I'm good with that traduction Espagnol
565 traduction parallèle
We could've lived together with me reading all the books that you'd recommend and with me teaching you all the sports that I'm really good at.
Podríamos vivir juntos leyendo libros que me recomendaras... y yo te enseñaría todos los deportes en los que soy muy bueno.
I'm all through with that, Good News.
Ya acabé con todo eso, Buenas Noticias.
I'm used to good clothes and everything that goes with it.
Estoy acostumbrada a buenos vestidos y a todo lo que combina con ellos.
Why, do you think... with a chance to do some good in this town... that I'm gonna pick up my tail and run?
¿ Cómo voy a hacer algo positivo en esta ciudad si escapo corriendo?
I'm going to prove that I'm a friend with some good advice.
Voy a demostrar que soy un amigo con un buen consejo.
I congratulate with all my heart, my dear child thank you now stop that love scene, I'm here too good day, Mummy that kiss wasn't exactly loving
¡ Te felicito de todo corazón, querida hija! Gracias. ¡ Se acabó la escena de amor, yo estoy aquí también!
- I'm as good as some of them that's been playing with you.
- Soy tan bueno como algunos... que han estado jugando con usted.
Not if I'm as good doctor as you are with that hatchet.
No si soy tan buen médico como tú lanzador de hacha.
That's good, because I'm going part way with you.
- Eso es bueno. - Haré parte del viaje con usted.
That's the only good part of it, I'm with you.
Lo bueno es que estoy contigo.
- You? I'm good with the weapon and know enough about that area.
Conozco bien las armas y estoy familiarizado con el terreno.
I'm wondering if a single person, even with a good deal of leisure, could have done all that.
Me pregunto si una sola persona, aun con mucho tiempo libre, podría haberlo hecho.
Waldo, for your own good, I'm warning you to stop implying that I had anything to do with Laura's death.
Waldo, por su propio bien, le advierto que no siga insinuando que tengo algo que ver con la muerte de Laura.
I'll have you know he said there's nothing wrong with me. I'm perfect. That is good news.
Sí, señor, me ha dicho que estoy perfectamente que no me ocurre nada.
I hereby swear on this good book... that I'm goin'through with our deal... to the letter.
Juro por esta Biblia... que cumpliré nuestro acuerdo... al pie de la letra.
Who was it in that unit that didn't get along with Hank? For me, they was all good lads. I'm not doing any guessing like that.
Bien ya hemos llegado, y ahí esta la Sra. Mc Arran, la madre de Hamish.
Also, I had a good look at this Joe and, well, I'm only being honest with myself when I say that in my opinion, he's even better-looking than I am,
Y después, una vez bien mirado el tipo... he sido verdaderamente honesto conmigo mismo, y debo decirte... que en mi opinión, tiene mejor aspecto que yo.
Do you think I'm happy that Adriana is seeing a deadbeat like you? For her to become a slave to you, with her good looks?
Que creé, que yo estoy contenta de que Adriana esté con un espantajo como usted, que con su belleza le va a durar toda la vida ¿ eh?
You can say that again! I'm not very good with No / m theatre
A mí no me cansa el trabajo, sino el teatro y el trasnochar.
Not good enough for Aron, anyway. Because sometimes when I'm with Aron... Aron likes to talk about our being in love... and think about it and that's all right, but...
Al menos no lo bastante buena para Aron. a Aron le gusta hablar de que estamos enamorados... pero...
I let her work with me out of pure compassion and good-heartedness upon her arrival from the East Zone, and for that I'm now interrogated! Hold on.
Sólo por compasión y buen corazón la dejé trabajar en mi casa... cuando se vino de la zona oriental, ¡ y para eso me han hecho venir!
I'm no good with detail stuff like that.
No soy buena con detalles como esos.
And so, with the consent of a very good friend of mine, who is by way of being a remarkable criminologist, but who has also asked that his name not be credited, I'm going to say a few things to the killer, face to face.
