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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ H ] / He wouldn't listen to me

He wouldn't listen to me traduction Espagnol

166 traduction parallèle
He'd probably listen to you, where he wouldn't to me.
Él sabrá escucharlo a Ud., pero creo que a mí no.
I told him the same thing many a time, but he wouldn't listen to me.
Le dije lo mismo muchas veces, pero no me escuchó.
- He wouldn't listen to me.
- No quiso escucharme.
He wouldn't listen to me.
No me hizo caso.
I tried to explain to him it wasn't a question of suffering or vivisection or any such rubbish, but he simply wouldn't listen to me, and then they... they...
Intenté explicarle que no sufrían ni los viviseccionábamos ni nada por el estilo. Pero no quiso escucharme, y entonces...
He wouldn't even listen to me.
Ni siquiera me escuchó.
He wouldn't listen to me. Six months later she married him... and I kind of talked myself out of the idea she could have done anything like that.
Ella se casó con él seis meses después... y me convencí de que ella no habría hecho algo así.
I begged him, but he wouldn't listen to me.
Le rogué, pero no me hizo caso.
I tried to tell him that, but he - he wouldn't listen.
Intenté decírselo, pero no me hizo caso.
No me escuchó.
He just wouldn't listen to me.
No me quiso escuchar.
When you told Steve I had to forget the ranch he tried to steer me onto something else, I wouldn't listen. What happens?
Cuando le dijiste a Steve que tendría que olvidarme del rancho, intentó convencerme para intentar otra cosa, pero no le hice caso. ¿ Y qué ocurrió?
He wouldn't listen to me.
No quiso escucharme.
He wouldn't listen to me.
A mí no me escucharía.
Listen, I was going to tell Sims that I pumped Steve and that he wouldn't tell me anything'cause he didn't know anything about you.
Escucha, le iba a decir a Sims que confronté a Steve y que no me dijo nada porque no sabia nada de ustedes.
Well, I'm afraid he wouldn't listen to me.
No me haría caso.
He wouldn't listen to me at all.
No me ha hecho ni caso.
I went to his flat at about 10 : 30, but he wouldn't listen. He just laughed at me.
Fui a su piso a Ias 10 : 30,... pero no quiso escucharme.
He said it was just neurosis I told him I still have pains, but he wouldn't listen to me
Ese médico tan inteligente me dijo que estaba bien. Pero yo me sentía mal. Dijo que sólo eran los nervios.
He pedido permiso a las autoridades para escavar y ni siquiera me han escuchado.
I warned him, but he wouldn't listen to me.
Se lo advertí, pero no me escuchó.
I tried to talk to Torrani, but he wouldn't listen.
Pero cuando traté de hablar con Torrani, no me escuchó.
I told that to Mr. Wills, but he wouldn't listen.
Se lo dije al Sr. Wills, pero no me hizo caso.
I tried to tell Gaston, he wouldn't listen to me.
Traté de explicarle a Gaston, no me escuchaba.
He wouldn't listen to... me.
No me escucharía... a mi.
I haven't told it to J.B. He wouldn't listen.
No lo hice. Traté, pero no me escuchó.
He wouldn't listen to me.
No podía escucharme.
I tried talking to him, but he wouldn't listen.
Intenté hablarle, pero no me escuchaba.
And he wouldn't listen to me.
Y no me escuchaba.
I tried to make him listen, but he wouldn't.
Traté de que me escuchara, pero no resultó.
He wouldn't listen to me.
No quisieron escucharme.
He wouldn't listen to a word I said.
No me quiso escuchar.
He wouldn't listen to me.
Él no me escucharía.
- Estaba pidiendo ayuda.
He wouldn't listen to me. He wouldn't listen to his doctor.
No me hacía caso, ni tampoco a su médico.
He wouldn't listen to me.
No quería escucharme.
listen, I'll call all three cars out after that boy and I wouldn't be surprised if he could tell us what happened to rosy keilman and frank's kid, too sheriff russell... sheriff what the dickens is this?
Le diré las patrullas que busquen a ese muchacho. Y no me sorprendería que nos contara lo que le sucedió a Rosy Kellman y a la niña de Frank. Sheriff Russell...
- and he wouldn't listen to me.
- pero no me escuchaba.
I told him to stay out but he wouldn't listen, he used his key.
Le dije que no entrara, pero no me hizo caso. Utilizó su llave.
But he wouldn't listen to me. He wouldn't believe me!
Pero no me escuchó. ¡ No me creyó!
I told him to pull over, let them take what they wanted but he wouldn't listen.
Le dije que frenara y que dejara que se llevasen lo que quisieran. Pero no me hizo caso.
Because he wouldn't listen to me.
Porque no me escuchó.
I told him that, but he wouldn't listen to me.
Se lo dije, pero no me escuchó.
I tried to... You wouldn't listen.
He intentado..., pero nunca me escuchaste.
I yelled at him to stop but he wouldn't listen.
Yo le grité que parara, pero no me escuchaba.
I tried to talk him out of it many times, but he wouldn't listen to me.
Traté de disuadirlo muchas veces, pero no quiso escucharme.
I didn't want him to go, but he wouldn't listen.
No quería que fuera, pero no me escuchó.
- He wouldn't listen to me.
- No me escuchaba.
But I was trying to explain to the guy before, but he wouldn't listen to me.
Intentaba explicárselo antes a aquel tipo, pero no quería escucharme.
And I told Ollie not to get in their face, but he wouldn't listen to me.
Y le dije a Ollie que no les buscara pleito, pero él no me hizo caso.
I tried to get Jake to come down, but he wouldn't listen.
Yo traté de hacer que bajara, pero no me hacía caso.

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