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Howell traduction Espagnol

455 traduction parallèle
Rhys Howell is in a solicitor's office, and is sending home ten shillings a week.
Rhys Howell trabaja con un abogado. Envía a casa diez chelines a la semana.
Louise Howell.
Louise Howell.
For Miss Louise Howell, Schumann.
Para la Srta. Louise Howell, Schumann.
- Miss Howell.
- Srta. Howell.
- Is that you, Miss Howell?
- ¿ Es usted, Srta. Howell?
You have a magnificent detachment, Miss Howell.
Su distanciamiento es magnífico, Srta. Howell.
This has happened before, Miss Howell, many times before.
Esto ha pasado antes, Srta. Howell, y muchas veces.
Thank you, Miss Howell.
Gracias, Srta. Howell.
- Louise Howell, Mrs. Graham's nurse.
- Louise Howell, la enfermera.
Where were you all this time, Miss Howell?
¿ Dónde estuvo Ud. Todo ese tiempo, Srta. Howell?
Do you think it was suicide, Miss Howell?
¿ Cree que fue un suicidio, Srta. Howell?
Is that you, Miss Howell?
¿ Está usted ahí, Srta. Howell?
Miss Howell, is that you?
Srta. Howell, ¿ está usted ahí?
Miss Howell, my mother mentioned you in her letters.
Srta. Howell, mi madre la mencionó en sus cartas.
I won't let you, Miss Howell.
No la dejaré, Srta. Howell.
I think you owe Miss Howell an apology.
Creo que le debes a la Srta. Howell una disculpa.
Miss Howell has taken my place.
La Srta. Howell ha tomado mi lugar.
I don't want you to defend me, Miss Howell.
No quiero que me defienda, Srta. Howell.
Daddy, I raced Miss Howell to the door and I won.
Papi, le gané a la Srta. Howell a llegar a la puerta.
Miss Howell, come in.
Srta. Howell, pase.
Yes, Miss Howell.
Sí, Srta. Howell.
Don't go, Miss Howell.
No se vaya, Srta. Howell.
- Yes, quiet, patient, efficient Miss Howell.
- Sí, recatada, paciente y eficiente.
I don't think that's absolutely necessary, Miss Howell.
No creo que eso sea necesario, Srta. Howell.
Miss Howell...
Srta. Howell...
Major Howell Brady, Sergeants Luke Schermerhorn and Agustus Wilks... reporting from St. Louis, sir.
Mayor Brady, sargentos Schermerhorn y Wilks... reportándose de St. Louis, señor.
Major Howell Brady taking over this fort?
¿ Entonces? ¿ Ud. se hará cargo de este fuerte, mayor?
Yes. And we have the radium at howell.
Tenemos el radium en Harwell.
Come on, Mike. Come and help me carry the groceries. I'm going to Mrs. Howell's.
Vamos Miguel lleva las verduras a la casa voy donde la señora Halls
I don't like Mrs. Howell, she smells of cheese. Oh, nonsense.
No me gusta la señora Halls huele a queso son tonteras
At home I got a little old 8 mm Bell and Howell.
En casa tengo una antigua Bell and Howell de 8 mm.
My name is Clayton Howell, sir, commander of the Denver Free Militia.
Clayton Howell, comandante de la milicia libre de Denver.
Joan Howell.
Soy Joan Howell.
This apartment serviced by Joan Howell.
Este apartamento lo atiende Joan Howell ".
Your name is Howell, remember?
Te apellidas Howell, ¿ recuerdas?
- And then Banks and Howell, right?
Después Banks y Howell, ¿ no?
First, I bring a personal message from Dr. Howell who has asked me to convey his deep appreciation for the many sacrifices you've had to make.
Primero, tengo un mensaje personal del Dr. Howell que pidió que yo expresara su profundo agradecimiento por el sacrificio que Vds. han tenido que hacer.
- Is that a Bell and Howell?
- ¿ Es una "Bell Howell"?
Mother'listen to this : "Last year 25.000 of Elias Howell's" " "sewing machine with wheel were produced and sold" " " "In America." " Doesn't mother want a sewing machine?
"El año pasado se fabricaron y vendieron 25.000 máquinas de coser de Elias Howes en América".
Anyone else?
Howell! You'll defend the honor of old Eli, won't you?
Vienes a defender el honor de los de nuestra edad, no?
Elliott Howell III, dead.
Elliott Howell lll, falleció.
- Got the Bell and Howell loaded?
- ¿ Cargaste la Bell and Howell?
I'm Eddie Howell. Philip Haver's publicist.
Soy Eddie Howell, el publicista de Philip Haver.
Uh, very well, Mr. Howell.
De acuerdo, señor Howell.
Your personality grows more winning by the moment, Mr. Howell.
Su personalidad empieza a molestarme por momentos.
Mars. - And now I think Mr. Howell...
Creo que el señor Howell...
Oh, but who would we get to play poor Eddie Howell?
Vaya, pero, ¿ quién interpretaría al pobre Eddie Howell?
Mr. Howell please.
Sr. Haw, venga.
Major Howell Brady, ma'am.
Soy el mayor Howell Brady, señorita.
Howell speaking. - Give me the Home Secretary.

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