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His nephew traduction Espagnol

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The Baron von Chanterelle does not wish for his lineage to die out and therefore invites all of the region's maidens to gather in the marketplace so that his nephew, the sole heir, may choose a fitting maiden to take as his wife.
El barón de Chanterelle, deseando que no se extinga su estirpe... ruega a todas las jóvenes de la región que se reúnan en la Plaza del Mercado... para permitir a su sobrino y heredero universal... escoger a la joven idónea para convertirse en su mujer.
He wasrt talking about his nephew, sir.
No estabamos hablando acerca de su sobrino, señor.
- His nephew who was waiting at the door.
- Su sobrino que le esperaba en la puerta.
As a gesture toward the best friend that opera ever had, the late Mr Semple, it's fitting his nephew, Longfellow Deeds, be made our next chairman.
En memoria del mejor amigo de la ópera, el difunto Sr. Semple, propongo que su sobrino, el Sr. Deeds, sea nuestro presidente.
He and his nephew are on the cruise.
Él y su sobrino están realizando el crucero.
As a sign of his esteem... for his nephew and heir, the Emperor has chosen Archduke
"En señal de feliz aniversario..." "... y para testimoniar su aprobación a su Imperial...
Or the house itself will go to his nephew instead of to his wife.
Si no quieres que su fortuna pase a su sobrino en vez de a su esposa.
I'm his nephew.
Soy su sobrino.
I'm his nephew. I have a right to know.
Soy su sobrino, tengo derecho.
You are not his nephew. And if you know Michael Conroy at all... you must also know that for the past three years, he has been insane.
No es su sobrino, y si conociera a Michael Conroy... sabría que hace tres años que está demente.
could be of use at least to the family of his nephew!
podría servir al menos a la familia de su sobrino!
And his nephew being on the same stage wasn't just a coincidence.
El que su sobrino viniera contigo no fue coincidencia.
- Representative Malcolm is anxious to get in touch with his nephew as soon as possible.
- Malcolm está ansioso de saludar a su sobrino lo antes posible.
Does this nephew of yours consider that his conquests give him a right to override- -?
¿ Este sobrino tuyo considera que sus conquistas le dan derecho a hacer caso omiso...?
Because his nephew, Vinicius, loves a Christian girl, Lygia.
Porque su sobrino, Vinicio, ama a una chica cristiana, Ligia.
Frank Braun. His nephew.
Soy Frank Braun, su sobrino.
I'm sure he can find someone else to support his nephew.
Que busque a otra para mantener a su sobrino.
And also his nephew, I think.
Bien y también su sobrino, si no me equivoco.
If you're heading to Stewart's for his nephew don't waste your time.
Si van a buscarle a casa de Stewart no se moleste.
His nephew?
¿ El sobrino?
Do you think your cousin would allow his nephew to marry our daughter?
¿ Crees que tu primo permitirá a su sobrino casarse con nuestra hija?
- His nephew.
- El sobrino.
Oh? Well I rented it from his nephew mark Fleming who has the real estate office here.
La alquilé a través de su sobrino, Mark Fleming que tiene una inmobiliaria por aquí.
I rented this place from mark Fleming, his nephew.
Alquilé la casa a través del sobrino de Fleming.
He asked me for news of his nephew.
Me pidió noticias de su sobrino.
Yes, his nephew. He hasn't shown up in 15 years and now appears only because he inherited it.
Sobrino sólo por decir algo, después de 15 años... aparece por aquí sólo porque ha heredado.
And he'd like so much for you to marry his nephew Livio.
¡ Y le gustaría tanto que te casases con su sobrino Livio!
I trust that my nephew won't go off the deep end... and he'll come back to his senses.
Confío que mi sobrino no se involucrará demasiado... y regresará a sus sentidos.
Out of grief over his lost nephew Baron von Chanterelle sees his end approaching.
Por el dolor de haber perdido a su sobrino, el Barón de Chanterelle se aproxima a su fin.
My nephew, count Manuel, intimates that he has been granted leave from his duties in the war and will pay us a visit.
Mi sobrino, el Conde Manuel, me anuncia que tiene un permiso de la guerra y que nos hará una visita.
In his place I name Amenmeses, my nephew, To be my successor
En su lugar reclamo a Amenmeses, mi sobrino, tiene mi sucesión
This is my nephew, George Hugon,... who worries me... by his conduct.
Se trata de mi sobrino, George Hugon, de quien me inquieta su conducta.
"A distant nephew of Caruso on his mother's side."
"Un sobrino lejano de Caruso, por parte de madre."
But I'm more than Caesar's nephew, I'm his heir.
Pero soy más que el sobrino de Caesar, soy su heredero.
she's reserved for my nephew and being taught how to earn his love first... before wasting her favors on others.
Está reservada para mi sobrino y está aprendiendo a ganarse su amor antes de gastar sus favores en otros.
My nephew Hippolytus, and that friend of his, the young Spanelli.
Mi sobrino Hipólito, y ese amigo suyo, el joven Spanelli.
My nephew and his wife only want Boy's fortune.
Mi sobrino y su esposa sólo quieren la fortuna de Boy.
There is a wide gap between my nephew's promises... And his fulfilment of them.
Hay un abismo entre las promesas que hace mi sobrino y el cumplimiento de esas promesas.
Tell him I was a blackmailer and that I came up here just to blackmail his rich nephew.
Cuéntele que era una chantajista, y que pienso chantajear a su sobrino.
Take your nephew with you to return him to his family because I don't want him.
Pero IIévese también a su niño de regalo para Ia familia, porque yo no Io quiero.
All night long, our dear Gabriel has bent over his printing press in the cellar to make these for you, Monsieur, and for you, my dear nephew.
Nuestro querido Gabriel ha pasado toda la noche... trabajando con su prensa para hacerlos. Para usted y para ti, querido sobrino.
He's my nephew, his name is Tarcisius, mine is Lucian. And you?
Es mi sobrino, se llama Tarsicio y yo me llamo Luciano. ¿ Y tú?
Well, well, there's my own nephew, I said sitting with his friends.
Vaya, ahí está mi sobrino, dije sentado con sus amigos.
By the way, what would the Czar say if he saw his favorite nephew going nuts over an Italian singer, while a poor Baltic princess awaits him anxiously at the altar?
A propósito, ¿ qué diría el zar si viera a su sobrino predilecto enloquecer por una cantante italiana? Mientras una pobre princesita báltica espera ansiosamente para llevarle al altar.
There was Lord Aeneas, nephew of King Priam on his way to the palace where the future of Troy was being weighed by the royal council.
Aquí está Eneas, sobrino del rey Príamo camino del palacio donde el futuro de Troya está siendo sopesado por el consejo real.
our nephew. And his uncles, that's us ourself, personified,
a nuestro sobrino, por eso sus tíos, que somos nosotros en persona,
Well, now, you say you're his nephew.
- Así que es eI sobrino.
Mr. Wladyslaw, my nephew has come to have his pictrue - taken.
Sr. Wladyslaw, mi sobrino ha venido a que le tomen una foto.
Mr. Delambre, your continued refusal may cost your nephew his life!
Sr. Delambre, su continua negativa puede costarle la vida a su sobrino.
My nephew Frankie has lost his ni? O.
Mi sobrino Frankie ha perdido a su niño.
The uncle spent the whole night with his sick sister... and the nephew was on a trip with his fiancée... 180 miles from here.
El tío pasó la noche entera con su hermana enferma... y el sobrino estaba de viaje con su prometida... a 180 kilómetros de aquí.

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