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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ I ] / I'm afraid to ask

I'm afraid to ask traduction Espagnol

464 traduction parallèle
I'm afraid you'll have to ask someone else.
Me temo que tendrá que preguntar a otra persona.
Under the circumstances, I'm afraid that we shall have to ask you for these rooms.
En estas circunstancias, me temo que tendremos que pedirle estas habitaciones.
I'm afraid I have to ask you to leave the hotel.
Querida señora, lamento tener que rogarle que abandone el hotel.
I'm afraid I've got to ask you to hand over today.
Temo que tengo que pedirle que nos las entregue hoy.
Well, then I'm afraid we'll have to ask Timothy about it.
Bueno, entonces me temo que tendremos que preguntarle a Timothy.
I'm afraid I must ask you to request your wife not to talk about me anymore.
Me temo que debo pedirle que le diga a su mujer que deje de hablar de mí.
I'm afraid you'll have to ask him that, Wong.
Tendrás que preguntarle a él, Wong.
- I'm afraid I must ask you not to go, Baron.
- Debo pedirle que no se vaya, Barón.
I'm afraid I must ask you to go now.
Me temo que tengo que pedirle que se marche.
I'm afraid you'll have to ask the political police.
Me temo que tendrá que preguntarle a la policía política.
Mrs. Crosbie, I know it sounds brutal, but I'm afraid it's my duty... ... to ask you some questions.
Sra. Crosbie, sé que suena brutal, pero es mi deber hacerle unas preguntas.
I'm afraid I shall have to ask you not to disturb Her Highness.
Me temo que tendré que pedirle que no moleste a Su Alteza.
Allen, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to knock this man down again.
Allen, Temo que tendré que pedirte que dejes sin sentido a este hombre otra vez.
Whitey, I'm afraid to ask Link.
Whitey, temo pedírselos a Link.
You know, I'm afraid I am going to have to ask you to go back to Stockholm.
¿ Sabe? , tendré que rogarle que vuelva a Estocolmo.
But I'm afraid we'll have to ask your friend here to leave.
Pero me temo que hay que pedirle a su amigo que se vaya.
I don't like to be photographed. I'm afraid I'll have to ask you for the film.
No me gustan las fotos, quiero la película.
And now, I'm afraid I must ask you to leave.
Y ahora, te pido que te retires.
I'm afraid I shall have to ask you to take these sacrilegious things away.
Me temo que debo pedirles que se lleven estos objetos sacrílegos.
I'd ask you to dinner, only I'm afraid you won't care for my cooking.
Les invitaría a cenar a casa, pero no les gustaría mi forma de cocinar.
I'm afraid I've got to ask you one or two questions what are you doing on the train?
Me temo que debo hacerle algunas preguntas. ¿ Qué hace en este tren?
I'm afraid we'll have to ask you a few questions.
- Así es. Tendré que hacerle algunas preguntas.
I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to take your clothes off.
Me temo que debo pedirle que se saque la ropa.
I'm afraid you'll have to ask Ms. Damien about that.
- ¿ Y por qué no? Pregúnteselo a la Srta. Damien.
Mr. Fleming, I ´ m afraid I ´ m going to have to ask you to come with me
Señor Fleming, me temo que debo pedirle que me acompañe
I'm afraid I must ask you to bear with a few more questions.
Me temo que deberá soportar unas cuantas preguntas más.
Mr. Palmer, in view of this, I'm afraid I must recommend... that you permit me to get in touch with those gentlemen... who were just here, and ask for more time... or until I've had an opportunity to go over the case.
En vista de eso... debo recomendar que me permita que me comunique... con esos caballeros y les pida más tiempo... hasta que haya podido estudiar el caso.
Gentlemen, I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to excuse me.
Caballeros, me temo que tengo que pedirles que me excusen.
I'm concerned about you, and I'm afraid to ask.
Me preocupas, y me da miedo preguntarte.
I'm afraid we must ask you to wake your father. May we come in?
Haga el favor de despertar a su padre.
I'm afraid you'll have to ask curtis.
Hablaré con Curtis.
In view of what you've told us Mrs Kearn. I'm afraid I must ask you to come to the station.
En vista de lo que ha dicho, tendrá que acompañarnos a la comisaría.
Thanks. But I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to move on.
Gracias, pero tendré que pedirte que te vayas.
- Well, I'm afraid, I came to ask a favour.
- Me temo que he venido a pedirle un favor.
No, I'm afraid I'll have to ask you all a few more questions yet.
Me temo que todavía he de hacerles varias preguntas.
I'm afraid to ask Mrs Rémi.
Tengo miedo de contárselo a la señora Rémi.
Yes, I've got no right to ask you to do a thing like that but I'm afraid it will be our only way.
Sí, no tengo derecho a pedirle que haga algo así pero me temo que es la única posibilidad.
Catherine, I'm afraid you'll have to ask the blessing.
Catherine, me temo que tendrás que dar las gracias.
Oh, dear. I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you gentlemen to excuse me.
Caballeros, tendré que pedirles que me disculpen.
I've been wanting to ask you to do something for me... and I'm afraid to mention it.
Quería pedirte algo... pero ahora tengo miedo de hacerlo.
We know you've had rather a shock, Polly, and talking about it may be disturbing, but I'm afraid we must ask you a few questions, so I'll be as quick as I can, and you just try not to let it upset you.
Sabemos que está conmocionada y que hablar Ie será desagradable. Pero debo hacerle algunas preguntas. Seré muy breve.
Yes, I'm afraid he would. That's why I don't want to ask him. Miss Dennis...
Me temo que sí, por eso no quiero pedírselo.
I'm afraid I shall have to ask for a warrant tomorrow.
Me temo que mañana tendré que solicitar una orden judicial.
Oh, no! I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to come down and identify him at the morgue.
Tendrá que venir conmigo al depósito para identificarlo.
It's simply this while everybody agrees that you've done a magnificent piece of work they feel, as things are, it's too dangerous to broadcast so I'm afraid, for the time being, we going to have to ask you not to publish
Por esto simplemente : Que mientras todos afirman que ha realizado una labor extraordinaria, estiman que sería peligrosísimo sacarla a la luz pública. O sea que, por el momento, tenemos que pedirle que no lo publique.
I'm afraid I must ask you to accompany me to the station.
Creo que va a tener que acompañarnos al cuartelillo.
- I'm afraid to ask her.
- Tengo miedo de preguntarle.
I'm afraid I can't ask you to stay for this meeting, but I was enjoying our talk.
Me temo que no puedo pedirte que te quedes en esta reunión, pero disfruté de nuestra charla.
If you wish to interview Major Kaufman, I'm afraid I'll ask you to do it on his own time.
Si quiere entrevistar al mayor Kaufman, hágalo en su tiempo libre.
I'm afraid I have to ask you to leave us immediately.
Me temo que tengo que pedirte que nos dejes inmediatamente.
I'm afraid I must ask you to let me spend the night here.
Siento molestarles.

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