Y por eso, con el consentimiento de un buen amigo mío, experto criminólogo que ha pedido permanecer en el anonimato, voy a decirle una cuantas cosas al asesino, cara a cara.
Ordinarily I'm a fairly good-natured person, Seymour, but I find it impossible to spend any time with you and remain that way.
De ordinario soy una mujer de buen temple,... pero ya no es posible seguir pasando el tiempo contigo... y que sigamos así.
For myself, I can digest pig iron and while I might appear to doze occasionally, you'll find that I'm easily awakened particularly if shaken gently by a good lawyer with a nice point of law.
En mi caso, tengo un estómago a prueba de bombas... y aunque a veces parezca que dormito, se darán cuenta... de que me despierto fácilmente, sobre todo si un buen abogado me sacude con suavidad... con un buen argumento legal.
Good man, I'm like a son! " Dear Mr. Meniconi... the following is to express our appreciation for your work during your probation period So, it is with regret... that we have to let go of one of our best employees Are they firing poor Baldaccini?
Es un buen hombre, me quiere como a un hijo. Escuchad, escuchad. "Distinguido Sr. Meniconi Con la presente le expreso nuestra satisfacción por el trabajo que ha realizado estos meses de prueba".
That sets real good with me and that's what I'm aiming to do.
Han sido buenos conmigo, Y pretendo continuar.
It's those cripples that I'm having a good time with!
Con ellos, hay normales, tomo el aire puro y me divierto.
With the potatoes, they're heavy. I'm afraid that this stuff, you.. might be good at eating it, but not at carrying it.
Con las papas, está pesado, tengo miedo que... le haga bien comérselo, pero llevárselo no.
Because I live in a big house it doesn't necessarily follow that I'm a rich man so there's no good coming here with extravagant ideas.
El que viva en una casa grande no significa necesariamente que sea un hombre rico así que no es bueno venir aquí con ideas de despilfarro.
Somebody said once, a friend of mine, I'm sure... that any bitch with a million bucks, and a big house and a good caterer... could be a social success in Washington.
Alguien dijo una vez, una amiga mía, estoy segura que cualquier bruja con un millón de dólares una gran casa y un buen cocinero podría ser un éxito social en Washington.
Mr. Rresident, I'm afraid that's true to some degree... and for this, I humbly apologize... to this chamber... and to the man in the White House, who, with good intentions for this nation... sent the nominee down to us.
Sr. Presidente, me temo que es cierto hasta cierto punto y por eso, humildemente me disculpo con esta Cámara y con el hombre en la Casa Blanca, quien con buenas intenciones para la Nación nos envió el candidato.
And you come back you look out for me because I'll be waiting to welcome you here with that "My old pal" stuff and give you the glad hand and the first good chance I get I'm gonna stab you in the back!
Y cuando vuelvas, prepárate porque te recibiré. Estaré otra vez en plan'hola, colega, choca esos cinco'. Pero a la primera oportunidad, te apuñalaré por la espalda.
I made a promise, i'm going to go through with it. Isn't that good enough?
Sólo piensa : estar encerrado conmigo durante 14 días.
I'm forced to fight him now and crush him but at least he gave me with open hands everything that is at all good in me, and you have never given me anything but your copping mediocrity and your everlasting obsession with your puny little person and what you thought was due to it!
Ahora estoy obligado a combatirle y aplastarlo, pero al menos me dio a manos llenas... todo aquello que es bueno en mí, y vos nunca me habéis dado nada... salvo vuestra defensiva mediocridad... y vuestra inacabable obsesión... con vuestra enclenque persona... y a lo que vos creíais que era debido.
You know, Livius... it's when I'm with you, that I feel... good. Safe.
Livio, cuando estoy contigo me siento bien, y seguro.
I'm not a prudish man, sir, but I believe that the Almighty gave us good, clean, married, conjugal love for the purpose of raising families, not to sell eggs with dirty, salacious ads!
No soy un mojigato, pero creo que el Todopoderoso nos dio un amor conyugal bueno y limpio con el propósito de formar familias, no de vender con anuncios sucios y procaces.
