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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ I ] / I'll go by myself

I'll go by myself traduction Espagnol

210 traduction parallèle
Give me the key to the office, and I'll go by myself.
Deme la llave de la oficina, e iré yo sola.
- All right, I'll go by myself.
Muy bien, iré yo solo.
- I'll go out by myself.
- Puedo irme yo sola.
Muy bien, me iré solo.
I'll go by myself.
Iré yo solo.
Well, I guess I've found out everything you're gonna tell me. I'll have to go on now and do the rest by myself.
Supongo que eso es todo lo que va a contarme, por lo que tendré que hacer el resto solo.
Iré yo solo.
I'll go off by myself.
Me iré sola.
I'll go by myself.
Iré yo sola.
I'll take the money and go off by myself before I let you give it away.
Tomaré el dinero y me iré con él.
I'll go by myself to Los Angels.
Yo iré solo a Los Angeles. Sí.
I'll go with you. I wanna walk by myself.
- Quiero pasear solo.
I'll go by myself.
Iré sola.
I'll go to the cemetery by myself, on foot.
Me voy a pie al cementerio.
Well, I'll go by myself.
Bien, entonces iré solo.
I'll go my way by myself like walking under the clouds
Seguiré solo mi camino como si caminara bajo las nubes
I'll go my way by myself all alone in a crowd
Seguiré solo mi camino solo entre la multitud
I'll go my way by myself like a bird on the wing
Seguiré solo mi camino como un pájaro volando
I'll go my way by myself
Seguiré solo mi camino
I'll go my way by myself
Me iré solo
I'll go back, just let me go by myself.
Van tres asaltos. Volveré. Déjeme ir por mi cuenta.
I'll go by myself.
- No. Voy solo.
No need to do that. I'll go by myself.
- No necesitas hacer eso.
I'll go by myself.
lré yo mismo.
When we close in, I'll go on ahead by myself.
Cuando nos acerquemos, iré yo solo.
0... kay... if I want one I'll just go off by myself.
Está bien... si tomo un trago me mantendré apartado.
- I'll go by myself...
- Iré sola...
I'll go by myself!
¡ Iré por mí mismo!
I'll go by myself.
Bien, iré solo.
The hukilau? Well, if you can't make it, I'll just have to go to the concert by myself.
Si usted no la acompaña, tendré que ir yo.
- I'll go by myself if I have to.
- Si no venís, iré solo.
Come if you want, or I'll go by myself.
Si queréis venir, venid. Si no, me voy solo.
I'll go by myself.
Me iré yo solo.
- Never mind. I'll go by myself.
No importa, iré a la embajada yo sola.
f you don't want to come, I'll go by myself.
Si no quieres venir, me marcharé solo.
I'll go by myself and cut that Yasugoro bastard down.
Iré yo solo a rajar al cabrón de Yasugoro.
I'll go by the motor pool myself.
Iré al sector de automotores en persona.
No, I'll go by myself.
No, iré yo sola.
I'll go by myself.
- Perfecto.
- Come here! - Leave me alone, I'll go by myself!
- Déjadme en paz, iré por mi cuenta!
No I don't think we should. All right I'll go by myself.
Oh, no, no lo harás!
I'll go by myself.
Me iré solo.
Either we go away together, or I'll go by myself.
O nos vamos juntos, o me iré yo sola.
I'll go by myself later on.
Iré yo solo más tarde.
If you ain't, I'll go by myself.
- ¿ Listo? Si no, voy yo solo.
I'll go in by myself.
Entonces iré yo sola.
I'll go by myself.
Conozco el camino.
I'll go out and get myself a two by four... and beat your fucking head in!
Voy a comprar una madera y te voy a dejar la cabeza al rev ‚ s.
I'll go my way by myself
Me iré por mi camino solo
I'll go through the ritual by myself.
Haré el ritual yo mismo.
I'll go on by myself!
¡ Iré yo solo!

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