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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ H ] / He won't come

He won't come traduction Espagnol

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If he thinks you're dead he won't come here.
Si cree que estás muerta no vendrá aquí.
Above all, I want to write him that even if he'll never come, even if he won't fall in love, only because he wrote me the way he did, he made me understand that when I'll get out of here I'll get out to never return.
y le quiero escribir que, aunque él no venga a verme aquí nunca... aunque no se enamorase nunca... sólo por que me ha escrito, así como me ha escrito... me ha hecho entender que... que cuando salga de aquí... lo haré para no volver más.
I've been no place. I didn't come to bother you. Well, you won't.
No he hablado con nadie, no quiero molestarte.
If he won't come out and fight like a man, there are ways to make him come out.
Si no sale a luchar como un hombre, hay maneras de hacerle salir.
The colonel said he'll come to see you. It won't be too long.
El Coronel dijo que vendrá a verlo.
Chances are he won't come back anymore.
Todo indica que no va a volver nunca más.
He won't come here.
Él no vendrá.
Since he won't come, tell him I have always hoped for something for him.
Ya que no puede venir, dígale que yo siempre he esperado algo para él.
Perhaps he won't come today.
- Es posible que hoy no venga.
He won't come to the pictures with me.
No quiere acompañarme al cine.
He won't come in.
No entrará.
If you whip a dog hard enough he won't come. Same thing goes for cats.
Si apaleas a tu perro dejará de obedecerte.
We must bring that man. He won't come.
- Hay que hacer venir a ese hombre.
Well, don't worry. He won't come out of the dark like that.
No va a surgir de la oscuridad de repente.
It's getting so lately that I go out to lunch so he won't come home for lunch.
Últimamente cuando salgo fuera para comer él no viene a comer a casa.
He won't come
No vendrá.
Mitya asked me to tell you that he won't come.
Dmitri pidió que te dijera, que no vendrá.
- He won't come.
- Él no va a venir.
~ Yeah, and he says he won't come anymore.
- Sí, y que ya no vendrá más.
So you won't forget, I've come for you.
A fin de que no lo olvides, he venido por ti.
He won't come.
No vendrá.
So he won't come?
¿ No vendrá?
I told you I won't come.
He dicho que no voy.
If he won't come, phone me.
¡ Si no quiere venir, llámame!
- We don "t know yet, he won" t come back.
- Todavía no sabemos que no volverà.
- He won't come up.
- Se fue como una piedra al fondo.
He won't come back ever again?
No volverá jamás.
He won't come out of that terrible place... and won't let me in.
No quiere salir de ese horrible lugar y tampoco me deja entrar.
He says he won't come down until you agree... to play football for the Methodists.
Dice que no bajará hasta que aceptes... jugar al fútbol para los metodistas.
I'm sure he won't come here.
Él no va a venir.
He won't have come alone
No debe haber venido solo.
But he won't talk about it, so this morning I decided we should come to church and see someone.
Pero él no querrá hablar de ello, así que esta mañana decidí que debíamos venir a la iglesia a ver a alguien.
He won't come back.
Él no regresará.
If he wants to see me right away then I'm afraid I won't be able to come with you.
Si quiere verme en seguida, temo que no podré irme contigo. ¿ Ah, sí?
But to come and confide in his teacher, this he won't do...
Pero eso es mucho pedir. No lo hará nunca.
But he won't live much longer, Come quickly,
No creo que viva mucho más tiempo venga rápido.
Musashi will come for certain, won't he?
¿ Seguro que Musashi vendrá?
He won't come out before the sun goes down, like a nocturnal bird.
No saldrá hasta el atardecer, como un pájaro nocturno.
Becket won't come you know, he's much too busy, giving money to the poor and fitting sandals on beggars.
Ya sabes que Becket no vendrá, está demasiado ocupado... dando dinero a los pobres... y poniendo sandalias a los mendigos.
No harm would come to him if he won't try to get away!
Esto no hubiera ocurrido si no hubiera intentado escapar.
I am, but he won't come back.
Sí, pero él no volverá.
Well, he won't eat.
Bueno, no come.
He won't come with us.
Es inútil.
He won't let my kids come to trial.
No dejará que enjuicien a mis hijos.
He says he won't be able to come home.
Dice que no va a poder venir.
- He won't come.
No vendrá.
he has to see that you're here like every night, otherwise he won't come in.
Es preciso que vea que está Ud. aquí como todas las noches.
- You know he won't come out.
- No quiere salir.
He's hiding under the stairs and won't come out.
Se escondió bajo la escalera y no quiere salir.
When she comes to the door, he won't even come into the house.
Cuando le abre la puerta, no quiere ni entrar en la casa.
I know : so he won't beat you, come live with me and Chema.
Ya sé : para que no te pegue vente a vivir conmigo y con Chema.

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