I'm sure you would traduction Espagnol
1,375 traduction parallèle
- I'm sure you would.
Sí, seguro que lo harías.
And i'm sure if your grandmother knew How important this was to you, she would want you to have it.
Y estoy segura de que si tu abuela hubiera sabido lo importante que era esto para ti... hubiera querido que lo tuvieras.
Having Adrian does not give you free reign. Nikita's mission is justifiable... and I'm sure not even Oversight would take kindly to your interference.
El tener a Adrian no te da vía libre... la misión de Nikita se justifica... y pienso que ni al Dpto. de Supervisión le agradará tu interferencia.
I'm sure your other clients would want to know you're trying to fight this problem.
A sus otros clientes les gustará saber que intenta solucionarlo.
I'm sure you have your bad traits. And they would be?
Estoy segura de que tú tienes aspectos antipáticos. ¿ Cuáles son?
Well, Uh arr-I'm sure he would forgive you if he knew.
Seguro que él te perdonaría. Si lo supiera.
I'm sure you two would like to be left together.
Estoy segura que les gustaría que los dejara solos.
I'm sure you would like to wash your hands and whatever else.
Seguramente les gustaría lavarse las manos y otras cosas.
I'm sure you're wondering why Agent Kelly and the United States government... would be so interested in what appears to be a record company.
Querrán saber por qué el Agente Kelly y el gobierno de EE.UU estarían interesados en una casa discográfica.
I'm sure there's thousands of guys who would die to go out with you.
Estoy seguro que hay miles de tipos quienes morirían por salir contigo.
I'm not so sure you would enjoy this.
parece tan barato yo a mí. Yo debo el despues a un la idea.
If you would just pay her a visit, I'm sure you would see... that she's got to be relocated immediately.
Si al menos hiciera Ud. una visita, estoy segura de que vería... que ella debe ser reubicada inmediatamente.
He was very fond of you - he had some tools I'm sure he would've wanted you to have.
Tenía algunas herramientas, seguro que le hubiera gustado que las tuvieras.
mostly because I'm sure all of you would enjoy it. And also to let her know that our hearts are with her in these difficult times.
Primero, porque tengo la certeza de que será un placer para todos, y también para que sepa que estamos de todo corazón con ella en estos momentos difíciles que atraviesa.
Yes, rather than see our money disappear, I'm sure you would.
Si ustedes ven que su dinero desaparece estoy seguro que lo hará.
I mean, your father would be able to tell you what you were like, I'm sure.
Quiero decir, estoy seguro que su padre sería capaz de decirle como era.
I'm sure she hoped you would leave the Takemikazuchi.
Esatoy seguro que ella esperaba que pudieras abandonar a los Takemikazuchi.
Not that we're trying to get rid of you. Yes, we are. I'm sure Dr Ruth would like to offer some advice.
Y además de causar daño permanente a los pulmones, cualquier carne que se guarde ahí se convertiría en...
Well, if you need to cut back on your duties, I'm sure Seven would be happy to fill in for you.
Bien : si necesita recortar su horario de trabajo estoy segura de que Siete estará feliz de reemplazarla. Creo que puedo manejarlo.
Harper, I, uh, well, I know that you've got a lot on your plate, but I'm sure our guests would appreciate it if you gave them an overview of Andromeda's key systems.
Harper, yo, eh, bueno, yo sé que tienes mucho en tu agenda, pero estoy seguro de que nuestros huéspedes te agradecerán si les das una visión general de los principales sistemas de Andrómeda.
I'm sure Grams has some prescription medication somewhere that would help you a lot through this, Joey.
La abuela debe tener algún medicamento que te ayude a soportarlo.
Yeah, sure. I'm sure that Pacey would love to talk to you. Okay.
Sí, estoy segura de que Pacey querrá hablar con ustedes.
- I'm sure Luka would love to see you.
- Luka tendrá muchas ganas de verte.
If you had really been choking, I'm sure I would have known what to do.
Si hubieras estado atragantándote, seguramente habría sabido qué hacer.
I mean, all I meant was that I'm sure that he did everything that you would have done if you had been with Aeryn all this time.
Quiero decir el habría hecho todo lo que tu hubieras hecho de estar con Aeryn todo ese tiempo
Yes, um, I'm sure you would, but unless it's about my missing tape, well, then I would prefer to stick to calls about mental and emotional issues, as usual.
Si, estoy seguro, pero a menos que se trate de mi cinta perdida, bueno, preferiría que mantengamos las llamadas sobre problemas mentales y emocionales, como de costumbre.
