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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ I ] / I'll go get him

I'll go get him traduction Espagnol

510 traduction parallèle
- I'll go get him- -
- Iré por él.
Mac tried to get me to go with him but I wouldn't. Maybe with me gone, They'll work and save the wheat
Tal vez sin mí trabajen y salven el trigo.
I'll go and get him..
Iré a buscarlo.
- I'll go get him.
Iré a buscarle.
Go on, get the press. Get the press. I'll lay him out as flat as a piece of linoleum.
Le dejaré más tieso que eI IinóIeo.
The only way I can see is to go and get the waiter, take him to the ship, have the Captain pay the bill and get his ring back, then we'll pay the Captain on the next trip.
La única solución es ir a hablar con aquel camarero. Decirle que venga al barco, que el Capitán pague la cuenta para recuperar la sortija y lo liquidaremos con el Capitán en el próximo viaje.
Go and get Dinah. I'll take care of him.
Ve a por Dinah, yo me encargo de él.
I'm going to take him. I'll get him if I have to go to the Supreme Court.
Si conviene recurriré al Supremo.
I'll go right sown ans get ris of him for you, Jusy, honey.
Querida, yo me desharé de él por tí.
He's sick. I'll go and get him.
Voy a buscar a Foyle.
After you see him go, come in and get me. I'll wait for you.
Cuando le veas salir, ven a por mí, estaré esperando.
I'll go get him.
Iré a por él.
I'll go down and get him.
Bajaré a recibirlo.
Tommy is waiting outside. I'll go and get him.
Tommy espera fuera, iré a buscarlo.
I'll go and get him. He's on the outside.
Ya voy, está ahí.
He'll come. Or I'll go get him myself.
Vendrá o yo mismo iré a por él.
Go into the kitchen, get the drinks for the judge, and in the meantime I'll keep him entertained.
Trae las bebidas para el juez y yo lo distraeré.
- I'll go get him.
- Si quiere voy a buscarlo.
- I'll go and get him.
- Iré a buscarle.
Another partisan killed. I'll go get him.
Otro partisano muerto, ¿ qué te parece?
I'll go get him some food...
Voy a por comida.
And genius or no genius, I'm going up and tell him to get down here to breakfast. I'll go with you.
Y sea o no un genio, voy a decirle que baje a desayunar.
What here a moment, I'll go and get him.
Esperen un momento.
I'll go and get him.
Ya voy yo a llamarle
I'll go this way. One of us should get him.
Uno de los dos lo atrapará.
Now, I'll go get him.
Iré por él.
I'll go and get him.
Iré a por él.
We'll get around him. I don't want to go back to Frisco!
¡ No quiero volver a San Francisco!
- I'll go get him.
- Iré por él.
I'll go right down and try and get him out.
lré ahora mismo y trataré de sacarlo.
Go get him and I'll talk to him.
Vete a buscarle y dile que quiero hablar con él.
We'll go see him when I get back.
- Iremos a verle cuando vuelva.
I'll go down to the Board of Health and make arrangements... to get him off the boat at once.
Voy a la oficina sanitaria a ocuparme de todo... para sacarle del barco.
I'll go and get him a sedative.
Le daré un calmante.
You go on up with him. I'll get a taxi.
Vete con él.
I'll go get him.
Bueno, voy a buscarle.
I'll go get him.
- Voy a buscarle.
And if you go away, if you get mixed up with them again, we'll lose him and I don't think you and I can ever...
Y si te vas, si vuelves a liarte con ellos, lo perderemos. No creo que tú y yo jamás podamos...
I'll go get him.
- Voy a por la autoridad.
I'll take care of him. I'll go out first, hold him in conversation, then you can get away.
Mientras yo hablo con él, usted se fuga.
I'll go round and see him if you think it'll help me get the part.
- ¿ Cree que me ayudará?
All right, I'll go get him.
Está bien, iré a llamarlo.
You stay here, I'll go get him.
Usted se queda aquí. Iré yo.
If you decide to go off with him, I'll just have to wait here until you get back.
Si yo decido que te vayas con él, yo sólo tendré que esperar aquí hasta que vuelvas.
I'll go and get him.
Voy a llamarlo.
I'll... I'll go make him get a move on.
Iré a meterle prisa.
We'll go up and get the Ghost Dancers ourselves, and when we do, I'll out-rank him.
Iremos y cogeremos a los Fantasmas Danzantes, y cuando lo hagamos, yo tendré más rango que él.
I'll go get him,
Iré a buscarlo.
I'll distract him and you go get a cop.
Yo lo distraeré, y usted vaya a por un policía.
I'll go get him.
Yo iré por él.
I'll go and get him.
Iré por él.

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