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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ I ] / I'll go myself

I'll go myself traduction Espagnol

915 traduction parallèle
Give me the key to the office, and I'll go by myself.
Deme la llave de la oficina, e iré yo sola.
I'll go to prepare myself.
Voy a prepararme
I think I'll go home myself.
Creo que iré a casa también.
I'll go myself.
Iré yo mismo.
- Terry, if you won't go, I'll go myself.
- Terry, si no vas, iré sola.
Look, I just got enough to go down to the office myself... but I'll bring it to you when I come back.
Mira, tengo lo justo para llegar a la oficina, pero te lo traeré cuando vuelva.
- All right, I'll go by myself.
Muy bien, iré yo solo.
Maybe I'll go and get myself a drink, and, uh, I'll be seeing ya, huh?
Voy a ir a tomarme un trago... y ya nos veremos, ¿ eh?
I shall go and see him myself and I'll send him up.
Iré yo misma y lo enviaré arriba.
I'll go down to her boat and get her myself.
Yo mismo iré a su bote y la traeré.
If you don't, I'll go myself.
Si no, iré yo mismo.
I'll go and find him myself.
- Voy a buscarlo.
Well, I'll go myself.
Ya voy yo.
I'll go to him myself and I'll tell him what she did and what she's like.
Iré yo. Le diré lo que ha hecho y cómo está.
Well, I was wondering, and said to myself, lf Laura Montalbán will not come to me then I'll go to her.
Yo me dije : Ya que Laura Montalbán no viene hacia mí, yo voy hacia Laura.
I'll go to the trustees myself.
Acudiré a la junta rectora.
- If you go I'll kill myself.
- Si te vas, me suicido.
I'll never forgive myself for letting him go after Cora alone.
No me perdono por dejarlo ir solo.
I'll go myself to the dwarfs'cottage... in a disguise so complete no one will ever suspect.
Ire yo misma a la casa de los enanos... En un disfraz tan completo que nadie sospechara.
I'll go myself.
Iré yo.
I'll go to the dining car myself. I need some air.
Iré al vagón restaurante y tomaré el aire.
I'll go myself.
No, ya voy yo.
I think I'll go grab myself a 12-cylinder lunch.
Aprovecharé para picar algo rápido.
I'll go out somewhere and get myself a little business if we're engaged.
Podría empezar un negocio, si nos comprometemos.
- I'll go away myself!
- Yo mismo me iré.
Let me go. I'll put myself out of your way, I'll never trouble you again.
Te dejaré el camino libre, no volveré a ser un estorbo.
No, I'll go around myself and surprise them.
No, iré yo y les daré una sorpresa.
I'll go after him myself.
Yo iré tras él.
- I'll go out by myself.
- Puedo irme yo sola.
I'll go myself.
- ¡ Espera!
Muy bien, me iré solo.
Let her go, and I'll give myself up.
Suéltenla, y me entregaré.
I'll go myself.
Iré yo misma.
Sure, I'll go through the files myself.
Yo mismo revisaré los expedientes.
I'll go watch the bar myself.
Yo atenderé el bar.
I'll go by myself.
Iré yo solo.
If you won't introduce me, then I'll just go right up and introduce myself.
Si no me presentas tú, iré y me presentaré yo misma.
I'll just go away somewhere and drink myself to death.
Me iré por ahí a beber hasta morir.
You scared cats, I'll go myself.
Iré yo misma. - ¡ No, muchacha!
Well, I guess I've found out everything you're gonna tell me. I'll have to go on now and do the rest by myself.
Supongo que eso es todo lo que va a contarme, por lo que tendré que hacer el resto solo.
Go away, or I'll kill you myself.
Márchate o yo misma te mataré.
Iré yo solo.
I'll go and look for myself.
Mejor que vaya a verlo yo.
I'll go arm myself.
Voy a armarme.
He'll come. Or I'll go get him myself.
Vendrá o yo mismo iré a por él.
Never mind, I'll go myself.
No importa, iré yo.
All the same, I'll go, if you like. But it seems rather silly to me, considering I've had some myself.
Si insisten me marcharé... pero es una tontería, yo también he tenido un sueño.
Well, I'll go make myself more presentable.
Bueno, iré a ponerme más presentable.
On second thought, I think I'll go with you and tell him myself.
Pensándolo mejor, creo que iré contigo y se lo diré yo misma.
I'll go have a look. I'm a bit of a doctor myself.
Voy a subir un momento, tengo nociones de medicina.
I'll go to the Isle of Man, so I will... And I'll find out what's there... And I'll smuggle myself back to Ireland and I'll take it to the German minister.
Iré a la Isla de Man... veré lo que hay por allá, vuelvo escondida a Irlanda... lo entrego todo a los alemanes.

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