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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ I ] / I'd like to speak with you

I'd like to speak with you traduction Espagnol

110 traduction parallèle
I'd like to speak with you.
Me gustaría hablar con usted.
Tony, darling, if Miss What's Here Name doesn't mind, I'd like to speak with you.
Querido, si a la Srta. Ésa no le molesta, quisiera hablar contigo.
I'd like to speak with you Mr. Washburn.
Quisiera hablar con usted, Sr. Washburn.
I'd like to speak with you.
- Quería hablar con usted.
I'd like to speak with you, come on
Quiero hablarle, venga
I'd like to speak with you, Ma'am.
Desearía hablarle, señora.
I'd like to speak with you alone, if I could.
Quisiera hablar contigo a solas, Deong.
If you don't mind, I'd like to speak with him alone.
Si no le importa, me gustaría hablar con él a solas.
Yes I know. I imagine you'd like to speak with the Count.
Me imagino que le gustaría hablar con el conde
I'd like to speak with you please.
Querría hablarle un momento, por favor.
Miss Lucia I'd like to speak with you
Señorita Lucia, quiero hablar con usted.
You're the last man in the world I'd like to speak with.
Tú eres el último hombre del mundo con quien quisiera hablar.
I'd like to speak with you for a minute.
Tengo que hablarles.
I'd like to speak with you.
Me gustaría hablar con ustedes.
But it's been so long that we haven't seen each other. I'd like to speak with you a bit.
Como hemos pasado tanto tiempo sin vernos, sin hablar, me gustaría intercambiar algunas ideas contigo.
Lt. Halloran, I'd like to speak with you for a moment.
Teniente Halloran, quisiera hablar un momento con Ud.
I'd like to speak with you for a moment if it's okay.
Quisiera hablar un minuto con Ud.
Miss Manette, I'd like to speak with you.
Srta. Manert, quiero hablar con usted.
I'd like to speak with your foreman. Everyone, stop! You!
Quiero hablar con el encargado.
I'd like to speak with you.
Me gustaría preguntarle algo.
Edna, I'd like to speak with you a minute if you don't mind.
Edna, me gustaría hablar contigo un momento si no te molesta.
If you don't mind, I'd like to speak with Mr Webb again.
Si no le importa, quiero volver a hablar con el Sr. Webb.
I have someone here who'd like to speak with you.
Aquí hay alguien que quiere hablarle.
Prime minister, I'd like to speak with you, if I could.
Primer Ministro, quisiera hablar con usted, si puedo.
I'd like to speak with you about your grandson, Miguel.
Quisiera hablarle sobre su nieto Miguel.
If you wait here, I'll tell Mr Berman you'd like to speak with him.
Si esperan aquí, le diré al señor Berman que quieren hablar con él.
I'd like to speak with you in private.
Necesito hablar contigo en privado.
- I'd like to speak with you in private.
Me gustaría hablar con usted en privado.
It's quite personal. I'd like to speak with you in private.
Es muy personal, quisiera hacerlo en privado.
I can send a nutritionist to come speak with you if you'd like.
Puedo mandarles a un nutricionista para que hable con ustedes.
No... but if you wait, I'll get Dr. Harden. I know she'd like to speak with you. All right.
No pero llamaré a la Dra. Harden.
My name is Tanya and I'd like to speak with you about the Lord.
- Hola. soy Tanya, me gustaría hablarte del Señor.
- Actually if it's all right with you I'd like to speak to Amy.
De hecho, si está de acuerdo, quisiera hablar con Amy.
I'd like to speak with him, if you don't mind.
Quiero hablar con él, si no te importa.
I'd like to speak with you privately.
Sr Tamura, tengo que hablar con usted en privado.
Annabelle, I'd like to speak with you.
Annabelle, me gustaría hablar contigo.
I'd like to speak with you about Daniel.
Me gustaría hablar con usted sobre Daniel.
They'd really like to speak with you. I must insist.
Desean hablar con Ud. Debo insistir.
I'd like to speak with you more about Dr Lacan.
Me gustaría hablar sobre el Dr. Lacan.
I'd like to speak with you.
Me gustaría hablar contigo.
Hi. I'd like to speak with you about some recent activity on your new account.
Quisiera hablarle de las transacciones recientes en su nueva cuenta.
Duncan, hay alguien con quien creo te gustaría hablar.
- I'd like to speak with you.
- Queremos hablar contigo.
I'd like to speak with you first, if that's possible.
Me gustaría hablar con usted pimero, si es posible.
So, I'd like for you all to leave now, so that I can speak with my director.
Así que quisiera que salgan todos por favor Para que pueda hablar con mi director
- I'd like to speak with you.
- Quisiera hablar contigo.
So when you locate Peyton in that gutter, you let her know I'd like to speak with her before this catastrophe goes any further.
Así que cuando localices a Peyton en esa cloaca dile que quiero hablar con ella antes de que esta catástrofe empeore.
Now if you'd like to step back next door, you can catch up with the investigation which, even as I speak, is moving on apace!
Ahora bien, si me haces el favor de pararte al lado de la puerta puedes actualizarte sobre el estado de la investigación la cual, en este momento ¡ se está moviendo con rapidez!
I have someone here who'd like to speak with you.
Aquí hay alguien que desea hablar contigo.
I'd like to speak with you, please.
Me gustaría hablar con usted, por favor.
- Chuck, I'd like to speak with you.
Quiero hablar contigo, ahora.

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