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I couldn't believe it traduction Espagnol

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I couldn't believe it.
No lo podía creer.
Bob, last night when you told me that you'd taken it, I just couldn't believe it.
Bob, anoche, cuando me dijiste que lo tomarías, no podía creerlo.
When my girlfriend here said you wouldn't flirt, I just couldn't believe it.
Cuando mi amiga dijo que no flirteabas, no podía creérmelo.
I couldn't believe it.
No lo creía.
I couldn't believe it.
No podía creerlo.
I couldn't believe it had happened.
No podía creer lo que pasó.
I couldn't believe it either when I heard it.
Ni siquiera podía creerlo cuando lo oí.
Only, sometimes, I couldn't believe it.
Aunque, a veces, no podía creerlo.
I certainly didn't do it because of those interfering Englishmen and Frenchmen no because I believe that I couldn't answer for it before God.
No... porque creo que no podría responder de ello ante Dios.
I don't believe that destinies are controlled by a throw of dice, but it couldn't have been merely a succession of accidents.
No soy de la idea de que el destino dependa del azar de los dados... pero cuesta creer que todo fuera pura coincidencia.
When I saw you just now, I couldn't believe it possible.
Cuando te vi no podría, creerlo que fuera posible.
I couldn ´ t believe it.
No puedo imaginarlo.
I couldn't believe it.
Yo no podía creerlo.
Hello, Maggie. I couldn't believe it when I heard you were alive.
Maggie. Me costó creer que estuvieras aún vivo.
I couldn't make her believe it. She just thinks I'm trying to feed her a little soap. Can you imagine that?
Cree que lo he dicho para tranquilizarla, ¿ no es increíble?
I couldn't believe it.
No me lo podía creer.
But, Harry, I couldn't believe it either until I saw it with my own eyes!
¡ Pero, Harry, yo tampoco pude creerlo hasta verlo con mis propios ojos!
when I heard your voice over the phone, I couldn't believe it. It's so nice to see you.
Cuando escuché su voz por teléfono, no lo podía creer.
They told me you where here, but I couldn't believe it.
Me habían dicho que estabas por aquí, pero no podía creerlo.
But I couldn't believe it meant so little to you that you'd completely forgotten me.
Comprendo que casi no nos vimos, pero no pude imaginar que me olvidarías tan rápido.
- I couldn't believe it was true.
- Me negaba a creer que fuera cierto.
I know you would stay, but I couldn't believe it.
Yo sé que usted se quedaría, pero yo no podría creerlo.
He was going to tell me a lie he knew I couldn't believe, and ding his lawyer, I had to defend like it
Me iba a contar una mentira y yo tendría que fingir creerla.
I couldn't believe it. Ellie was as happy as a lark.
No podía creerlo, Ellie estaba más contenta que unas pascuas.
- I couldn't believe it was you.
- No podía creer que eras tú.
Mitchell called me, I couldn't believe it.
Y yo que no quería que emitieran los mensajes religiosos.
I couldn't believe it.
No pude creerlo.
The voice said, "There is your man!" But I couldn't believe it.
Una voz me dijo : "Ese es tu hombre". Pero no podía creerlo.
I tried to believe it was born in me... and that I couldn't help it, but that's not so.
Intenté creer que era de nacimiento... pero no es así.
I heard that, but I couldn't believe it.
Algo he oído, pero no hice caso.
Jo! When we got your wire, I couldn't believe it.
Cuando recibimos su cable no podíamos creerlo.
Oh, my dear, when I... When I saw this in the personal column, I couldn't believe it.
- Querida,... cuando vi esto en anuncios personales, no me lo creía.
I couldn't believe what they were saying, but now I know there must be something to it.
No podía creer lo que estaban diciendo,... pero ahora sé que debe haber algo de cierto.
I couldn't believe it was meant for me.
No creia que sonaba por mi.
Well, when I saw you crossing from the courthouse, I just couldn't believe it was you.
Cuando te vi cruzando la calle... no pude creer que eras tú.
I was puzzled about the title, I read it, and couldn't believe it, it didn't make any sense.
El título me dejó perplejo, lo leí, y no lo podía creer, no tenía ningún sentido.
When you hit the man with the pole... I couldn't believe it was you.
Cuando le diste al hombre con la tranca... Yo nomás te miraba y no te conocía.
I couldn't believe it when I got your address from the Association.
No podía creerlo cuando me dieron tu dirección en la asociación.
It's sad when a mother has to speak the words that condemn her own son, but I couldn't allow them to believe that I would commit murder.
Es muy triste que una madre tenga que declarar contra su propio hijo, pero no podía permitir que creyeran que el crimen lo cometí yo.
I couldn't believe it.
Es algo para no creer.
I tried to make it, believe me. I just couldn't get away... but there's good news tonight.
Traté de ir, créeme, pero no pude... pero hay buenas noticias esta noche...
At first, I couldn't believe it.
Al principio, no podía creerlo.
I just couldn't believe it.
No podía creerlo.
When I met him I couldn't believe it was him.
Cuando lo conocí no podía creer que fuese él.
When your cable came, I couldn't believe it.
Cuando llegó tu telegrama no podía creerlo.
They couldn't believe it so I had to show them the paper.
No se lo creían He tenido que enseñarles el papel.
I couldn't believe it, Your Excellency, when they told me who was here.
No me lo podía creer, Excelencia, - al decirme quién había venido.
You may not believe it, but one day I couldn't even get up.
Quizá no lo creas, pero un día no pude ni levantarme.
Believe me, I tried to do it myself, but I couldn't.
Créame. He intentado hacerlo...,... pero no he podido.
I couldn't believe it.
Yo no lo podía creer.
All the girls talk about it, but I just couldn't believe it.
Todas las chicas hablan de esto, sólo que no les creía.

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