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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ I ] / I'm looking for him

I'm looking for him traduction Espagnol

407 traduction parallèle
Tell Dick I'm looking for him.
Dick Dile que estoy buscando.
I'm looking for him.
Ése es el que estoy buscando.
- I'm looking for Brad. Have you seen him?
- Estoy buscando a Brad. ¿ Le has visto?
- I'm not looking for him.
- No le estoy buscando.
I'm looking for George. I'll find him if...
Vine a buscar a George y voy a encontrarlo...
I'm just looking for him.
Simplemente lo busco.
If Antoine comes, tell him I'm looking for him.
Si viene Antoine, dile que le busco.
He's looking for a justification for why I'm leaving him.
¿ Cuántas noches? Busca una justificación porque le dejo.
I'm looking for him.
Lo estoy buscando.
I'm looking for Big brother Zhang so I can ask him to go out and have some fun.
Busco al hermano mayor Zhang para preguntarle si podemos salir y divertirnos.
And if you see him before I do you can say I'm looking for him.
Y si lo ve antes que yo puede decirle que lo estoy buscando.
I'm looking for Petey, have you seen him?
Estoy buscando a Petey, ¿ le has visto?
He'll have heard I'm looking for him and gone underground.
Seguro que sabe que le busco. Se habrá escondido o escapado.
- I don't yet know who my victim will be anyway, I'm looking for him now.
- No sé quién será mi víctima pero, la estoy buscando.
- I'm looking for him.
- Yo lo busco a él.
Not this morning. - Tell him I'm looking for him if you see him.
- Si l ven, diganle que le busco.
I'm looking for my husband everywhere and I can't find him oh good heavens!
Estoy buscando a mi marido y no lo encuentro por ningún sitio. - ¡ Cielos santos!
I'm looking for him!
- ¡ Lo estoy buscando!
And if I'm not looking for him?
¿ Y si no le estoy buscando?
I'm looking for him.
Le estoy buscando.
- I'm looking for him.
- Lo estoy buscando
I'm deeply grateful to you both for looking after him.
Estoy profundamente agradecido con ustedes dos por cuidarlo.
I'm looking for him
Le ando buscando
Only to tell him I'm in town and might come looking for him.
Para decirle que estoy aquí y que tal vez vaya a por él.
I'm looking for him too.
Yo también le busco.
I'm terribly sorry we disturbed you, Max, but Judd was looking for a corkscrew I loaned him.
Lamentamos haberte molestado... peroJudd buscaba un sacacorchos que le presté.
He ain't looking for me, I'm looking for him.
Él no me busca a mí, pero yo a él sí.
No, sir. I'm looking for him, too.
- No, yo también lo estoy buscando.
Man I'm looking for, I never saw him this close.
Nunca he visto tan de cerca al hombre a quien busco.
I'm looking for somebody, and I'm not coming back until I find him.
Estoy buscando a alguien y no voy a volver hasta que le encuentre.
Tell him I'm looking for him.
Dile que lo estoy buscando.
If you see Hassan El-Blidi, tell him I'm looking for him.
Si ves a Hassan El-Blidi, dile que lo estoy buscando.
If you see him, tell him I'm looking for him.
Si lo ves, dile que lo estoy buscando.
- I'm looking for a tutor for him.
- Estoy buscando un tutor.
Well, tell him when he calls I'm looking for him.
Vale, cuando llame dile que le estoy buscando.
I'm not looking for him.
No le he buscado.
Well, it's like I told you, I'm looking for him, too.
Como le dije, yo también lo busco.
I'm looking for him and I hear you're looking for him, too.
Yo le busco y me han dicho que tú también.
I'm going to go on looking for him. And nobody's going to stop me even if they try to kill me.
Yo seguiré buscándolo y nadie me va a detener!
I'm looking for him.
Estoy buscándolo.
I'm looking for General Mongo. Where I can find him, please?
Busco al General Mongo. ¿ Sabe donde lo puedo encontrar por favor?
I'm sorry to disturb you but I was looking for my cat and I was wondering if you'd seen him?
Siento molestarte, pero estoy buscando a mi gato y me pregunto si ¿ lo has visto?
I'm also looking for him.
También lo estoy buscando.
I'm looking for a guy named Ben Buford. You know him?
¿ Conoce a un sujeto llamado Ben Buford?
I'm looking for a guy by the name of Leonard, but you're not him.
Estoy buscando a un tipo llamado Leonard, pero no eres tú.
I'm looking for a Mickey Reason. Do you know him?
Busco a un tal Mickey Reason. ¿ Le conoce?
You see this Milner, you tell him I'm looking for him, huh?
Si ves a este Milner, dile que lo estoy buscando, ¿ ok?
I'm looking for a white man. You seen him?
Estoy buscando a un hombre blanco, ¿ lo han visto?
I'm looking for him too.
Yo también le estoy buscando.
Why? This way, he doesn't have to report to the parole officer. Can't be picked up on a hundred other minor violations, and I'm looking for him, sweetheart.
Así no debe informar al agente de la condicional, no pueden cogerlo en 100 delitos menores...
Mark, he does not answer, I'm looking for him.
Marcos, no responde, estoy en busca de él.

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