Well, I'm sure you just would've tossed him out with the garbage.
Hubieras preferido echarlo a la basura.
Well, unfortunately, Doctor, I've just been relieved, but I'm sure Colonel O'Neill would love to discuss it with you.
Pues lo siento doctor, acabo de ser relevado. Pero... seguro que al Coronel O'Neill le encantará discutirlo con usted.
I'm sure your woman over there would've been all over him if you did.
Seguro que tu mujer se le habría tirado encima si lo hubieran visto.
A lot of things have happened. I'm sure there's a lot of things that you both probably would like to forget and a lot of things you never want to forget.
Muchas cosas han pasado muchas cosas que se que ambos quisieran olvidar y muchas que jamás querrán olvidar.
You know, Marie, if the canister was here, I'm sure you would have noticed it during one of your daily inspections.
Sabe, Marie, si la lata estuviera aquí seguramente lo habría notado durante una de sus inspecciones diarias.
I'm sure Gates would love to have you back.
Gates estará feliz de tenerte de vuelta.
Judging by your character, I'm sure you would have done the same.
A juzgar por tu carácter, tú habrías hecho lo mismo.
Well, I'm sure Meg would like to go swimming with you, darling.
Bueno, estoy segura que a Meg le encantaría nadar contigo, querido.
I'm sure the children would be happy to share the marbles with you.
Roger, estoy segura de que a los niños les encantaría prestarte las canicas
I'm sure Ludovic would suit you fine
Estoy seguro que estará bien contigo, Ludovic.
But I'll tell you this, Merys, and I'll stake my life on it. Marrying Betty or not, he would have become councillor anyway... and very soon he'll be mayor himself, I'm sure.
Pero te apuesto mi vida a que con Betty o sin ella habría llegado a concejal.
I'm sure she would like to hear from you.
Estoy seguro de que quiere saber de ti.
I'm sure would appreciate some advice, especially from someone I admire as much as you.
Estoy segura que apreciaré algún consejo, especialmente de alguien que admiro tanto como tú.
I'm sorry, but it is you who was so damn sure, that you would have recognized your wife.
Lo siento, pero fuiste tú quien estaba tan seguro de reconocer a su esposa.
I'm sure you would.
No lo dudo.
I would like to thank all of you for coming on... what I'm sure will be a landmark day for Apex Communications.
Me gustaría agradecerles a todos por venir aquí... lo que estoy seguro que será un día notable para Apex Communications.
Yeah, I know how things is. Barbie, I'm not gonna make you go, but... your daddy sure would like it.
Barbie, no voy obiigarte a ir... pero a él ie gustaría que fueras.
I'm sure you would have laughed.
Te habría hecho reír.
I'm not sure if the lady of whom you speak would understand that
No estoy seguro si la mujer de la que habla podría entenderlo.
I'm not sure it would appease you.
No estoy seguro de que le guste.
I'm sure you would find that- -
Estoy seguro de que usted encontrará que -
I'm sure you'll agree a mutual defense pact would be greatly beneficial to both parties...
Estoy seguro de que estará de acuerdo con un pacto de defensa mutua Sería muy beneficioso para ambas partes...
I'm sure your hard-as-nails thing really works for you. I'm sure it earns you respect and I'm sure that I will learn a lot in your class. After today, I wish you would've turned me away when you had the chance.
Sé que su actitud severa le debe inspirar respeto y seguro voy a aprender mucho en su clase pero después de hoy, habría deseado que me rechazara.
I'm sure you'd like to avoid embarrassment as much as we would, so we'll just say this was all due to a technicality.
Estoy seguro de que quiere evitar la vergüenza tanto como se pueda, así que sólo diremos que se debió a un tecnicismo.
It said, "Dear Mr. Noel, I'm sure that you can borrow the Archimedes manuscript and the owner would be delighted in this idea."
Decía : "Estimado Sr. Noel, estoy seguro de que puede tomar prestado el manuscrito de Arquímedes y que el propietario estará encantado con esta idea."
i'm sure 2891
i'm sure you are 126
i'm sure you will 140
i'm sure of it 474
i'm sure i will 55
i'm sure you're right 87
i'm sure you do 212
i'm sure that 41
i'm sure you can 67
i'm sure it'll be fine 42
i'm sure you are 126
i'm sure you will 140
i'm sure of it 474
i'm sure i will 55
i'm sure you're right 87
i'm sure you do 212
i'm sure that 41
i'm sure you can 67
i'm sure it'll be fine 42