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He was like a father to me traduction Espagnol

88 traduction parallèle
He was like a father to me.
Él fue como un padre para mí.
He was like a father to me.
Fue como un padre para mí.
He was like a father to me.
Era como un padre para mí.
Chelkovsky was one of my teachers, he was like a father to me. But why would a man like you be interest...
Yockonski fue uno de mis maestros una vez un hombre...
He was like a father to me. And you killed him.
Era como mi padre y Ie ha matado.
He was like a father to me.
Se portó como un padre.
Well, he was like a father to me.
Lo quise mucho.
He was like a father to me.
- Fue como un padre para mí.
He was like a father to me.
Era como un padre para mí
He was like a father to me,..... through his many successes... .. and... some of his bitter disappointments.
Fue como un padre para mí a través de sus muchos éxitos y... algunas de sus amargas desilusiones.
He was like a father to me, really.
Era como un padre para mí.
He was like a father to me.
Era un padre para mí.
He was like a father to me
Era como un padre para mi.
He was like a father to me...
Él fue un padre para mí...
And you know he was like a father to me.
Y sabes que era como un padre para mi.
He was like a father to me.
Él me pareció a un padre.
He was like a father to me, really.
Fue como un padre para mí.
He was like a father to me and a great card player, I was raised at the table with him.
El fue como un padre para mi Y era un gran jugador de cartas, Yo creci en la mesa con el.
He was like a father to me.
Fue como un padre para mi.
Charley was, um... He was like a father to me.
Charley fue,... fue como un padre para mi.
He was like a father to me.
El era como un padre para mi.
He was like a father to me.
Lo sentía como un padre para mí.
Deep down he was like an older brother, a father to me.
En mi ánimo, Maciste había tomado el puesto de un hermano mayor, de un padre.
I never got a chance to meet him. Joe, if my father knew I was I was going to work with a stripper, he'd chop me like a ripe banana. Me, Hidaka, doing an act with Sugar Torch!
- No llegué a conocerlo Joe, si mi padre se entera de que trabajo con una bailarina de strip-tease...
No wonder Cabot was able to break my father. He wouldn't fight like that! But I will.
No me extraña que Cabot hiciera quebrar a mi padre, él no luchó, pero yo sí lo haré.
He's been like a father to me, ever since mine was killed in Korea.
Ha sido como una padre para mí, desde que al mío le mataron en Corea.
He was like a father to everyone, even to me.
Ayudaba a todo el mundo, incluso a mí.
He was careful to keep out of trouble, always did the right thing, not like me who took Nancy to places her father didn't like.
Tuvo cuidado de no meterse en problemas, siempre hacía lo correcto, no como yo, que llevó a Nancy a lugares que no gustaban a su padre.
I may not have liked him, but he was like a father to Alex. And Alex repaid him with complete loyalty.
Puede que no me guste, pero fue como un padre para Alex, y Alex le pagó con completa lealtad.
In addition to being like a father figure to me he was a very special man.
Además de ser un padre para mí, fue un... hombre especial.
You're starting to sound like a broken record. I had this terrible, unbelievable time with Channe. She had a huge head like my father's, and there was so much scar tissue.
Debe de ser un milagro porque todos los médicos que he visto me han dicho que nunca más podría quedarme embarazada.
My father was hell-bent on getting me to go to Harvard Law School, like he did.
Y además a mí, me fue muy bien. Mi padre había decidido que estudiara leyes en Harvard, como él.
Dawson was able to count on us when he needed to and I felt like a father again.
Dawson contó con nosotros cuando lo necesitó. Y yo... me he vuelto a sentir como un padre.
You know? And for the first time I was finally able to appreciate what a great father he was and how lucky l was without feeling guilty. You know, without feeling like I let him down.
Por primera vez me di cuenta de lo buen padre que era y de la suerte que tuve de conocerlo sin sentirme culpable y sin sentir que lo defraudé.
It was like a son who wanted to show his father what he'd become, so the old man would be proud of him, and if you ask me... he was.
Fue como un hijo que esperaba mostrarle a su padre en qué se había convertido de modo que el anciano se sintiera orgulloso de él y, si me lo preguntan... así fue.
He was not just like a father to me, which he was in some ways but I admired him very much for the constancy of his point of view.
No sólo fue como un padre para mí. También lo admiraba por la constancia de su punto de vista.
He was like a father figure to me.
Era como una figura paternal para mí.
I don't like my mother's father because... when I was twelve, he took me to Goiás Velho... to this house... to a brothel.
Yo no quiero al padre de mi madre, porque... cuando yo tenía 12 años, me trajo a Goiás Velho... y eso era... Era un burdel.
But he stood by me and was like a second father to me.
El estuvo conmigo, fue como un segundo padre para mi
My Uncle Leo was more than my uncle, he was like a second father to me.
Mi tío Leo era más que un tío era un segundo padre para mí.
I know he was like a father to you but he owns me. I'm sorry, Bob.
Lo lamento.
So when you leave here today I'd like you to remember my father for what he really was.
Por eso cuando se vayan de aquí hoy me gustaría que recuerden a mi padre por lo que realmente fue.
I mean, he was like a second father to me. And then one day I found out that he was sleeping with his students, and I was crushed.
Y entonces, un día descubrí que se acostaba con sus estudiantes yo estaba devastada, quiero decir :
He was like a father and mother to me.
Era como un padre y una madre para mí.
My father was a warrior and farmer all his life. He taught me that a tree is like a human being, not a hair of his is to be touched.
Mi padre fue guerrero y granjero toda su vida, y me enseñó que el árbol es como un ser humano, no se le debe tocar ni un pelo.
He helped me have that security that I've always wanted in a father figure, and he didn't have to treat me like I was one of his kids or buy things for me.
Me ayudó a tener la seguridad que siempre quise en una figura paterna, y no tenía que tratarme como a uno de sus hijos ni comprarme cosas.
He was like a father figure to me.
Él era como mi padre.
James Brown, who was like the father I've never had, was in his office one evening in Augusta, Georgia, and he said to me that he was real tight with the Republicans.
James Brown, que fue como el padre que nunca tuve estaba en su oficina una tarde en Augusta, Georgia y me dijo que estaba muy unido a los republicanos.
Nevertheless, he was my father, my first example of what a man should be like I watched people treat him like a god so to me he was a god,
A pesar de todo, fue mi padre mi primer ejemplo de un hombre la gente lo trataba como a un dios entonces para mí era un dios.
He was always so nice to me, like I had hoped a father might be.
Siempre fue muy amable conmigo, como esperaba que un padre podría ser.
I mean, Jay was my dad's partner so he was kind of like a father to me himself.
Quiero decir, Jay fue el compañero de mi papá así que era como un padre para mi.

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