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He wouldn't traduction Espagnol

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Why wouldn't he give backup keys to the security company?
¿ Por qué no le dio llaves a la compañía de seguridad?
He said he knew you wouldn't mind.
Dijo que sabía que no te importaría.
Normally, I wouldn't, but he seemed desperate.
Normalmente, no lo haría, pero parecía desesperado.
He said you wouldn't wanna hear this over the phone.
Dijo que usted no querría oír esto por teléfono.
He wouldn't want any drama.
Él no querría ningún escándalo.
He wouldn't want to see me anyway.
No querría verme, de todos modos.
He did everything in his power to give me the kind of life so that wouldn't happen.
Hizo todo lo que pudo para que eso no pasara.
You know... there was a time you'd cross a Scotsman... and he wouldn't think twice about cutting your head off with a sword.
¿ Sabe? Hubo un tiempo en que si te cruzabas con un escocés te cortaba la cabeza con una espada sin pensarlo dos veces.
Only that you were just unfaithful to him, and he doesn't know or you wouldn't be throwing me out and being defensive.
Solo que acabas de serle infiel y él no lo sabe... o no me estarías echando tan a la defensiva.
He wouldn't have wanted me go backwards.
Él no habría querido que me vaya hacia atrás.
If it were simple, he wouldn't need your help.
Si fuera simple, no necesitaría de tu ayuda.
I wouldn't consider your having to move out of your room... a superfluous problem... and neither would your father, I'm sure, if he were apprised of the situation... as he has every right to be, by the way.
No consideraría el tener que cambiar de cuarto... un problema superfluo... y tampoco lo haría tu padre, si estuviera informado de la situación, algo de lo que tiene todo el derecho.
Nah, he wouldn't help.
No, no quiso ayudarme.
He wouldn't.
Él no lo haría.
I'll bet he picked this location because there wouldn't be any looky-loos to give it away as a fake crime scene.
Apuesto a que escogió este sitio porque no habría ningún mirón que descubriera que era una escena de crimen falsa.
Yeah, he must've parked it and walked back so we wouldn't see it here.
Sí, debió haberlo aparcado y vuelto andando, así no lo veríamos aquí.
He wouldn't stoop that low.
No se rebajaría tanto.
- He wouldn't...
- El no haría...
Mr. Lester wouldn't be happy if he knew what was happening in his absence.
El señor Lester no va a estar contento si se entera lo que está pasando en su ausencia.
And if you focus your anger on him, he wouldn't have hesitated to kill you.
Y si concentrabas tu ira en él, no hubiera vacilado en matarte.
He wouldn't dare miss his brother's wedding.
No se atrevería a faltar a la boda de su hermano.
If he knew shit that I was interested in, he wouldn't be a fucking pool guy.
Si supiera alguna mierda que pudiera interesarme, no sería el maldito sujeto de la piscina.
He just constantly and he wouldn't let up but I didn't mean to let anything out.
Él lo hace constantemente y nunca afloja. No quise decir nada de más.
Wouldn't he be more comfortable on the couch?
¿ No sería lo más cómodo en el sofá?
He wouldn't tell me how come he got invited.
No me contó por qué le invitaron.
- I told him wild horses wouldn't get you down.
Le he dicho que ni de puta coña bajarías.
Then he wouldn't have been the man he was.
Entonces no habría sido el hombre que era.
But he wouldn't be dead, either.
Pero tampoco habría muerto.
- Yeah, well, you wouldn't say that if you knew everything that he's done.
- Ya, bueno, no dirías eso si supieras - todo lo que ha hecho. - ¿ Qué hizo, Jake?
He was cocky and wouldn't budge.
Él era arrogante y no se movía.
And by the way, he wouldn't even exist if he hadn't flown out of my long, juicy prickus.
Y, por cierto, que ni siquiera existiría Si no hubiera volado fuera de mi larga y jugosa prickus.
If he knew, we wouldn't be here.
Si lo supiera, no estaría aquí.
He wouldn't want that.
Él no querría eso.
He forced us to strike and then sat in his tent and ate canned peaches while we got wet and lived off garbage a pig wouldn't touch.
Nos obligó a la huelga y luego se sentó en su tienda. Y comía melocotones enlatados, mientras nos mojábamos... y vivíamos de la basura que ni un cerdo tocaría.
If he asked you to give him a blowjob, you probably would out of fear, wouldn't you?
Si te pidiera una mamada, se la darías de puro miedo, ¿ no?
Of course he didn't survive, they knew he wouldn't.
Claro que no sobrevivió. Sabían que no lo haría.
They said you weren't decent, but I told them you wouldn't mind - and you don't, do you?
Me han dicho que no estabas presentable, pero les he dicho que no te importaría, y no te importa, ¿ verdad?
Prince Andrei wouldn't want you to shut yourself away, would he?
El Príncipe Andréi no querría que te encerraras, ¿ no es cierto?
He wouldn't understand.
Él no entendería.
Why wouldn't he be?
¿ Por qué no aceptar? Él...
And if Howard were my puppet he certainly wouldn't have recommended you to Davis Main.
Y si Howard fuera mi títere no te habría recomendado con Davis y Main.
When I first treated Charles, he was in a similar state. Wouldn't you agree?
Cuando traté a Charles por primera vez, estaba en un estado parecido, ¿ no?
I told ye he wouldn't like it.
Te dije que no le gustaría.
I told him Milord was there, but he... he wouldn't listen.
Le dije que Milord estaba allí, pero él no escuchaba.
I did find out what Maisri wouldn't tell Lord Lovat, though.
- No. Sin embargo, he descubierto lo que Maisri no le dijo a Lord Lovat.
He wouldn't eat chalk.
No comería tiza.
" The room wouldn't be the only thing he'd enter that day.
"La habitación no era el único lugar al que entraría ese día".
Uh, are you sure he wouldn't say,
¿ Estás seguro de que no diría :
Well, if he was, you'd be the first to know it, wouldn't you?
Bueno, si lo fuera, serías el primero en saberlo, ¿ no?
Either he didn't know or he wouldn't say.
O no lo sabía, o no lo iba a decir.
Though I suppose it's some strange irony that if he hadn't died, it wouldn't have made for nearly as interesting a book and I probably wouldn't be here right now.
Aunque supongo que si por alguna extraña ironía del destino no hubiera muerto, ni remotamente habría sido capaz de escribir un libro tan interesante y seguramente ahora mismo no estaría aquí.

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