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I've been there before traduction Espagnol

228 traduction parallèle
Before I go, there's something I've been meaning to ask you.
Pero antes de irme, hay algo que quiero preguntarte.
I don't know why it didn't occur to me before... but there's no earthly reason why you should spend today all alone... just because I've been selfish and thoughtless.
No sé por qué no se me ocurrió antes... pero no hay una razón por la cual debas pasar este día sola... sólo porque he sido egoísta e imprudente.
Well, I don't know. I've been eating there for years. I never heard of anybody getting their fingers caught before.
No lo sé, llevo años comiendo allí... y nunca había visto que le aplastasen los dedos a alguien.
You see, I've never been there before.
Yo nunca he estado ahí.
I've been to the drainpipe before. I've been there a hundred times.
He ido más de cien veces.
Handcuffs, I've been there before.
Esposas. Las llevé en tiempos.
Seems to me I've been there before.
Creo haber estado antes allí.
But Nath, I had the feeling I've been there before.
Tuve la sensación de haber estado allí antes.
I've been there before.
He estado ahí antes.
Every farmer in a hundred miles from here is home right now or gettin'there as quick as he can. Strippin'his fields to get his tobacco bag here at prices I've been paying before I'm dragged away.
Todos los agricultores van ahora a cosechar su tabaco, para vendérmelo antes de que me encierren en el manicomio.
You can tell them that, too, that I've been drinking. There'll be lots to tell before...
Dígales que he estado bebiendo, lo dirá mucha gente.
I've been there before.
No soy nueva en esto.
They've all been there long before I got married.
Ya estaban allí mucho antes de que me casara.
I've been living right over there in part of this canyon my whole life, and nobody ever had that idea before.
He vivido toda mi vida allí, en esa parte del cañón. Mi vida entera... Nadie ha venido allí después Solo somos agricultores..
Y mi maleta...
Before we say goodbye there's something I've been wanting to say about you and me maybe getting married someday.
Antes de decir adiós, hay algo que he estado queriendo decir... Acerca de ti y de mi.. casarnos algún día
I've been there before.
Ya he estado ahí. Ya saben.
Before we go on, I'd like to have you meet some of the specialists who've been with our band for many years. It's Butch Stone up there.
Pero antes les presentaré a los miembros de nuestra banda, de hace años.
Well, of course, there isn't. I've never been here before.
Por supuesto que no lo hay, nunca había estado aquí.
So you were out there... I've never been inside before.
Aquí ya habrá estado alguna vez... Nunca antes había estado en este edificio.
So what? I've been there before.
No sería la primera vez.
I've been there before.
- Poca cosa pero estoy acostumbrado.
Although I've never been there before.
- Por supuesto, aunque no he estado nunca allí.
I've been there before.
- No, ya lo he visto.
I've never been there before
Nunca he estado allí.
I've been thinking of abandoning everything out there before it's too late.
He pensado abandonar todo allá antes que sea demasiado tarde.
My Fuhrer, I've been there twice before the war.
Mi Führer, estuve allí dos veces antes de la guerra.
You knowed damn well I've been shot there twice before.
Ya sabías que antes me habían disparado ahí dos veces.
I've been there before.
He estado en muchos sitios.
I've been informed by the minister of foreign affair... before even Ondoga came that this is good, this is good, must remain there.
He sido informado por el ministro de asuntos exteriores... incluso antes de que viniera Ondoga de que esto es bueno, esto es bueno, de que debe quedarse.
I feel like I've been there before.
Siento como si hubiera estado allí.
I've never been in there before in my life.
Nunca había estado antes.
In fact, there's every indication... you've been a law-abiding, productive member of your community since... let's face it, since a long time before I learned how to walk.
De hecho, esto indica... que ha sido respetuoso de la ley, ciudadano productivo, desde... hace mucho tiempo, antes de que yo aprendiera a caminar.
I've been there before, Hawkeye.
Ya viví esto antes, Hawkeye.
I feel they've been there before
Y han debido de venir más veces. - No sé, pero...
- I've been there before, Leo.
- Ya estuve ahí, Leo.
Sure, sure, I've been there before.
Ya me la han hecho antes.
I've been there before.
ya he estado antes en ellas.
I've been there before.
Estuve allí antes.
I've never been happy there! They mocked me, laughed at me, but I lived there and took advantage of everything I had despised before.
¡ Siempre me sentí mal allí, ellos se burlaban de mí, pero yo vivía y usaba todo lo que antes despreciaba!
I've never been angry with her before, but she knew who was out there, of that I'm sure.
Nunca he estado furioso con ella antes, pero ella sabía quien estaba allí fuera, de eso estoy seguro.
I've been at the Geo before, but someone always drove me there.
Ya he estado en el Geo, pero siempre me llevaron.
I've been there many times before to work.
He estado allí muchas veces antes de trabajar.
I've been there before.
He estado allí antes.
I've been out there since before midnight.
Estoy muy cansada de todo eso.
I think we've all been there before.
Creo que todos hemos estado allí antes.
I've been in pressure packed situations before and there's only one thing to do.
Estuve en situaciones de presión similares anteriormente, y sólo hay algo que hacer.
I've been there before. It's a larger village and Charlie doesn't have his hooks in the people yet.
Ya he estado allí, es una gran aldea y Charlie aún no ha sacado gente de allí.
I've been down this road a few times myself, and take it from a pro, there is one thing you always have to do before you tell a guy you love him.
He estado por este camino un par de veces a mí mismo, y llevarlo de un profesional, hay una cosa que siempre hay que hacer antes de decirle a un chico que lo amas.
I've... I've been there before.
Ya he pasado por eso antes.
Well, if Mr. Good Samaritan over there hadn't have us stop to change old bozo's tyre, I think we would've been through the Tioga Pass before the highway patrol closed the roads.
Si el señor Buen Samaritano no nos hubiera hecho parar para cambiar la rueda de ese sujeto habríamos atravesado el Paso Tioga antes de que la patrulla cerrara las rutas.

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