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I couldn't say traduction Espagnol

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I couldn't hear you very well. What'd you say?
¿ Qué dijiste?
My father died when I was 12 and I couldn't say goodbye.
Mi padre murió cuando yo tenía 12 años. Y nunca pude despedirme de él.
I couldn't say for sure.
No puedo precisarle con certeza.
I couldn't possibly let you have him for anything less than, say, half ounce of grass, four cartons of smokes?
No podría dejar que Io tuvieras por menos de, digamos... por unos quince gramos de yerba y cuatro cartones de cigarrillos.
I couldn't say.
No sabría decir.
But whether she used to entertain her clients here, or not, I couldn't say.
Pero si entretenía a sus clientes aquí, no sé decirlo.
I couldn't say no.
No pude negarme.
I couldn't say.
No sé.
I couldn't find her. Did she say anything?
No la he encontrado. ¿ Ha dicho algo?
I couldn't say.
No puedo decirlo.
If I had the boobs of say, Adjani or Sophie Marceau in front of me I couldn't resist!
Me pones delante de las tetas de Adjani o de Sophie Marceau,.. .. pierdo el control.
I couldn't say.
No podría decirlo.
What is a provenance? " I couldn't even hardly say it.
¿ Qué es una'provenance'? " Apenas podía pronunciar la palabra.
I couldn't say no.
- No pude negárselo.
Sorry I couldn't say hi outside the vet's, but I was in a rush.
Lamento no haber saludado afuera del consultorio, pero estaba apurado.
I couldn't say one way or the other. I mean, she never really talked to me about that kind of thing.
Nunca me hablaba de su vida privada.
I couldn't show it, but it was always there, and I would think about how it could have been with us and... you know, they say that you can't love two people, but they're wrong... they're wrong.
no podía demostrarlo, pero siempre te amé, y podría pensar en cómo habría sido seguir juntos y sabes, dicen que no se puede amar a dos personas, pero están equivocados... están equivocados.
'I told Mac to say this because he couldn't think of anything better.'
"Le dije a Mac que dijera esto porque no pudo pensar en nada mejor".
I couldn't say no!
¡ No podría decir no!
I didn't say it couldn't have been better.
No dije que no pudo haber estado mejor.
I've talked to him but he just couldn't say what it was.
Hablé con el, pero no supo decirme lo que le pasaba.
Over the next few weeks, I couldn't help thinking about what I had planned to say in my speech.
Las semanas venideras no podía dejar de pensar en lo que planeé decir en mi discurso.
Beyond that I couldn't say.
Además de eso, no sé nada más.
In fact, I couldn't think of a more appropriate way to say good-bye.
De hecho, no podría pensar... una manera más apropiada de decir adiós.
I couldn't find the words to even say good-bye
No encontraba las palabras para decir adiós.
At the end... when I couldn't see through the blood, I heard one of them say, "get a picture."
Al final, cuando no veía por la sangre, oí decir a uno : "Toma una foto."
I couldn't say for how long.
No puedo decirte cuánto tiempo
The only way you can change her mind was, you know, I can't really say, I couldn't manage it myself.
La única forma de hacerlos cambiar de idea, tú sabes en verdad no puedo decirlo, No podría manejarlo por mí mismo.
You know, I couldn't say the right things, I couldn't do the right things.
No decía lo correcto, no hacía lo correcto.
- I couldn't say exactly.
- No le podría decir con exactitud.
But I couldn't say hi to you.
Pero no podía saludarte.
Yeah, well, I couldn't risk you running off! I had to say yes!
Bueno, no podía correr el riesgo de que echaras a correr
- I couldn't think of anything else to say.
- No pude pensar en nada mejor.
No, I couldn't say this in front of Foreman.
No, no pude decir esto frente a Foreman.
I couldn't say anything earlier'cause Julia was there, but after having time to sleep on it I just don't think that...
No pude decir nada antes ya que Julia estaba cerca pero después de consultarlo con la almohada, no creo que- -
Did I say he couldn't have his medication?
¿ Dije que no podía tomar su remedio?
I couldn't adjust to say, " Well, I gotta set aside $ 25 for rent, $ 200 for this, for a machine.
No podía ajustarme, a decir, Bueno, tengo que apartar $ 25 para la renta, $ 200 para esto, para una máquina.
- I really couldn't say.
- No podría decirlo.
And my wife couldn't be here today, so I just wanted to say one thing to her.
Y mi esposa no ha podido venir hoy aquí, así que... me gustaría decirle una cosa.
Which one I couldn't say, but I deserve it.
Lo que sea por vengarse. No se quién, pero lo merezco.
No quiero expulsarla pero no podria decir que hay una gran diferencia entre ellas en quien es mas digna o no a menos que algo quede al descubierto
When I found him, I couldn't even bear to say hello.
Cuando lo encontré, no pude ni decirle hola.
I thought she couldn't say anything you know, that whole lawyer client privilege thing.
Creí que no podía decir nada, por la confidencialidad del cliente.
My Lord, I couldn't say, but it's all there, everything.
Mi señor, no podría decirlo, pero está todo ahí, todo. Los intereses, todo.
And I couldn't say no.
No podría decir no.
I couldn't say which one it was.
No pude decir cuál era.
Michael, all these years... ever since your first background check... all those letters where you couldn't say where you were, I never asked questions.
Michael, durante todos estos años... desde que comprobaron por primera vez tus antecedentes... todas esas cartas en las que no podías decir dónde estabas... nunca hice preguntas.
I dare say I couldn't have done better myself.
Yo no haría mejor.
You'll say that it couldn't've been me, not Bill Sikes, cos I weren't... Cos I weren't nowhere near her.
Dirás que no pude ser yo, Bill Sykes porque yo no estaba cerca de ella.
Not being Attenborough, I couldn't think of anything else to say.
No siendo Attenborough, no sabía qué más decir ( NT : científico naturista británico )
But I did say from the outset, "couldn't we just sort out some grey blocks and some scaffold boards?", so then I can work above it..
Pero yo dijo : podríamos colocar algunos bloques grises y un andamio encima, para yo poder andar.

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