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He was a great guy traduction Espagnol

175 traduction parallèle
I knew all along he was a great guy.
Supe en todo momento que era un gran tipo.
He was a great guy, and a darn fine squadron commander, too.
Era un chico estupendo. Y un gran jefe de escuadrilla.
Didn't I say he was a great guy?
¿ No dije que era estupendo?
He was a great guy.
Era un gran tipo.
He was a great guy, and she was nuts about him.
ÉI era un gran tipo y ella estaba loca por él.
He was a great guy.
Era un gran hombre.
- Sounds like he was a great guy.
Parece que era un sujeto fenomenal. Lo era.
He was a great guy!
- ¡ Era un gran tipo!
Now, he was a great guy.
Era un gran tipo.
He was a great guy.
Un tipo muy majo.
He was a great guy. But guess what, Will?
Era un gran tipo, ¿ pero adivina qué, Will?
He was a great guy.
Era un gran tipo, dulce.
He was a great guy, and I really loved him, but... I'm sorry you lost him.
Era un gran tipo, y lo quería mucho, pero... Siento que se muriera.
He was a great guy.
Gran tipo.
He was a great guy, and we all miss him around here.
Era un hombre maravilloso y todos lo echamos de menos aquí.
- Yeah, he was a great guy.
- Síi, era muy bueno.
I thought he was a great guy.
Yo creí que era un buen chico.
He was a great guy.
Era un excelente sujeto.
I didn't know your dad but I think he was a great guy.
No conocí a tu padre pero creo que era un gran tipo.
Oh, he was a great guy.
El era un gran tipo.
He was a great guy.
Era un tipo estupendo.
He was a great guy and he was killed a few days before the return to democracy.
Unos días antes de la vuelta de la democracia.
Oh, you don't get me. Listen, you're talking to a guy... that kidded an out-and-out dub... into thinking he was a great fighter.
Soy el tipo que engañó a un pardillo para crea que es un buen boxeador.
That guy was a great joker when he first come here.
Ese tipo era un gran bromista cuando llegó.
I knocked around the world... and I thought I was a great guy.
Me he pasado toda la vida... vagando por el mundo... y creía que era un tipo increíble.
He was a greatjockey- - And a great guy.
Era un gran jinete... y un gran hombre.
I'd just like to say that he was a good surfer and a really great guy.
Yo sólo quiero decir que era un buen surfista y una gran persona.
Old man Swanson was one tough son of a bitch, he was a great guy.
El viejo Swanson era un hueso duro. Una gran persona.
And then after he'd gone, I turned the television on... and there was this guy who had just won the something-something. Some sports event - some kind of a great big check and some kind of huge silver bottle. And he, you know - he couldn't stuff the check in the bottle... and he put the bottle in front of his nose and pretended it was his face.
Entonces puse la tele... y vi a un tipo que ganó algo de deportes, le habían dado un cheque y una botella gigante de plata, metió el cheque en la botella y la puso delante de su cara.
He's a great old guy, got drunk every night but his face was human, you know, he'd talk to you, he'd say :
Es un buen hombre, se emborrachaba todas las noches pero su rostro era humano, sabes, hablaba contigo, decía :
He had this really great'59 El Camino, didn't run of course, but he was always out there working on it, sweaty, grease all over his hands... what a guy!
El tenia un espectacular'59 "El Camino", no corría claro, pero el estaba siempre afuera trabajando en eso, sudoroso, con grasa en sus manos... ¡ Que tipo!
Everything, as I recall, that Mulder ever said... was about what a great guy Mulder was... and how marvelous it was that he was getting all these convictions.
Según recuerdo, Mulder sólo hablaba... de lo fantástico que era Mulder... y de lo maravilloso que era que estuviera logrando todas esas condenas.
He was a pretty great guy, huh?
Era un tipo fantástico, ¿ eh?
He was Marc-Antoine, a great guy.
Él era Marc-Antoine, un gran tipo.
He was a really, really great guy.
Era un tipo realmente maravilloso.
He said he was looking on the block for a great-looking guy women find irresistible.
Él dijo que estaba buscando en la cuadra un hombre de gran aspecto que la s mujeres encuentren irresistible.
He was such a great guy, you know.
Era un muchacho fantástico.
Well, he was a really great guy.
Era un tipo estupendo.
But I'm also very sorry that I'm not who you thought I was, But I'm also very sorry that I'm not who you thought I was, a guy you came so far to get to know because you thought he was so great. a guy you came so far to get to know because you thought he was so great.
Pero también lamento mucho no ser quien creiste que era, un tipo por el que viniste de tan lejos para conocer porque pensaste que era tan genial y no lo soy.
Your brother was a great guy, until he took the...
Tu hermano era un gran tipo, hasta que se enganchó...
I didn't wanna prejudice her before she saw what a great guy he was.
No quería que tuviera prejuicios antes de que viera el gran tipo que es.
He was such a great guy!
Y era un tipo tan bueno!
He was a great old guy.
Era un viejo cojonudo.
He was such a great guy.
Era un gran chico.
He kept on about Carlton and what a great guy he was, and how lucky I was, and I dunno, I just told him.
Habló sobre Carlton y que chico grande que era... y lo afortunado que era, y no sé, sólo le dije.
My dad was a great guy. But he wasn't perfect.
Mi padre era un hombre genial pero no era perfecto.
Fazio was a great guy, he liked women, money.
Facio era un flor de tipo alegre, le gustaban las mujeres, le gustaba jugar, le gustaba todo, le gustaba la plata
I haven't done this with a guy since sophomore year at Smith, and let me tell you, it was not that great.
No lo he hecho con un hombre desde la universidad y no fue tan bueno.
He wouldn't look at another guy except to ask for a beer was our school's star quarterback, great student.
Él no miraría a otro hombre excepto para pedir una cerveza, El era nuestra estrella deportiva, juega de quarterback, buen estudiante.
He was always such a great guy.
Siempre fue un gran tipo.
Me and Donny, that was fun. But I met a great new guy. He's a Flagler cousin.
Donny y yo nos divertíamos, pero conocí a otro tipo, primo de Flagler.

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