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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ I ] / I'll go get it

I'll go get it traduction Espagnol

890 traduction parallèle
Well, you go get it and I'll get Captain Spaulding.
Vete a por él y yo iré a buscar al Capitán Spaulding.
Voy a ir a buscarlo, si no le importa esperar unos minutos.
I think I'll go to the chemist and get something for it. Monte.
Creo que iré a la farmacia a comprar algo para eso.
If I- - If I go to the police, it'll get in the papers, won't it?
Si voy con la policía, saldrá en el periódico, ¿ verdad?
Let me tell you something. If you let us go now, I'll try and get you off with a light sentence, but if you lock us up, that's legal assault, and I'll see to it that you get the limit.
Permítame decirle algo... si nos deja salir ahora trataré de sacarlo con una sentencia ligera... pero si nos encierra, es asalto, y veré que le den el máximo.
I'll go get it.
Voy a buscarlo.
- Here, I'll go get it for...
- Iré a buscarle.
Bueno, dale un poco más... y haré el trabajo.
If you'll go get it, I'll see to it that it's worth your while.
Si va por él, le pagaré por las molestias.
I'll go get it. I was telling Johnny that we ought to have a foursome sometime with Mrs Jones.
Le decía a Johnny que deberíamos jugar los cuatro.
When I get through with you, you'll go back to your packing case on the city dump and relish it.
Cuando acabe con usted, volverá a su caja del vertedero y le parecerá maravillosa.
- Give me the ticket, I'll go and get it!
- Dame la papeleta. - No. Me habéis engañado una vez.
I think, gentlemen... very true, we'll have to get going come on, children one must know when it's time to go gentlemen, pastor, I have to pay my compliment such a shattering funeral sermon
Yo creo, señores... Muy cierto, vamos a esfumarnos. Vamos, niños, vamos...
I've got to get out, quit, change on it somehow or I'll go mad.
Tengo que irme, abandonar, cambiar algo de alguna forma o me volveré loca.
Don't move, I'll go get it.
Dejadme a mí.
Tell you what. You get the rest of it in, and I'll go up and open some windows.
Mira, trae el resto, yo subiré a abrir las ventanas.
Well, maybe i'll get me a horse to go under it.
Quizá me compraría un caballo.
If I may, I'll go and get it.
Si me permite, voy a por él...
Don't cry. I'll go with you. I'll get it for you.
No llores, iré contigo y te lo cogeré.
But now I'll give it all up and we'll go south. It's warm and sunny down there, you'll get well quickly.
Nos iremos al sur, allí donde hay sol y te curarás muy rápido, ya verás.
I'll get it for you, and we can go together.
Te lo traeré y nos iremos juntos.
I'll go and get it.
Iré por ella.
If I don't have to stand trial, I'll go to get it and hand it over to the boys. Who will use it.
Si me ahorro el juicio, la recogeré y se la daré a alguno de los chicos.
I'll fix the rest of dinner and get it all on the table. - All right. - You go on and talk to Uncle Charlie.
Yo serviré la cena, ve a hablar con el tío Charlie.
I'll just go and get it.
Iré un momento a por él.
I'll go get it for you.
Yo se la traeré.
If you want that caterpillar... I'm afraid you'll have to go in and get it yourself.
Si quieres esa oruga... tendrás que entrar tú mismo por ella.
You stay here. I'll go get it for you.
Quédese aquí, iré a buscarlo.
If I go there right now perhaps I'll get it.
Si voy enseguida, quizá lo consiga.
I'm ever so sorry, sir. I'll go and get it now.
Lo siento, señor. Iré ahora mismo a buscarlo.
Don't worry, I'll go and get it for you.
No, no, no... Te dejo en el cine y lo voy a buscar yo.
You go out and buy a copy tomorrow, and I'll get it autographed for you.
Compra un ejemplar mañana y yo haré que te lo firme.
Oh take it easy Ducks, I'll go and get help.
Tranquila, voy a pedir ayuda.
No please. I couldn't possibly... I'll go and get it.
No podría aceptarlo.
- Right, you give it to me and I'll go get the organ.
Dámelo. Yo iré a por el órgano.
I'll get you back home if I have to go to jail for it.
Te llevaré de vuelta a casa así tenga que ir a prisión.
I'll go and get it for you.
Voy a buscársela.
I'll go get it.
Voy a por él
- I forgot, I'll go get it.
- La olvidé, iré a buscarla.
I'll go and get it for you.
Iré por la muñeca.
If it doesn't, I'll go out and get loaded.
Y si no sale, voy a emborracharme.
If the chief's satisfied, we'll go. I don't suppose you could spare someone for a while,... just till we get the hang of it?
¿ No nos dejaría a alguien hasta que sepamos utilizarlo?
If I can just get in the door I'm sure that it'll go well.
¡ Quiero hacer la prueba! ¡ Tengo un buen presentimiento!
Johnny Gambi and I can get it out for you, if you'll just give us the go-ahead.
Gambi y yo se lo pondremos en su mano si acepta nuestra idea.
And don't let me out of the room. No matter what I say or promise - or how much I beg. Because if I get out, it'll only be to go out and find a fix.
No me dejes salir de la habitación diga lo que diga... o te prometa lo que te prometa, porque si me dejas salir será para... ir a ponerme una inyección, ¿ lo has entendido bien?
I've got an idea. I'll go up and get it.
¿ Por qué no subo a buscarla?
Wait a minute and I'll go and get it for you.
Espere un momento, se la voy a traer.
I'll get it. You go and play, dear.
Ya voy yo, ve a jugar.
I'll go round and see him if you think it'll help me get the part.
- ¿ Cree que me ayudará?
Let's go, although I'll get it from Grandpa!
¡ Vamos, aunque mi abuelo me cuelgue!
Iré al hotel a recogerlos.

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