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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ I ] / I'm really sorry about this

I'm really sorry about this traduction Espagnol

296 traduction parallèle
- I'm really sorry about this.
- Siento mucho todo esto.
I'm really sorry about this.
Esto me sabe mal de verdad.
I'm really very sorry about all this.
Siento mucho todo lo ocurrido.
- I'm really sorry about all this.
- De verdad lamento todo esto.
I'm really sorry about the incredible severity of this house arrest.
Siento mucho que nuestro señor le haya castigado.
I'm really very sorry about this, Professor.
Lamento sinceramente lo ocurrido, Profesor.
I'm sorry about this afternoon. I really am.
Lamento lo de esta tarde, de veras.
Min, I'm really sorry about all this.
Min, siento muchísimo todo esto.
I'm really sorry about all this.
Por favor, reconsidérenlo.
We'll see you back in Washington, Chief. I'm really sorry about this, but when I reserved those four seats for the return flight, I didn't realize I'd be taking Dietrick and Valdez back with me.
Lo siento, pero cuando reservé los asientos para el vuelo no me di cuenta de que iría con Dietrick y valdez.
I'm really sorry to bother you about all this again.
De acuerdo, tomen un descanso.
Mr. Dardis, I'm really very sorry about this.
Sr. Dardis, Io siento de veras.
Listen, I'm sorry about that, but this is really important.
Sinceramente lo lamento, Boss. Bien, a otra cosa.
I'm sorry about this, you can't really blame her. She doesn't have much in her life.
Tiene que divertirse de alguna manera.
Look, Beej, I'm really sorry about this.
Mira, B.J., lo lamento mucho.
I'm really sorry about this.
Pido humildemente excusas.
Listen, I'm really sorry about this misunderstanding.
Escuche, lamento mucho este malentendido.
I'm really sorry about this officer.
Lo siento oficial.
I'm really sorry about this, Travis.
Me sabe mal, Travis.
I'm really sorry about this whole mess, you know?
Siento todo este lío, ¿ sabes?
I ´ m really sorry about this, Dr. Steele.
Lamento todo esto, Dr. Steele.
I'm really sorry about this.
Lo siento mucho por esto.
Honest Asterix, I'm really sorry about all this.
Honestamente, Asterix, lamento mucho todo esto.
Listen, I'm really sorry about this... but it's not what you might think.
Mira, realmente siento todo esto, pero no es lo que piensas.
Otherwise, I guess I'll call you tomorrow... and, listen, I'm really, really sorry about this.
De todas formas, supongo que mañana te llamaré, y escucha, realmente siento muchísimo todo esto.
I'm really sorry about this.
De verdad, lo siento mucho.
I'm really sorry about this.
Realmente siento mucho esto.
I'm sorry about this. I really am.
Lo siento, de verdad lo siento.
" I'm really sorry about this.
"Lo siento mucho".
I really appreciate this, and I'm sorry about...
Se lo agradezco mucho, señor Varrick, y le ruego me disculpe pero...
I'm really sorry about all this.
Realmente lamento todo esto.
I'm really sorry about this.
Lo siento mucho, amigo.
I'm really sorry about this, but I've got some questions which are embarrassing.
Lo siento, pero tengo unas preguntas algo... embarazosas...
Look, I'm really sorry about this.
Oye, lamento mucho todo esto.
I "m always unlucky I have to stand by this shit now I" m really sorry about your husband "s death I meant to write you but I" d lost your address
Siempre tengo mala suerte. Ahora tengo que estar con esta mierda. Siento de verdad la muerte de tu marido.
- I'm really very sorry about this.
- Lamento muchísimo todo esto.
I'm really sorry about this morning.
Lamento lo de esta mañana.
Oh, Nicole, I'm really sorry about all this.
Oh, Nicole, realmente siento todo esto.
Look, I'm really sorry about all this, but what else am I supposed to do?
Mira, lamento mucho todo esto, ¿ pero qué otra cosa iba a hacer?
Look, I'm really sorry about earlier, but I really think we should discuss this now.
Siento lo que pasó, pero deberiamos discutirlo ahora.
Listen, I'm really very sorry about all of this.
- Mira, lo siento por todo esto.
I'm really sorry about this afternoon.
Siento mucho lo de esta tarde.
Shawn, I'm really sorry about this whole thing.
Shawn, realmente lamento todo esto.
I'm really sorry about this.
Realmente lamento todo esto.
Lois, I'm really sorry, but I really can't be talking to you about this.
Luisa, lo siento, pero no podemos estar hablando de esto.
I'm really sorry about this...
Siento mucho esta situación.
I'm really sorry about all this.
Realmente siento todo esto.
I'm really sorry about this.
Lo siento sinceramente.
I'm... really sorry about this morning.
Siento... lo de esta mañana.
I'm sorry to bug you about this, but I'd be really grateful
Perdón por molestarte con esto de nuevo, Pero realmente te agradecería
Tammy, I'm really sorry about my brother. We've had to put up with this pinhead imbecile for years now.
Tammy tienes que disculpar a mi hermano, hace años que tenemos que aguantar a este imbécil descerebrado.

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