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I've never been there traduction Espagnol

497 traduction parallèle
- No, I've never been up there at all.
- No, nunca he estado allí.
Yes, and there's something else I've been trying to tell you all evening, and now you'll never know.
Y hay algo más que intenté decirte esta noche, y nunca Io sabrás.
I've never been there.
Nunca he estado allí.
Gosh I've been staying here a year and never knew there was such a place.
Hace un año que vivo aquí, no sabía que existía.
No, I've never been there, only to get off the boat and now to get on it again.
No, nunca he estado allí. Sólo cuando desembarqué y ahora para embarcar.
There's something I've never been able to prove. But I'll bet 100 to 1 he did the trick.
Hay algo que nunca pude probar, pero sé que él lo hizo.
- I've never been there.
- Nunca he ido.
- I've never been there in my life.
- Jamás he estado allí.
I've never been there.
Jamás fui allí.
I've never been there myself, but they've told me about it.
Nunca he ido, pero me han comentado.
I've been a tenant there for 50 years and I've never seen such a thing.
A cualquiera que pregunte por Agostino Miciacio le dirá que es un loco.
I've never been there either.
Tampoco he estado allí.
Well, I don't know. I've been eating there for years. I never heard of anybody getting their fingers caught before.
No lo sé, llevo años comiendo allí... y nunca había visto que le aplastasen los dedos a alguien.
Oh. Of course I've never been there.
Claro que nunca he estado ahí.
No, I've never been there, unfortunately. - Or should I say fortunately? - That would depend, Dr. Segert.
Por desgracia nunca estuve allí, ¿ o debo decir por fortuna?
I've been around a long time, Pitt... and in my stupid mind there was never anybody else but you.
- Yo siempre estuve, Pitt. Interiormente, cometí la tontería de sólo pensar en ti.
You see, I've never been there before.
Yo nunca he estado ahí.
I thought that, too, but every night, I've been all over the house... and there's never been another light turned on.
Yo también creía eso, pero cada noche recorro la casa... y nunca veo más luces encendidas.
Since you've never been in werner's, i shall be delighted if you would accompany me there.
Puesto que no ha estado nunca con Werner,... estaría encantado si me acompañara.
I've never been there.
Nunca estuve allí.
I've never been religious or anything like that but now there's only a few hours left and I've been thinking about what you said about standing out there alone tomorrow up against that wall, no priest to turn to.
Nunca he sido religioso ni nada de eso pero ahora solo quedan unas horas y estuve pensando en lo que dijiste acerca de estar parado ahí solo mañana frente al paredón, sin ningún sacerdote a quien acudir.
- I've never been there!
- ¡ Nunca he estado allí!
I've never been there.
Nunca he ido.
Always wanted to go there myself but I've been married since I was 1 6. Never had a chance. Must be pretty exciting.
Siempre quise ir, pero llevo casado desde los 16.
As long as I've been here, there's never been police...
Bartlett, llévatela fuera de aquí. - Vamos, señora, vamos.
In all the years I've been here, there's never been a man in this house. Now a stranger with all those bocks and books.
Y ahora viene ese extraño con cajas y libros.
There's nothing for me to pull-together because I've never been apart.
No hay nada que yo pueda tirar junto, porque nunca hemos estado separados.
Quite good I hear. I've never been there myself. A friend told me.
La verdad es que... nunca me había imaginado llevando una vida así.
I've never been there myself.
Nunca he estado allí.
- I've never been there, Mr. Rhinelander.
- Nunca he estado allí, Sr. Rhinelander.
Now, look, since you say Jane has set her heart on going to Coney Island... I don't mind accepting your invitation, because I've never been there.
Como dices que Jane tiene mucho interés en ir a Coney Island... no me importa aceptar tu invitación porque nunca he estado allí.
I've never been there.
Tiene muy buena memoria.
- I've never been there.
- Nunca he estado allí.
We've served a great many years together. And, there's never been a day when I couldn't happily go along with any decision of yours. But, I have a responsibility to this country, too.
Hace muchos años que trabajamos juntos, y no ha habido un solo día en el que no aprobase tus decisiones, pero también tengo responsabilidades con este país.
I've never seen the great Vittorio, but there've been plenty of Apaches here.
Nunca he visto al gran Vittorio, pero siempre ha habido muchos apaches aquí.
I've never been alone. There's so many of us.
Yo nunca he estado sola, somos muchos en casa.
I've been over to the house several times, but you were never there.
He estado varias veces en tu casa pero nunca estabas allí.
I've never been there
Nunca he estado allí.
Why, no, sir, I've never been there.
No, señor nunca he estado allí.
- I don't know, I've never been there.
- No sé, nunca he estado allí.
I've never been there either.
Tampoco los conozco.
I've never been there.
- Nunca me he bañado allí.
I've never been but I've heard you can only find old ladies there.
Solo hay viejas, dicen ; nos aburriremos.
I've never been there.
No he estado nunca.
At least, that's what I hear. I've never been there myself. After all, I'm a married man.
Según escuché, nunca he estado ahí.
There's no such person. I've never been married.
No existe, nunca he estado casada.
I've never been, but it's interesting that you're from there.
Nunca he estado allí, pero suena interesante.
- I've never been there.
- Nunca fui a Ámsterdam.
Well, of course, there isn't. I've never been here before.
Por supuesto que no lo hay, nunca había estado aquí.
So you were out there... I've never been inside before.
Aquí ya habrá estado alguna vez... Nunca antes había estado en este edificio.
I've never been there.
Nunca he estado ahí.

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