But I'm so angry that I've a good mind to press on with this one.
Pero estoy tan enfadado que pienso seguir investigando este caso.
It's just that I'm not very good with words.
Es que hablar no es lo mío.
Actually, I don't think I'm in that close a relationship with our good Lord.
No creo que tenga una relación tan estrecha con el buen Dios.
Waldo, for your own good, I'm warning you to stop implying... that I had anything to do with Laura's death.
Waldo, por su propio bien le ruego no vuelva a insinuar que tengo algo que ver con la muerte de Laura.
And I'm afraid, you see, that if the game was up with us it might be up with a good many more.
Verás, me temo que... si descubren nuestro pastel... pueden descubrir muchos más.
They're just gonna think that I'm not too nice a guy, which I'm not... and that you're a real hell of a good person for puttin'up with me.
Van a pensar que no soy tan buen chico, que no lo soy... y que tú eres una buena persona por soportarme.
Jesus, I thought for sure that... * l ´ m thinking of sweet Lena Clare * With deep-blue eyes and cornflower hair... Good evening, Cotton.
Dios mío, estaba seguro de que... Buenas tardes, Cotton.
I know some people believe that a good cigar goes with their glass of wine, but I'm afraid I feel they clash.
Sé que algunos creen que un buen puro va bien con una copa de vino pero me temo que no estoy de acuerdo.
Yeah, I'm working on that. But you know, I got a good look at him when he was with Campion in the parking lot.
Estoy en eso, pero mire pude verlo bien cuando estaba en el estacionamiento.
I'm gonna mend that ; be as good as new when I've finished with it.
La voy a arreglar, estará como nueva cuando haya terminado con ella.
I'm real good at stuff like that. I got people stuck in places they haven't even considered how to get out of yet. You don't think I can come up with something good?
He metido a gente en lugares que ni siquiera se han planteado cómo salir.
Well, if you're that good, I'm sure you could do wonders with my place.
Si eres tan buena podrás hacer maravillas en mi apartamento.
I'm just saying, Lister, that with times as good as those, there's no point in letting something small and silly like this come between a friendship that we've nurtured, like a small flower, petal by petal, and watched blossom and bloom into something rare and special.
Intento decirte, Lister, que con momentos tan buenos, no tiene sentido que una pequeña fricción como esta destruya una amistad que hemos hecho crecer como una pequeña flor, pétalo a pétalo, como un capullo que florece y se transforma en algo especial.
I'm no good with chords, so what we do is get somebody else to play chords. Edge will do that.
No soy bueno con los acordes, generalmente dejo que otro los toque.
i'm good 4884
i'm good at it 65
i'm good either way 17
i'm good at this 41
i'm good here 30
i'm good to go 71
i'm good now 27
i'm good at my job 18
i'm good with it 16
i'm good at that 22
i'm good at it 65
i'm good either way 17
i'm good at this 41
i'm good here 30
i'm good to go 71
i'm good now 27
i'm good at my job 18
i'm good with it 16
i'm good at that 22
i'm good at what i do 20
i'm good for it 53
with that in mind 45
with that said 19
with that 162
with that attitude 21
i'm going home 825
i'm gonna fuck you up 17
i'm going out tonight 18
i'm glad to see you 135
i'm good for it 53
with that in mind 45
with that said 19
with that 162
with that attitude 21
i'm going home 825
i'm gonna fuck you up 17
i'm going out tonight 18
i'm glad to see you 135
i'm going to sleep 71
i'm gonna kill you 458
i'm gonna die 222
i'm going to work 99
i'm great 475
i'm going to die 127
i'm going to take a shower 34
i'm going crazy 146
i'm going to school 41
i'm going home now 31
i'm gonna kill you 458
i'm gonna die 222
i'm going to work 99
i'm great 475
i'm going to die 127
i'm going to take a shower 34
i'm going crazy 146
i'm going to school 41
i'm going home now 31