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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ I ] / I'd like to talk to him

I'd like to talk to him traduction Espagnol

212 traduction parallèle
Well, I'd kind of like to talk to him about that Southern part.
Quisiera hablar con él del papel de la sureña.
There's a matter of business I'd like to talk over with him. I'll tell him.
Hay una cosita de trabajo que quiero comentarle.
- I'd like to have a talk with him.
- Me gustaría hablar con él.
Yeah, I'd like to talk to him.
Sí, quiero hablar con él.
I'd like to have a talk with him.
Me gustaría hablar con él.
- Nao? I'd like to have a talk with him.
Me gustaría hablar con él.
But first I'd like to have a little talk with him.
- Sí. Primero hablaré con él.
I'd like to talk to him.
Yo quisiera hablarle.
I'd like to talk to him.
Me gustaría hablar con él.
- I think I'd like to talk to him myself.
- Creo que me gustaría hablar con él.
Tell him i'd like somebody to talk to, too.
Dile que tambien me gustaría tener alguien para hablar.
- Well, I'd like to talk this over with him.
-... y me gustaria hablar con el.
Few things I'd like to talk over with him.
Me gustaría conocerlo. Quiero hablar de algunas cosas con él.
I'd like to talk to him if he'll talk to me.
Me gustaría hablar con él si quiere hablar conmigo.
- I'd like to talk to him.
- ¿ Dónde puedo encontrarle?
I'd like to talk to her before you let her see him.
Quiero hablar con ella antes de que lo vea.
- I'd like to talk to him.
Me gustaría hablar con él.
'Course I told him that you weren't at home and could he please call later. Well, when he calls again, I'd like to talk to him.
Le he dicho que no estaban en casa y ha dicho que volverá a llamar.
All the same, sir, I'd like to talk to him before you do anything drastic.
Señor, quisiera hablar con él antes de que tome una decisión.
Tell Lescaux I'd like to talk to him.
Dígale a Lescaux que me gustaría hablar con él.
I'd just like to talk to him.
Tan sólo quería hablar con él.
I'd like to face him and talk to him. How much wrong I've caused him!
Quisiera presentarme ante él y ser yo quien le hablara. ¡ Cuánto mal le he causado!
I'd like to talk to him and his friend Lee.
- Para hablar con éI y con Lee.
I'd, uh, I'd like to have a talk With him.
Quisiera charlar con usted.
I'd like to talk to him in a day or so. Fine. I'll keep a check on him.
- Me gustaría hablar con él un día de éstos.
Yeah, but I'd like him to talk to you before he writes anything.
Sí, pero quiero que hable con usted, antes de que escriba cualquier cosa.
I'd like to hear him talk on the telephone.
Quiero oírle hablar por teléfono.
Doc, if that frenchman's up and around, I'd like to talk to him.
Doc, si el frances esta por ahi, quisiera hablar con el.
I'd like to talk to him.
Le tengo que hablar.
I'd like someone to talk about me like you talk about him.
Me gustaría que alguien hablara de mí como tú hablas de él.
Very well, I'd like to talk to him face to face.
Bueno, me gustaría que hablar cara a cara.
If Mr. Evans is about, I'd like to talk to him about them.
Si el Sr. Evans está aquí, me gustaría hablarle de ellos.
I'd like to stay now, try to talk to him.
Me quedaré yo. Quiero hablar con él.
Where is this man? I'd like to talk to him.
- ¿ Dónde está ese viejo?
Would you tell Mr. Willowby I'd like to talk to him?
¿ Le dices al Sr. Willowby que quiero hablar con él?
Well, I'd like to have a talk with him.
Me gustaría tener una conversación con él.
Got some business. I'd like to talk with him.
Quisiera hablarle por un negocio.
He's obviously upset about something. I'd like to talk to him.
Pues, obviamente está molesto por algo, quisiera hablar con él.
- I'd like to talk to him.
- Quisiera hablar con él.
I'd like to talk to him.
A mí también me gustaría hablar con él.
I'd really like to talk to him.
Me gustaría hablar con él.
If you knew him, i'd like to talk after the meeting.
Si le conocíais, me gustaría hablar después de la reunión.
That's not important now. I'd just like to meet him... and talk to him.
Lo importante es que tengo que verle y hablar con él.
I'm very sorry, and I'd like the chance to talk to him and see if there's something that I couldn't do.
Lo siento mucho, y me gustaría poder hablar con él... y ver si hay algo que no pude hacer.
Sonny here? Yeah. I'd like to talk to him.
- Sí - me gustaría hablar con él.
I'd like to talk to him.
Quisiera hablar con él.
I'd like to talk to him, too.
También quisiera hablarle a él.
You wanna tell Shriker I'd like to talk to him?
¿ Le diría a Shriker qué quisiera hablar con él?
Would you open up? I'd like to talk to him.
Hablaré con él.
I'd like to talk to him.
- Me gustaría hablar con él.
If you do, tell him I'd like to have a little talk with him.
nop si lo ves, le dices que tengo que hablar con el..

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