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He looks just like you traduction Espagnol

156 traduction parallèle
He looks just like you.
Se parece mucho a ti.
He looks just like you.
Es igualito que tú.
He looks just like you. Maybe 100 years ago.
Se parece a ti... quizás hace 100 años.
He looks just like you.
Es igualito a ti.
Annie says he looks just like you.
Annie dice que se te parece.
He looks just like you did when I met you.
Es igual a ti cuando te conocí.
Susan, he looks just like you.
Susan, es idéntico a ti.
Hey, he looks just like you, Poindexter!
Oye, se parece a ti, Poindexter.
He looks just like you.
Es idéntico a ti.
Damn, he looks just like you!
¡ Increíble cómo se te parece!
- He looks just like you. - [Laughs]
Se ve igual a ti.
He looks just like you.
El se parece a ti.
He looks just like you, sweetoo!
¡ Es igualito a ti, sweetoo!
Claude looks like a girl, he looks just like you.
Claude parece una chica, se parece a ti.
He looks just like you did when you were his age.
Se parece a Ud, cuando tenía su edad.
No, his name's Mr T. Honestly, he looks just like you.
No, su nombre es Mr T. Honestamente, se ve como tu.
Oh man, he is so hansom, I mean he looks just like you.
Ah, Dios, es guapísimo. Es igualito que tú.
He looks just like you.
Luce igual que tú.
- ( Agnes ) He looks just like you.
- Es igual a ti.
He looks just like you.
Hmm. se parece a usted.
He looks just like you, only he has a skank attached to his hip.
Se parece a ti, pero tiene una perra en su cadera.
Looks like Alice is going to get married, and I think she'll be very happy because we just met the boy you sent her and he looks fine.
Parece ser que Alice se va a casar y creo que será muy feliz, porque acabamos de conocer al chico que le has enviado y tiene buen aspecto.
Well, looks like he's done a heap already, just a-having you.
Dios ya ha hecho bastante con darme a ti. A partir de ahora,...
Of course, he was much taller than I, but there's something about a tall man that I, well I don't know, you look up at him and he looks down at you, and I don't know, you just go on like that indefinitely.
Jamás hubiese imaginado algo así de Kimo, un encanto con las mujeres.
- Se que parece familiar... y se que me atemorizó, igual que lo hizo contigo.
You notice he looks just like me?
¿ Te has fijado en que es clavado a mí?
You might just as well say he looks nothing like me.
Igual puede decirse que él no se parece nada a mí.
If it looks like he's making a move to honk you, you just grab his hand.
Si ves que se te acerca en plan sexual, le coges la mano.
Me? You're the one who looks like he just blew out of Gone With the Wind.
Parece que lo ha traído Lo que el viento se llevó.
I keep telling him it looks just like his, and he keeps saying,'That's why I want you to change it.'
Le digo que es como la suya... y por eso quiere que me la opere.
When you see a terrorist on television, he looks just like a terrorist.
O que al ver a un terrorista tenga cara de terrorista.
Would you leave Carol in there with a boy... who looks like he just fell off an X-rated wedding cake?
¿ Dejarías a Carol aquí con un chico... que parece que salió de un pastel de bodas pornográfico?
Hey don't you reckon he looks just like charlton heston?
Hey.. no cree que se se `parece un poco a Charlton Heston?
In fact I just saw her in the next train-coach, dressed up like Cinderella, asking everybody if he's seen a stupid fucking idiot who looks like you.
De hecho la acabo de ver en el siguiente vagón, vestida como Cenicienta, preguntandole a todo el mundo si han visto a un estupido idiota parecido a vos.
Looks like you just bought yourself... a lottery ticket- - to jail. He's unconscious, sir.
Parece que compraste un billete de lotería para la cárcel.
That people in Dodge are complaining you're too quick to bash a man... ... just because you don't like the way he looks.
En Dodge se quejan de que enseguida se te va la mano con cualquiera... solo porque no te guste su aspecto.
You see, I've seen the future and the future looks... just like him.
He visto el futuro, y se parece a... él.
There was one point in there where he asked you he says " it looks like your just changing'your story,
En cierto momento, te preguntó...
Well, looks like he's done a heap already, Just a-having you.
Parece que ya hizo mucho... el sólo tenerla.
You just tell me what he looks like... and where I can find him.
Sólo dime cómo es y dónde puedo encontrarlo.
I know you lost contact with him, but He looks like he just got out of jail.
Habrás perdido contacto, pero... parece haber salido de la cárcel
Looks like he just wanted to shoot you.
Parece que sólo quería dispararte.
He looks just like that underwear model... you like, doesn't he?
Se parece a aquel modelo en ropa interior... Te gusta, ¿ verdad?
You weren't going to... the main dummy, the big daddy dummy, he looks just like Joe.
Tú no ibas a... El maniquí principal. El gran papi maniquí.
- I don't know. - You might wanna know because he looks a lot like the guy who just tried to kill me.
- Quizá quieras saberlo porque se parece mucho al tipo que acaba de intentar matarme.
From what you just told me, it looks like he and Melissa killed Corporal Morgan.
Por lo que me dice parece que él y Melissa mataron al cabo Morgan.
But when he looks at you... he gets that same grin on his face... just like when he used to look at Mom.
Pero cuando te mira... le surge la misma sonrisa en el rostro... como cuando miraba a mamá.
The teacher - - he, he, he, he talks really fast, and if, if, if you ask a question, he just looks at you like you're stupid, and so I read the book, and I read, like, five pages, and I can't remember a, a thing.
El profesor, él, él, él, él, él habla muy rápido, y si, si, si preguntas, te da una mirada que te hace sentir estúpido, y leí este libro, leí como 5 páginas y no comprendí nada.
What do you think happened to him? He looks kinda sad. Like he was just a part of a family, and, sort of, fell away.
sólo pasa cada mucho tiempo mira el sol, parece como que trata de compenetrarse y como que quiere irse
You should see him. He looks just like Sandy.
Deberías verlo, es igual a Sandy.
You don't know what he did to me. Darius looks just like him.
No sabes lo que me hizo.

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