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How was i to know traduction Espagnol

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Besides, how was I to know Tony was going to get so jealous and go and try to kill Eddie?
Además, ¿ cómo iba yo a saber que Tony se iba a poner tan celoso y trataría de matar a Eddie?
'How was I to know the City Watch's finest sergeant was a werewolf? '
¿ Cómo iba yo a saber que la mejor sargento de la Guardia era una mujer lobo?
No matter how scared I was, I'd want his parents to know the truth.
No importa lo asustado que esté, quiero que sus padres conozcan la verdad.
my own wife... Had to beg him to give me a job, Like I was some kind of idiot who didn't know how to do nothing.
mi propia esposa... tuvo que rogarle que me diera un trabajo, como si yo fuera algún tipo de idiota que no supiera hacer nada.
I don't know how long I was unconscious, but when I made my way back outside, Optimus and Megatron were deep in an epic throwdown. I waited for the right moment to make my move.
Me encuentro en la necesidad urgente de buenas noticias, así que por favor, Knockout, dime que has encontrado algo útil.
This pinhata was his idea, and now I don't know how to hang it up.
Esta piñata fue su idea, y ahora no se de donde colgarla.
Well... then I don't know how it happened, but suddenly there's a knife in my hands and you know me old man was a butcher, so I know how to handle knives.
Pues... Después, no sé cómo, tenía un cuchillo en la mano. Mi viejo era carnicero, así que sé manejar cuchillos.
But I didn't know how to go about convincing the world the picture was genuine.
Pero no sabía cómo convencer al mundo de que era auténtico.
You know, if I was married to a girl like that, That knew how to build an electron gun... But I'm not the man she married.
Sabes, si yo estuviera casado un una mujer como esta, que sabe cómo construir un cañón de electrones... pero yo no soy el hombre con el que se casó.
Look, I know how much appearances matter around here, and I didn't want you to have to explain to everybody why your husband was crashing in cheap motels.
Mira, sé cuánto importan las apariencias por aquí, y no quise que tuvieras que explicar a todo el mundo porque tu marido se queda en moteles baratos.
How was I to know?
Cómo iba a saberlo?
I don't know how it works, But I was handpicked by the previous director To take charge.
No sé cómo funciona, pero fui seleccionado por el director anterior para hacerme cargo.
I know how this is going to sound, but all his rituals, his rituals, how superstitious he was...
Sé como va a sonar, pero todos sus rituales, sus rituales, lo supersticioso que era...
So you remember how you always wanted to teach me how to crack a safe, but I was too busy, you know, playing video games and partying, hanging out with random chicks?
¿ Recuerdas cuando me querías enseñar a abrir una caja fuerte, pero estaba muy ocupado, sabes, jugando a video juegos, de fiesta o saliendo con chicas al azar?
Yeah, but she was asking these questions about her mother, and she wanted to know how we controlled it, and... and now I'm afraid that she thinks she can do the same.
Si, pero ha estado preguntando sobre su madre, y quiso saber cómo lo controlábamos. y... y ahora tengo miedo de que piense que puede hacer lo mismo.
And because it was caught so early I think we know exactly how to support him in the meantime until we figure out what kind of surgical corrections he needs.
Y debido a que fue detectado desde el principio creo que sabemos exactamente cómo ayudarle mientras tanto, hasta que sepamos qué tipo de cirugía correctiva necesita.
I know how painful it was for your mother when she had to leave you years ago.
Yo sé que fue muy doloroso para tu madre tener que dejarlos todos estos años.
There's no case if Cate and Baze don't press charges, and all I have to do is, is tell Cate that-that I wasn't a victim, that we haven't slept together, that he didn't even know how old I was.
No hay caso si Cate y Baze no presentan cargos, y todo lo que tengo que hacer es decirle a Cate que no era una víctima, que no nos hemos acostado. que él ni siquiera sabía mi edad.
I was going to ask if you were okay, but I don't know how you could be.
Iba a preguntarte si estabas bien, pero no tengo ni idea de cómo puedes estar.
How was I supposed to know Jessica is your ex-wife?
¿ Cómo se suponía que supiera que Jessica es tu ex-esposa?
I didn't know how I was gonna be able to afford to send her.
No sabía cómo iba a poder permitirme enviarla.
Now, I never mentioned anything to him about the wall, and he didn't see it for himself, so how does he know it was there?
Ahora, nunca le mencioné nada sobre el muro y él no lo ha visto por si mismo, entonces, ¿ cómo sabía que estaba allí?
I don't know, I was thinking about how hot it was and I didn't pay attention to where I was going.
Estaba pensando en el calor que hacía y no presté atención a dónde iba.
I was reading on Foucault's pendulum the other day, and I thought, " Whoa, how interesting would it be to recreate some of his experiments by building a giant pendulum, just like he did, you know, maybe extra credit to make up for the test kind of deal?
