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I've seen that look before traduction Espagnol

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I've never seen you look Quite like that before.
Nunca antes te había visto así.
- Yes. - I've seen that look of yours before, young man.
- Ya le he visto esa expresión, joven.
I've seen that look before.
- Reconozco esa mirada.
I've seen that look before and I know what it used to mean.
He visto esa mirada antes... y sé lo que significaba.
I saw that look, Chris, that I've never seen before on his face or anybody else's!
Vi su mirada. Jamás la había visto, ni en su cara ni en la de nadie.
I've never seen him look like that before.
nunca le he visto antes así.
I've seen that look before.
He visto esa expresión.
I think that... haven't been a lot of movies that I cared to see... and the ones that I have seen I've been disappointed in. so... lf l go to see a movie that disturbs me because it's not very good... that I'll look for an old movie that I've seen before that I like.
Si voy a ver una peli que me molesta porque no es buena,
- I've seen that look before.
- Conozco esa mirada de antes. - ¿ Sí?
I've seen that look before.
He visto esa mirada antes.
What does he want of me I've seen that look before, Sam.
Conozco esa mirada, Sam.
I've seen that look in your eyes before.
Ya he visto esa mirada en tus ojos.
I'm warning you! I've seen that look before.
Te lo advierto. ya he visto esa mirada antes.
I know that look. I've seen it before.
Lo se, mira, lo he visto antes.
Let me help out. You could tell me why you've been avoiding me or what's behind that look. Whether it's repulsion or jealousy or complete disapproval because I know I've never seen it from you before.
Deja que te eche una mano.Puedes contarme porque me estás evitando y que hay detrás de esa mirada, si es repulsión, celos o reproche porque sé que no me habías mirado así antes.
I've never seen you look like that before.
Nunca he visto una mirada así.
- I've seen that look so many times before.
Vi esa mirada tantas veces antes.
I've seen that look before.
Vi esa mirada en otras.
I've seen that look before.
Ya he visto esa cara.
I've seen that look on your face before.
Esa cara te la he visto antes.
I look in your eyes and I see something there that I've never seen before.
Te miro a los ojos y veo algo ahi que nunca vi antes.
Damn, I've never seen Delinda look at some guy like that before this.
Maldita sea, nunca he visto Delinda mira en algún tipo como él antes de esto.
I've only seen that look once before.
He visto esa mirada sólo una vez antes.
I've seen that look before.
Conozco esa mirada.
Oh, yeah, I've seen that look before.
He visto esa mirada antes.
Look, I've never seen that guy before.
- Nunca lo había visto.
That bad look in his eye - I've seen that before.
He visto antes esa mirada.
It's not under control, I've seen that look before.
Sí, con esos ojitos que pones, conozco esa mirada tuya...
I was definitely very different which is why I've been very successful as a commercial maker and would look at things in different lights and put things in a different way so they hadn't seen that before.
Yo era completamente distinto la razón por la que siempre he tenido éxito con los anuncios y veo las cosas desde otras perspectivas y lo ordeno todo de modo distinto a todo lo que se haya visto.
Oh, I've seen that look before.
He visto esa mirada antes.
I've seen that look on a woman's face before.
Ya he visto esa expresión en el rostro de una mujer.
He visto esa mirada antes.
Look, I've heard voices before and stuff like that... but I've actually seen her.
Mira, he escuchado voces y esas cosas... pero realmente la vi.
I've seen that look before.
Ya he visto esa mirada.
Well, i beg to differ, tess, because i've seen that look in your eyes before.
Bueno, yo pienso diferente, Tess porque he visto esa mirada en tus ojos
Bill? I've seen that look on your face before, and I don't like it.
Bill, he visto esa mirada en tu cara antes y no me gusta.
I've seen that look before, usually right before you sock me in the jaw.
He visto esa mirada antes, justo antes de que me golpees.
Wait a minute. I've seen that look before. What look?
- Espera un minuto, yá he visto esa cara antes.
That look in your eye I've seen that before, in the mirror when I prayed that you would bring my son back to me.
Esa mirada en tus ojos... La he visto antes en el espejo cuando te pedí que trajeras a mi hijo de regreso.
But I've seen that look before.
Pero conozco esa mirada.
Yes, I've seen that look before.
Sí, ya he visto esa mirada.
If I'm not mistaken, I've seen that look before.
Me parece que conozco esa mirada.
I've seen that look before, okay?
Ya conozco esa mirada, ¿ sí?
What's that look on your face I've never seen there before?
¿ Qué tiene tu cara que nunca había visto antes?
I think we've seen that look somewhere before, don't you, Professor?
Creo que hemos visto esa mirada en algún sitio antes, ¿ No cree, Professor?
Yeah, I've seen that look on her face before.
Sí, he visto esa expresión en su cara antes.
That concerned look on you, I've never seen it before.
Ese aspecto de preocupado, nunca lo había visto antes.
I've never seen her look like that before.
Nunca la había visto así.
Oh, I've seen that look before.
Oh, he visto antes esa mirada.
I've never seen that look before.
¡ Tus ojos! ¡ Hay miedo en tu mirada!
- I've seen that look before.
- ¿ Por qué? - He visto esa mirada antes.

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