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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ I ] / I'm going to tell you something

I'm going to tell you something traduction Espagnol

282 traduction parallèle
I'm going to tell you something and I need you not to react, okay?
Voy a decirte algo y necesito que no reacciones, ¿ vale?
I'm going to tell you something I would have told you a long time ago if you'd let me.
Voy a decirte algo que debería haberte dicho hace mucho tiempo si me lo permites.
I'm going to tell you something I couldn't tell the court.
Voy a decirte algo Yo no podía decirle a la corte.
I'll tell you everyday how bad your stuff is till you get something good, and if it's good, I'm going to tell you it's rotten till you get something better.
Diré que sus obras son horribles hasta que logren algo bueno... y entonces les diré que son porquerías, hasta que logren algo mejor.
- I'm going to tell you something, Hugo!
- ¡ Voy a decirte algo, Hugo!
I'm going to tell you something... which is not very healthy to know, but now that they followed me here...
Mire, le diré algo... que no es agradable de saber, pero ya que me han encontrado aquí...
I'm therefore going to ask him to tell you something...
Le pediré que les diga algo...
Well, now, I'm going to tell you something.
Pues les diré algo :
I'm going to tell you something.
Le diré algo.
I'll tell you something I'm going to try
Les contaré algo que voy a intentar
Just listen, thursday, and I'm going to Tell you something you're going to like.
Ahora escucha, Martes. Voy a decirte algo que te gustará.
I'm going to tell that young man something for not bringing you around sooner.
Voy a regañar a ese jovencito por no haberte traído por aquí antes.
No, I didn't. And I'm going to tell you something even more surprising.
No, y les contaré algo aún más sorprendente.
Miss Phoebe... I'm going to tell you something I'm afraid you won't understand.
Srta. Phoebe, voy a decirle algo que me temo no comprenderá.
I'm going to tell you something I'm afraid you won't understand. What's that?
Srta. Phoebe, voy a decirle algo que me temo no comprenderá.
I'm going to tell you something. Don't be frightened.
Mamá, voy a contarte algo pero no te asustes.
Freya, I'm going to tell you something, Dear.
- Quiero decirte algo.
I'm going to tell you something, and I want you to listen until I've finished.
Te diré algo, y quiero que escuches hasta que termine.
I'm going back to tell the president and congress just exactly what i've told you, that unless something is done to stop hitler, we may have to fight him alone.
Repetiré todo esto al presidente y al Congreso, o se intenta parar a Hitler o lucharemos solos contra él.
I'm going to have to tell you something that I hoped I'd never have to tell you.
Tendré que decirte algo que ojalá nunca tuviera que decirte.
Rock, I'm going to tell you something I ain't told nobody before.
Rock, voy a decirte algo que no le he dicho a nadie.
That's why I'm going to tell you something.
Por eso voy a decirte una cosa.
I'm going to tell you something which will distress you.
Voy a decirte algo que te afligirá.
Mr. Conover, I'm going to tell you something.
Sr. Conover, voy a decirle algo.
Now I'm going to tell you a little something Major.
Voy a decirte una cosita, comandante.
Simplemente he de decirte algo.
Doctor, I'm going to tell you something I've never told anyone. Not even Myrtle Mae.
Doctor, voy a contarle algo que nunca le he contado a nadie en el mundo, ni siquiera a Myrtle Mae.
I'm going to tell you something about myself.
Voy a decirle algo acerca de mí mismo.
And now I'm going to tell you something, Mr. collings.
Ahora te diré algo.
I'm going to tell you something about you and your friend Kane.
Pero te diré algo sobre Kane y tú.
I'm going to tell you about something that actually happened to me.
Lo que les voy a contar es un hecho real. Me sucedió precisamente a mí.
First, I'm going to tell you something else.
Antes te diré otra cosa.
I'm going to tell you something.
Voy a decirle algo.
Well, I'm going to tell you something.
Claro que entre Owens y yo hubo algo.
I'm going to tell you something, old man.
Te voy a decir algo, viejo.
McGovern, que... te voy a decir algo McGovern.
Now, I'm going to tell you something that you and your king brother don't know.
Voy a decirte algo que ni tú ni tu hermano rey sabéis.
Doesn't go beyond giving him tea and sympathy on Sunday afternoons. I'm going to tell you something.
Té y simpatía los domingos por la tarde.
I'm going to tell you something.
Te diré algo.
I'm going to tell you something, so listen up :
Solo voy a decirte una cosa. Así que escucha :
Come here. I'm going to tell you something. Maybe you can help us.
Entonces te contaré algo, quizás puedas ayudarnos.
And here's something else I'm going to tell you.
¡ Y te diré otra cosa!
I'm going to tell you something about those commuters of yours.
Voy a decirte algo sobre esos pasajeros tuyos.
I'm going to tell you something and then perhaps you may be able to give me the help that I need.
Voy a decirle algo. Y talvez entonces Ud. sea capaz de darme la ayuda que necesito. Por favor, dígame.
I'm going to tell you something about yourself, Sister.
Le voy a decir algo sobre Ud., Hermana.
I tell you, if something doesn't happen soon I'm going to start hanging out at the galleria.
Si no sale algo realmente pronto voy a tener que pasarme por la galería.
Billy, i'm going to tell you something. Now, i want you to try to understand.
No vas a volver a ver a la abuela.
I'm going to tell you something, very serious, even solemn.
Lo que voy a decirte es serio, incluso solemne.
~ I'm going to tell you something.
- Voy a decirte algo.
Martin, i tell you, i don't know what i'm going to do! You're forgetting something. Forgetting something?
Señor Ferguson no estará pensando en destruirlos,
Well..... I'm going to tell you something about yourself, Miss Jelkes.
Bueno le diré algo de usted, señorita Jelkes.

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