.
No quería trabajar para Asuntos Internos.
He didn't want to hurt me.
No quería hacerme daño.
He didn't want his wife to worry.
No quería que su esposa se preocupara.
He didn't even want to address it.
Él no quería admitirlo.
He was onto a good thing, he didn't want it to end.
Tenía algo bueno, no quería que terminara.
He didn't even want to give us a crust of bread!
Y nosotros ni siquiera tenemos un pedazo de pan.
Oh, he's been getting a lot of phone calls from someone he didn't want to talk to.
Ha estado recibiendo un montón de llamadas telefónicas de alguien con quien no quería hablar.
And then there were times when he didn't even want to have sex.
Y después había veces en las que ni siquiera quería tener sexo.
See, that's why he didn't want to go to the wedding!
¡ Mira que no quería ir a esa dichosa boda, que no quería ir!
He ignored his symptoms, didn't want to ask for help from anyone...
Ignoró los síntomas, no quería pedir ayuda a nadie...
He quit after eight lessons because he didn't want to bike the six blocks to get there.
Renunció después de ocho lecciones porque él no quería ir en bicicleta los seis bloques para llegar allí.
Okay, I had an eight-year-old who didn't want to hold my hand in public, too, sis.
Vale, yo también he estado con una niña de ocho años que no quiso darme la mano en público, hermanita.
I also invited Charlie's mom, my mom and my dad, but they didn't want to come.
También he invitado a la madre de Charlie, a mi madre y mi padre, pero no querían venir.
He didn't want you to find out this way.
No quería que lo averiguaras de esta manera.
He didn't want her or anyone else to be able to figure it out.
No quería que ni ella ni nadie más fuera capaz de resolverlo.
I didn't want to believe that he would...
No quería creer que podría...
Professor McDonald and the defense lawyer tried, but Lyle told them he didn't want to relive it.
El profesor McDonald y el abogado de la defensa lo intentaron, pero Lyle les dijo que no quería revivirlo.
Gabe didn't want me to say anything until he had proof but he thinks his handler's setting some kind of trap for him.
Gabe no quería que yo dijera nada hasta que tuviera pruebas, pero... él piensa que su controlador le está tendiendo una trampa.
- He took the deal? - He didn't want to risk 20 years.
- No quiere arriesgarse a cumplir 20 años.
Because it sounds to me like he really didn't want her to die.
Porque a mí me parece que no quería que muriese.
He didn't want to stay in the camp so he enlisted.
No quiso quedarse en el campamento así que se alistó.
He dealt with the messes they didn't want to.
Él se ocupaba de los problemas que ellos no querían ocuparse.
He didn't want me to know what she did, who she is.
No quería que supiera lo hizo, lo que es.
He didn't want to tell his wife about it, because he didn't want her to know about is criminal past.
No le contó a su esposa para que no supiera su pasado criminal.
He didn't want to do anything.
Él no quería hacer nada.
I-I mean, he didn't want to come.
Quiero decir, no ha querido venir.
Because I didn't want you to know that I was as bad a father as he was.
Porque no quería que supieras que era tan mal padre como él.
You were having it alone, Judith, because he didn't want to have any kids.
Iba a tener al bebé sola, Judith. Porque él no quería tener hijos.
I've been squeezing the Attorney General for it, but I didn't want to get your hopes up.
He estado presionando al Fiscal General por ello, pero no quería darte falsas esperanzas.
Maybe he didn't want to change.
A lo mejor él no quiere cambiar.
Uh, besides, he-he just lost Lyndsey, I didn't want him to lose his best friend.
Además, acaba de perder a Lyndsey, no quería que perdiera a su mejor amigo.
I haven't told any of the staff yet, because so far it's only been rumors and I didn't want to upset people unnecessarily.
No he dicho nada al personal, aún, ya que hasta ahora sólo ha habido rumores y no quería molestar a la gente innecesariamente.
Because he didn't want to upset you.
Porque no quería preocuparte.
I mean, I assumed he was your ex, but... you didn't want to talk about it, so I didn't push.
Quiero decir, yo asumí que era tu ex, pero... que no querías hablar al respecto, así que no me empujo.
It's because I convinced my dad even though he didn't want to.
Eso es porque convencí a mi papá a pesar de que no quería.
I bet he wishes people didn't want to kill him.
Apuesto a que no le gusta que quieran asesinarlo.
I'm sure he didn't want to have her taken away from him.
Estoy seguro de que no quería que se la llevaran.
He didn't want acupuncture, so I had to hit him and force him.
No quiso acupuntura, así que tuve que golpearlo y forzarlo.
- Two. I seriously doubt your husband's gonna leave emails he didn't want you to find right...
Dudo que tu marido va a dejar mensajes de correo... electrónico, que no quería que encontraras en su...
Look, we... we didn't want to have to tell... we didn't expect this to... you're his only heir and he wants you back.
Mira, nosotros... no quisimos tener que decirte... no esperábamos que esto... Tú eres su única heredera y él quiere que vuelvas.
He didn't want to see her.
Él no quería verla.
As if looking for something he didn't want to find... it became clear as vodka you keep in the icebox... that, whatever the connection between the L.A.P.D. and Adrian Prussia... he might as well have been working for them as a contract killer... doing deeds for them they couldn't do for themselves.
CONFIDENCIAL Mientras buscaba algo que no quería encontrar se hizo claro como el vodka que guardas en la hielera que, cual sea la conexión entre el DPLA y Adrian Prussia él podría estar trabajando para ellos como asesino a sueldo haciendo por ellos lo que ellos no podrían hacer.
He took pity on you and he thought you were going to do something terrible so he, he asked me to give you these pills and I didn't want to at first but he, he persisted and so I finally just did what he told me.
Se compadeció de ti y pensaba que ibas a hacer algo terrible, así que, me pidió que te diera estas pastillas. Yo no quería al principio pero él, él insitió y finalmente acabé haciendo lo que me dijo.
[Narrator] He didn't want to be pacified.
Él no quería ser pacificado.
He didn't even want to talk about it.
Él no quería ni hablar de esto.
- Shit. - He made me do things I didn't want to do.
Me hizo hacer cosas y no quise.
We didn't want him to get away, so we put him on a leash till he stopped trying to fly.
No queríamos que se escapara, así que lo pusimos con una correa hasta que dejara de tratar de volar.
"Oh no", he didn't want to go there anymore.
"Oh no", el no quiso abordar mas el tema.
You know... he didn't want to come, all right?
Sabes... Él no quiso venir, ¿ está bien?
I tried to talk him into it, and he didn't want to come.
Intenté convencerlo, y no quería venir.
he didn't mean to 22
he didn't 1210
he didn't answer 29
he didn't make it 114
he didn't have to 77
he didn't tell me 71
he didn't say anything 96
he didn't show up 29
he didn't mean it 77
he didn't tell me anything 22
he didn't 1210
he didn't answer 29
he didn't make it 114
he didn't have to 77
he didn't tell me 71
he didn't say anything 96
he didn't show up 29
he didn't mean it 77
he didn't tell me anything 22