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I couldn't find you traduction Espagnol

676 traduction parallèle
I say, Smith... you couldn't find any heavier handcuffs?
Oye, Smith, no podías haberme puesto unas esposas más pesadas.
I see why you couldn't find it.
Entiendo por qué no lo encuentras.
Why, I couldn't find you, Letty Lynton.
Vaya, no pude encontrarte, Letty
I looked for you down at the burlesque, I couldn't find you.
Fui a buscarte al teatro de revista y no te encontré.
No wonder I couldn't find you hiding behind this bar.
¿ Cómo iba a verte si te escondías detrás de la barra?
I'm starting to think you couldn't find your way home.
Empiezo a pensar que ustedes no son capaces de nada.
Well, you gave me such a scare when I couldn't find you.
Me asusté mucho cuando no podía encontrarte.
Of course I knew I couldn't find you. There wasn't a chance.
No te hubiera encontrado.
- I couldn't find you.
- Te estaba buscando.
- I very sorry that you couldn't find your father.
Siento mucho que no encontraras a tu padre.
Me acerqué cada sábado para verte, pero no me dejaron pasar.
Only because I remembered where to find Jimmy when we couldn't locate you today.
Sólo porque recordé dónde encontrarlo cuando no lo encontramos a Ud.
I couldn't find the other shoelace, and you let him get the negative.
Yo no encontré el otro cordón y tú dejaste que se quedara con el negativo.
I wish I could have given you the news you wanted to hear. But I will conclude with what the prisoner said when the hangman couldn't find the rope.
Me habría gustado poder decirles lo que tanto querían escuchar... pero como no pude, sólo concluiré diciendo... lo que el prisionero dijo cuando el verdugo no encontraba la soga :
Tú no encontrabas el pan, y cuando yo lo encontré, tú no encontrabas el pavo.
I couldn't come earlier and even today I didn't hope to find you.
No he podido venir antes. Y hoy no esperaba encontrarla.
Wish I'd told you a lot of things that I thought of but I just couldn't find the words to say'em.
No haberte dicho cosas, que sentía, pero que no sabía expresar.
You were out of town. I couldn't find you. Here, 6,000 even.
Estaba fuera de la ciudad y no lo encontré.
Mrs. Henderson didn't read the telegram... Did you say telegram for me? ... because I couldn't find a pencil.
La Sra. Henderson no me lo leyó porque no tenía un lapicero.
Well, remember I said you couldn't hide anything from me because I'd find it out?
¿ Recuerdas que te dije que no podrías ocultarme nada?
I couldn't find you noplace.
No te encontraba en ninguna parte.
I reached for you, but I couldn't find you
- Te busqué, pero no pude encontrarte.
You see, the whole trouble was I couldn't find Marie, that's my wife.
El problema es que no pude encontrar a Marie.
You were afraid they'd find something I couldn't sit on.
Tenía miedo de que encontrasen algo que yo no pudiera ocultar,
I tried to find out who it was later, but I couldn't find out. Nobody'd ever tell you whoever it was, because they'd be scared.
Al terminar estuve indagando para averiguar pero los culpables no dan nunca la cara.
Miss Hale, I couldn't find you for our dance.
- Srta. Hale, no os encontraba. Es nuestro baile.
I danced with him only twice when I couldn't find you.
Sólo bailé con él dos veces, cuando no pude dar contigo.
I had the feeling you were lost and I couldn't find you.
Tenía la sensación de que te perdiste y que no podía encontrarte.
[Silverware clinking] And so I said to the woman, you couldn't possibly find a better lawyer than Mr. Hammond.
Así que le dije, difícilmente encontrarán un abogado más competente que Hammond.
I couldn't wait to find you. And today I know you were glad to see me.
Como deseaba verme, aparté el regimiento de su camino, y se que tú estás contenta de verme.
No wonder I couldn't find you.
Me preguntaba dónde podría encontrarte.
Curtis, i don't want to seem ungrateful, but couldn't you find something for me that was just ours, especially ours, with nothing to do with the past or anyone else?
No quiero parecer desagradecida, pero ¿ no puedes encontrar algo que sea sólo nuestro? ¿ Sin relación con el pasado ni con otros?
Strangely enough, I find myself in complete agreement with you, but I couldn't hold him.
Por extraño que parezca, estoy de acuerdo con Ud. - Pero no podía detenerlo.
- I couldn't find you anywhere.
- No te encontraba.
I remember you telling me once that one of the reasons you love flying so much was that you found a sort of peace up there that you couldn't find anywhere on Earth.
Recuerdo que me dijiste una vez, que una de tus razones para volar es la paz que encuentras allí arriba y no encuentras aquí en la tierra.
We couldn't find it, and I didn't have the courage to tell you.
No hemos podido encontrarlo y no tenía valor para decírtelo. Llevamos todo el día buscándolo.
I was afraid I couldn't find you, sir.
- Temía no encontrarte.
And then when I did try to get through, I couldn't find you, and...
Cuando intenté dártelo, no pude encontrarte y...
I'll tell them I couldn't find you.
Les diré... que no te he encontrado.
I couldn't find you anywhere.
No te encontraba.
"When you first asked me about my past, " I couldn't find the courage within me to tell you.
Cuando me preguntaste por mi pasado no tuve el valor de contártelo todo.
I looked all over for you, but I couldn't find you.
- Yo te busqué.
The family wanted you guys for the spaghetti dinner... after we got back from the bomb shelter, but I couldn't find you.
Mi familia los invitó a cenar espagueti... de regreso del refugio, pero no los encontré.
Because if I did... that would mean that you were real... that you belonged to me... and that they couldn't take you away from me... whereas now they can send you away... and leave me to wonder if I'll ever see you again... or whether I may wake up... and find I'd dreamed you.
Porque si lo hiciera... eso significaría que eres real... que me perteneces... y que no podrían apartarte de mí... mientras que ahora pueden enviarte lejos de mí... dejándome con la duda de si volveré a verte alguna vez... o si me levantaré... y descubriré que fuiste un sueño.
You spent World War II in Greenland working on something so top secret that even I couldn't find out about it.
Pasó la Segunda Guerra Mundial en Groenlandia... trabajando en algo tan confidencial que ni yo lo pude averiguar.
I looked all over but couldn't find you
Te he buscado por todas partes, pero no te encontraba.
" Find happiness with a woman who can offer you that which I couldn't.
"Se feliz con otra mujer que sepa darte la dicha... "... que yo no he podido ofrecerte.
Because I needed you and I couldn't find you.
Porque te necesitaba y no podía encontrarte.
Last night I came back to give it to you but couldn't find you anymore.
Ayer vine para devolvértelo, pero no pude encontrarte.
But I was desperate that morning when I couldn't find you.
Pero esta mañana estaba desesperado cuando no te encontré.
Melba made you strawberry waffles for breakfast and then we couldn't find you, so I ate yours.
Melba te ha hecho gofres de fresa para desayunar y como no te encontrábamos me he comido el tuyo.

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