Estuve el otro día leyendo sobre El péndulo de Foucault y pensé : ¿ cómo de interesante sería recrear algo de sus experimentos construyendo un péndulo gigante, sólo como, ya sabes, puede que créditos extras como acuerdo para compensar el examen?
I didn't know. How was I supposed to know that? You couldn't have.
No lo sabia, ¿ Como se supone que iba a saberlo?
Uncle Brian, to be honest how was I supposed to know the video club was shooting a movie?
Tío Brian, para serte sincero, ¿ cómo se supone que iba a saber que el club de vídeo estaba grabando una película?
And Monica hated her dad, was always going on about how he was holding her back from the things she really wanted to do, like go to Mexico, learn how to scuba dive, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, which, okay, I don't know how she was ever going to do on our crap salaries anyway.
Y Monica odiaba a su padre, sempre estaba con que le ataba y alejaba de las cosas que realmente quería hacer, como ir a Mexico, aprender a bucear, bla, bla, bla, lo cual no sé como iba a hacerlo
Well, you know, it's not exactly how I would have done it, and it was kind of crazy and obviously nobody asked you to...
Bueno, sabes, no es exactamente así como yo lo hubiera hecho, y es un poco una locura y obviamente nadie te pidió...
The truth is, Todd, I was a little embarrassed to tell you I don't know how to drive.
La verdad es que Todd, estaba un poco avergonzado de decirte que no sé conducir.
You know, I was just about to tell these gentlemen how sick you've been all day.
Ya sabes, estaba diciéndoles a estos caballeros lo enfermo que has estado todo el día.
How was the medical wing? I don't want to know.
No quiero saberlo.
You know, I finally do the right thing and then it ends up being the wrong thing but how was I supposed to know your dad's fingerprints were all over the murder weapon.
Ya sabes, por fin hago lo correcto y luego termina saliendo todo mal, pero ¿ cómo iba yo a saber que las huellas dactilares de tu padre estarían por todo el arma del crimen.
How was I supposed to know?
¿ Cómo se supone que yo lo iba a saber?
I knew that I wasn't gonna finish the song because it was a love song, and I really felt like I didn't know how to write them at the time.
Yo sabía que no iba a terminar la canción porque era una canción de amor, y realmente sentía que no sabía cómo escribir esas canciones en ese momento.
If you think I was serious When I planned a picnic at a movie theater, It goes to show how little you know me anymore.
Si piensa que iba en serio cuando planeé un día de campo en un cine, te muestra lo poco que me conoces ya.
I was wondering if you had any advice on how I could persuade the Director to, you know, pay me? Mm. I'll tell you what.
Me preguntaba si tendría algún consejo sobre como convencer a la directora para, ya sabes ¿ Pagarme? Voy a decirte una cosa.
- Thought it was. How was I supposed to know he got a girlfriend so fast?
¿ Cómo iba a saber que se había conseguido una novia tan rápido?
- How was I supposed to know...?
- ¿ Cómo iba a saber...?
I don't want to know how the sausage was made- -
No quiero saber como la salsa fue hecha
I just want to know how it was served.
Sólo quiero saber como fue servida.
I know I agreed to have a drink with you, but as I walked here I realized how unfair that was.
Sé que acordé tomar un trago contigo pero cuando iba entrando en este lugar, entendí lo injusto que es.
Well, you already know since the switch happened, how I was feel with the weather and I wanted to leave.
Mira, recuerdas cuando hubo el cambio, cómo me sentía con el clima y que quería irme.
I mean, how was the character in the wheelchair meant to know how to ice skate, huh?
Digo, ¿ cómo se supone que el personaje de la silla de ruedas sabe patinar sobre hielo, ¿ eh?
I was really let down by Chase because we had been talking about, you know, having our moms and this one reward, and he knew how much my mom meant to me and I knew how much his mom meant to him
Estoy bastante decepcionado de Chase, porque lo habíamos hablado, tener a nuestras madres en esta recompensa, él sabía lo mucho que significa mi madre para mí, yo sabía lo mucho que significaba su madre para él,
He was constantly bragging about, you know, the price of this, and how many cars he had, and I was like "do you really have to be on" Survivor? "
Estaba constantemente alardeando acerca del precio de esa cosa, y cuántos automóviles tenía. Y yo estaba como : "¿ De verdad necesitas estar en" Survivor "?
I was so shocked that I didn't know how to tell you.
Estaba tan impactado que no sabía cómo decírtelo.
Do you know how many seniors tried to woo me when I was in high school?
¿ Sabe cuántos sunbaes intentaron atraerme cuando estaba en la secundaria?
How was I supposed to know?
- ¿ Cómo iba a saber?
I'm sorry, man. How was I supposed to know you'd be diddling your nurse?
No sabía que te acostabas con tu enfermera.
I know him ever since he was this high. I know how to talk with him.
Sé cómo hablar con él.
I wanted to know how I was in my new home.
Quería saber cómo me iba en mi nueva casa.

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