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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ H ] / He would have killed me

He would have killed me traduction Espagnol

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He would have killed me.
Me hubiera matado.
He would have killed me. Why?
Me habría matado. ¿ Por qué?
He would have killed me too.
El también me hubiera matado.
If I refused, he would have killed me too!
Si me hubiera negado, me hubiera matado. No tenía elección.
If I hadn't done it, he would have killed me.
Estaba de mi lado para lo que sabía.
A bit more and he would have killed me too, captain.
Un poco más y me mata también a mi Comisario.
I think he would have killed me.
Creo que me habría matado.
I had no choice. He would have killed me.
No tuve elección, me hubiese matado.
Luckily you've come in good time... otherwise he would have killed me I said earlier Brother Wu Qing is a good person
afortunadamente viniste a tiempo... de otra manera me habría matado llego a tiempo el hermano Wu Qing es una buena persona perdón por no haber venido antes nunca imagine este contratiempo!
Honest to God, he would have killed me.
Te lo juro, él me habría matado.
I didn't have a choice. If I didn't follow his orders, he would have killed me for sure.
no tenia opcion si no hubiera seguido sus ordenes, el me habria matado!
He would have killed me!
¡ Me habría matado!
He would have killed me.
Me podría haber matado.
If I'd have walked in first, he would have killed me instead.
Si yo hubiera entrado primero me habría matado a mí.
He would have killed me if I hadn't done it.
Me hubiera matado si no lo hacía.
My dad would have killed me, bro. He would have killed me if he had to pay that kind of money.
Mi padre me habría matado si hubiera tenido que pagar esa pasta.
Yeah, you know. If my dad had known, he would have killed me!
Si, tu sabes. ¡ Si mi papá se Entera, me habría matado!
Otherwise he would have killed me.
De lo contrario, él me habría matado.
If I didn't go along with him, he would have killed me.
Si no lo seguía, me habría matado.
Don't you think he would have killed me by now?
¿ No crees que me habría matado ya?
He would have killed me.
Me habría matado.
If I didn't shoot him, he would have killed me.
Si no le hubiera disparado me hubiera matado él a mí.
I tried to stop him, but he would have killed me, too.
Yo quería impedírselo, pero me hubiera matado.
If I had met him on the front he would have killed me too.
Si yo me lo hubiera encontrado en el frente él también me habría matado.
Otherwise, he would have killed me himself.
Si no, me hubiera matada él mismo.
If I didn't do it, he would have killed me.
Si no lo hubiera hecho, podría haberme matado.
He would have killed me in my sleep.
Él me hubiese matado mientras dormía.
If it was not for my moral authority and he would have killed me.
Si no fuera por mi autoridad moral, me habría matado.
He would have killed me!
¡ Él me habría matado!
It would be impossible for me to tell you how many animals I have killed.
No podría decir cuántos animales he abatido.
Pothinus said he would have me killed.
Potino dijo que me mataría.
If he didn't save me, I would have been killed back then.
Si no me hubiera salvado, me habrían matado en aquel entonces.
Already, he has withstood attacks from me that would have killed a human being.
Ha sobrevivido a un ataque que hubiera matado a un ser humano.
I would hate to have to explain to him what happened, if he killed you.
No me gustaría tener que explicarle lo ocurrido, si él te mata.
If he have to die, or be killed, I would personaly be pleased.
Si muriera o le asesinaran yo me sentiría satisfecho.
He would have me killed trying to escape.
Quería matarme en pleno intento de fuga.
I would have killed him for how he had offended me in front of everyone but instead, I changed my mind.
Lo habría matado por cómo me había ofendido delante de todos, pero en cambio, cambié de idea.
He would have to have me and Rafer killed wouldn't he?
Tendría que matar a Rafer y a mí ¿ no?
But, they would have killed me if I didn't do it. Yes, he is right. Your mind can never he purified and stay with Buddha.
Pero me habrían matado si no lo hubiera hecho. tu mente nunca podrá purificarse y quedarse con Buda.
If someone had treated me the way he has treated you..... I think I would have killed them.
Si alguien me tratase como él te ha tratado... creo que lo habría matado.
He would have killed for me.
Habría matado por mí.
I guess if he had killed me, my uniform would have made you all a fine trophy.
Si me hubiera matado mi uniforme habría sido un trofeo precioso.
He would have raped me or killed me.
Me habría violado o asesinado. Lo sé.
If I were her, and he called me in at 2 : 00 in the morning, I would have killed him.
Si fuera ella y él me hubiera llamado a las 2 : 00 a.m., lo habría matado.
I stuck with you. Would have killed the professor if you'd given me the chance.
Te he apoyado todo el tiempo, hasta hubiera matado al Profesor.
The way he talked to me... a different man would have killed him.
Por la forma en que me habló otro hombre lo habria matado.
If he had meant to harm me, he would have killed Kalman.
Si quisiera hacerme daño, habría matado a Kalman.
He would've killed me for marrying a son of a bitch of my own, because he knew what that would have been like for me.
Me hubiera matado por casarme con un hijo de perra propio porque sabía lo que eso hubiera sido para mí.
Nowhere. I just defended myself as best I could ; if it were not for you, they would have killed me.
En ninguna parte, me he defendido como he podido, si no llega a ser por ti me hubieran matado.
I also knew that if he couldn't have me, he would've killed Danny and my son.
Tambien sabia que si el no podia tenerme, el hubiese matado a Danny y a mi hijo.
If Bazhaev could have told me how to get to the people that just killed his son, he would have.
Si Bazhaev me hubiera dicho como llegar a la gente que acaba de matar a su hijo, lo habría hecho.

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