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He would never do that traduction Espagnol

205 traduction parallèle
He would never do that. There is no reason...
Él no haría una cosa así, no hay razón.
He did? But he would never do that.
¿ Se llevó el caballo por la deuda?
He would never do that.
Nunca lo haría
He would never do that to us!
¡ Él nunca nos haría eso!
He would never do that!
¡ Él nunca haría eso!
He would never do that!
¡ Él nunca haría esto!
He would never do that.
Nunca haría eso.
- He would never do that.
- Él nunca haría eso.
He would never do that.
Nunca lo haría.
He would never do that.
No, él nunca haría eso.
No. he would never do that. That would be totally unlike him.
No, nunca lo haría, no sería típico de él.
"My father won't fire the surgeon general. He would never do that."
"Mi padre nunca despediría a la cirujana general".
He would never do that.
- Nunca haría eso.
No, he would never do that.
No, él nunca haría eso.
He would never do that.
Él nunca haría eso.
He would never do that.
- Él nunca haría eso.
Why would I do something that I've never done in 34 years of my life in such a pivotal moment like this?
¿ Por qué haría algo que nunca he hecho... en un momento así?
As you've paid me the great compliment of asking me to be your wife, I wonder if it would interest you to know that... as a woman who's done nearly everything there is to do in this world. This is one of the things I've never done.
Ya que me pediste que fuera... tu esposa, puede que te interese saber... que como mujer que lo ha hecho prácticamente todo,... en este mundo,... eso es algo que nunca he hecho.
Oh, no, that would never do. Why, when this blows over, he'd be embarrassed for life to know you children knew about his foolishness.
Porque cuando esto acabe, estaría avergonzado de por vida saber que los chicos conocían de su locura.
Now, of course, I won't prevent you to see him, I would never do that.
Naturalmente yo no quiero impedir que lo vea. Eso no lo he hecho ni lo haré nunca.
I couldn't do what a layman would do in the same situation : Pretend that he'd never heard of the law.
Pero no pude hacer lo que un seglar hubiera hecho, fingir que desconocía la ley.
You see, Mr Ford would never ask Bash Brannigan to do anything that he hadn't already done himself.
Verá usted, el Sr. Ford jamás le pide a Bash Brannigan algo que no haya hecho él anteriormente.
Do you mean I would never have let you make a sacrifice like that?
¿ Quiere decir que nunca me he permitido hacer un sacrificio así?
- He'II never do that. He would. I know him.
El hombre no tiene sentido y no puede hacernos daño.
First you told me he was retarded. Then that he would be blind and deaf. Then you told me that he'd never be able to do what regular kids do.
Que si se quedaría retrasado, que si sería ser ciego y sordo, que si no podría llevar la vida de un niño normal.
Well, now, we've had our differences over the years, but he would never do something like that to me.
Bueno, no. Hemos tenido nuestras diferencias todos estos años, pero nunca me habría hecho algo así.
That's why you weren't affected. He would never knowingly do anything to hurt anyone.
Y no podemos comunicarnos ni usar el transportador a menos que lo permita.
He said, um, "I would never do that to you. I would never lie to you."
Me dijo ; yo no haría eso, yo no le mentiría nunca a usted.
Just that he felt responsible for Seska, and was determined to stop her, but I never thought he would try to do this alone.
Solo que se sentía responsable y que estaba decidido a detenerla, pero jamás imaginé que trataría de hacerlo solo.
Do you think, since it's the last night of school and I might never see him again... that maybe he would dance with me?
Como es la última noche de la secundaria y quizás nunca vuelva a verlo ¿ crees que quizás él bailaría conmigo? Seguro.
Let me ask you. When I had conversations with you and I told you about Jack and how he was always getting hurt that I thought that he was out of his mind and that I would never date anybody like that again, a little bell didn't go off in your head and say, "Well, maybe I should tell her now what I do for a living?"
Cuando te conte sobre Jack y como siempre estaba lastimado,..... y como yo nunca saldria con nadie parecido de nuevo..... nunca pensastes, "Tal vez debería decirle lo que hago para ganarme la vida"?
For we knew he would do what he's done And we know that he'II never be One of us
Porque sabemos que él haría lo que hizo, y sabemos que nunca será uno de nosotros.
No, he would never do anything that prosaic.
No, nunca haría una cosa tan prosaica.
I thought that he would never do something like this, he'd never want to screw up his carrier like this.
Nunca pensé que pudiera hacerme esto. Supuse que no iba a querer arruinar su carrera. Está bien.
While we may never know how the film would've turned out, had Bruce Lee lived we do know with unimpeachable certainty, the vision that he had for the movie during the time he was filming its finale.
Aunque nunca sepamos cómo hubiera sido la película... si Bruce Lee hubiera vivido, sabemos con toda certeza... la visión que tenía para la película mientras filmaba el gran final.
Attacking Rome would mean attacking me, and that, he will never do.
Atacar a Roma sería atacarme a mí. Y eso jamás lo hará.
Eric nunca haría algo así.
, I know that... I'd never do a porno flick but if I did, J-ROC would be the last one doing it,'cause he's an idiot.
Yo sé que... nunca haría una porno pero si lo hiciera, nunca lo haría con J-ROC.
He was never heard from again because no one knew who he was in the first place. They brought him in from the West Coast. Why would they do that?
Porque si tu hermano estuviera muerto, y tú pensaras que yo tuve algo que ver, me seria difícil creer que no te quisieras vengar.
if you Henry Kissinger everybody knows what you want and does he know that they know what he wants sure does he know what they're going to do or how they gonna do it are you kidding anybody that would tell them what's going to happen is never going to get do
Si tú eres Henry Kissinger, todos saben lo que quieres - ¿ Sabe él que ellos saben lo que el quiere? - Seguro
And if he hadn't saved her, she would never get do the good that will earn her her wings.
Si no la hubiera salvado, no se ganaría las alas.
He said Nick had never been with a girl before, and that it was his birthday, and if I really loved him, I would do this for his friend.
Dijo que Nick nunca había estado con una chica que era su cumpleaños y, si yo lo amaba haría eso por su amigo.
Well, maybe George would do that... but he would never enter a confined space.
Bueno, quizás George haría eso pero nunca entraría a un ambiente reducido.
So do I. And I know he would never do anything... to hurt me like that.
Yo también. - Y no haría nada para hacerme daño así.
I've seen some parents see the little 4-year-olds... out there poppin'their booties... and like, "I would never let my daughter do that."
He visto a algunos padres que mandan a bailar a niñas de cuatro años, moviendo el trasero así, y yo me digo que nunca dejaría que mi hija hiciera eso.
Father... he never expected that... you would do such a thing for him.
Padre no se esperaba que hiciera semejante cosa por el.
First of all, I would never ever do anything like that, never.
En primer lugar, nunca jamas he hecho algo asi, nunca.
So she thought maybe if she made it look like Andrew had beat her, that that would do it, but that didn't do it because he'd actually never hit her.
Asíque pensó que podría hacer que pareciera. podría hacerlo....... pero no lo hizo porque hasta ese momento........ nunca le había pegado.
He is into things that I would never do.
Él está interesado en cosas que yo nunca haría.
Do y ou know that if wasn't for me he would have never regained his castle?
Sabes que si no hubiese sido por mí, él nunca habría recuperado su castillo?
I never thought he would ask me to do that. Make yourself comfortable. And may God forgive us.
Que Dios me perdone!

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