I couldn't do anything traduction Espagnol
460 traduction parallèle
I couldn't do anything like it.
No podría hacer algo así.
I couldn't do anything wrong.
No podría hacer nada malo.
Me di cuenta de ello la primera vez que te vi, pero no pude hacer nada al respecto.
I really couldn't do anything about it.
¡ No puedo hacer absolutamente nada!
I knew my son couldn't do anything like that.
Sabía que mi hijo no era capaz de hacer una cosa así.
I know you don't wanna have anything to do with me, but I couldn't stay away.
Sé que no quieres saber nada de mí, pero no podía mantenerme al margen.
I couldn't do anything for her.
No podría hacerlo por ella.
It ain't far from here, but i ain't got the heart to go Because i know i couldn't do anything To save my poor little dog, even if i was there.
No está lejos de aquí, pero no tengo corazón para ir porque sé que no podría hacer nada para salvar a mi perrito, aun cuando estuviera allí.
I couldn't let you do anything like that, and...
No te dejaría hacer algo así.
I couldn't do anything.
No he podido hacer nada.
I couldn't think of anything to do except come here and let you know you have a friend.
No sabía qué hacer excepto venir aquí y decirle que tiene un amigo.
I couldn't do anything about those things if I wanted to, honey.
No podría hacer algo aunque quisiera, cariño.
I couldn't do anything.
Yo no pude hacer nada.
- Ay, no, papá. Jamás permitiría que hicieras algo así por mí.
I couldn't do anything else.
Yo no podía hacer nada más.
Anything else I do, I suppose I could do Sundays, couldn't I?
Lo que quede lo haré el domingo por la noche, ¿ no?
I even went to the consul, and he couldn't do anything.
Hasta tuve que ir a ver al cónsul y aquél no pudo hacer nada.
I do humbly apologize and ask forgiveness for having presented anything of which you couldn't possibly approve.
Me disculpo humildemente y pido perdón por haberles ofrecido algo que difícilmente pudieran aceptar.
But I couldn't do anything without Albert. I just couldn't.
Pero no podría hacer nada sin Albert, simplemente no podría.
"Darling, I'm terribly sorry to hear Dr Graham couldn't do anything for you."
" Querida : lamento saber que el Dr. Graham no pudo ayudarte
- I suppose they couldn't do anything about it.
- Pero no pudieron hacer nada.
I certainly couldn't do anything to stop it.
Yo no podría hacer nada para detenerlos.
I had to do it. I couldn't do anything else.
No pude hacer otra cosa.
I couldn't say anything until I know what Mr. Weimar plans to do with Don.
No puedo decir nada hasta saber qué planes tiene para Don el Sr. Weimar.
"I couldn't make up my mind whether your father had anything to do with it."
No sabía si tu padre tenía algo que ver con el oro.
I'd do anything to get her back. I couldn't leave her where she was, could I?
Haría cualquier cosa para recuperarla. No podría dejarla ahí.
I couldn't eat or work or do anything but think of you.
No podía comer, ni trabajar, ni hacer otra cosa que pensar en ti.
Don't do anything silly, I couldn't bear it.
Deja de armar historias, no lo soporto.
I couldn't do anything else could I?
No podía hacer nada por ayudarle.
I couldn't do anything else.
Yo no podía hacer otra cosa.
No. I couldn't do anything like that.
Yo no habría podido hacer algo así.
I'm sorry I couldn't do anything for you.
Lamento no haber podido hacer algo por ti.
I couldn't think of anything else to do.
No se me ocurrió otra cosa.
But me? I couldn't do anything even if I tried.
Pero yo, ¿ qué podría hacerle yo en el camino de vuelta?
I couldn't do anything else.
Liliana, no podía hacer otra cosa.
I couldn't do anything else.
No podía hacer otra cosa
I couldn't do anything else.
No he venido por gusto.
I saw it and I couldn't do anything.
Lo vi y no pude hacer nada.
Nathan, darling, there isn't anything I couldn't do without. Just as long as you don't start running that crap game again.
Nathan, cariño, no hay nada que me haga falta... mientras no empieces a organizar ese juego de dados otra vez.
In the second place, he couldn't have had anything to do with it... because I bought the stole myself.
En segundo lugar, él no tiene nada que ver con esto... ya que fui yo quien compró la estola.
- I couldn't do anything about it.
- No pude hacer nada al respecto.
Well you saw them in there when I met your parents, the way they were needling me and you couldn't do anything about it.
Tus padres me provocan y tú no puedes hacer nada.
No, i couldn't do anything like that.
No, no podría hacer nada como eso.
He was almost dead because of the cold and I couldn't do anything.
Estaba casi muerto por el frío. No pude hacer nada.
I couldn't trust anyone else in this house to do anything correctly.
No puedo confiar en que nadie más de esta casa haga las cosas bien.
I knew they couldn't do anything to me without getting permission.
Sabía que no podían hacerme nada sin antes pedir permiso.
I couldn't do anything about it.
Yo lo despedi, Mcnulty.
Grandpa, I just couldn't believe that Lily would do anything wrong.
Abuelo, no puedo creer que Lily haría algo malo.
- What about those two men? - I saw them being taken away. - I couldn't do anything.
Pero sabes, muchacho, tengo una sensación, llámalo intuición si quieres.
- I saw them being taken away. - I couldn't do anything.
- Bueno, cuando llegué a la presa, ví que se los llevaban, pero yo no podía hacer nada.
You made a fool out of me. I couldn't do anything else.
Debería habértela quitado de inmediato.
i couldn't agree more 197
i couldn't find it 44
i couldn't resist 80
i couldn't find you 43
i couldn't help it 192
i couldn't stop 53
i couldn't agree with you more 58
i couldn't stand it 38
i couldn't hear you 49
i couldn't 1105
i couldn't find it 44
i couldn't resist 80
i couldn't find you 43
i couldn't help it 192
i couldn't stop 53
i couldn't agree with you more 58
i couldn't stand it 38
i couldn't hear you 49
i couldn't 1105