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I couldn't see traduction Espagnol

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I couldn't see.
no pude verlo.
Nora found this dry cleaning ticket on his desk, and she couldn't bring herself to go, so I went, and I expected to see a couple of suits maybe, but it was a perfectly pressed stack of handkerchiefs.
Nora encontró un ticket de la tintoreria en su escritorio y ella no podía ir, asi que fui yo, y me esperaba ver un par de trajes quizás. pero había una pila de pañuelos perfectamente planchados.
Now, see, I knew she couldn't have gotten those identities herself.
Ahora, verás, sabía que no podía haber conseguido esas identidades por ella misma.
See? I knew we couldn't trust him.
Por Dios... soy menor. ¡ Debería estar chupado!
I couldn't see anything, and then I heard my dad yelling in that threatening voice he uses when he gets really angry.
No pude ver nada, y entonces oí a mi padre gritar en esa aterradora voz que usa cuando está enfadado de verdad
I couldn't see.
Yo no podía ver.
Because when I looked at, the crime scene phofos of the bathroom, uh, I couldn't see any shower curtain.
Porque cuando miré las fotos del baño en la escena del crimen, no pude ver ninguna cortina de ducha.
I was going to get on Kindle, but then people couldn't see how deep I am.
Iba a conseguirlo por el Amazon Kindle, pero entonces la gente no vería lo profundo que soy.
I couldn't see the doctor.
No encontré el médico.
I couldn't see his face at all
No pude ver su rostro de ninguna forma.
You see, I couldn't quite figure out why your brother had gone there of all the wonderful places available to him in America.
Sabes, no me podía imaginar... porque tu hermano fue allí... de todos los sitios maravillosos que hay en América.
Little power walk on the beach. Got to tell you, Zip, I can see why your brother couldn't get you out of this house with the jaws of life.
una caminata energética por al playa tengo que decirte zip puedo ver porque tu hermano no te pudo sacar de su casa con una pinza
Just- - She was just one of these people and she's walking in front of me like this and she had a collar on her shirt that was very high, and so I couldn't even see her head.
O sea - era una de esas personas iba caminando delante de mí así y llevaba una camisa con un cuello super alto, de forma que no se le veía la cabeza
I was oblivious when I was with you. My eyes couldn't see you.
Era evidente que cuando estaba contigo mis ojos no te veían
I was so mad I couldn't see straight.
Estaba tan enfadado que no podía ver bien.
And then I see you telling Hank something that you felt you couldn't say in front of me?
Y entonces veo a Hank contandote algo. Eso que sentiste que no puedes decir enfrente de mi?
I couldn't dump it there - too many cameras, someone might see me.
No podía dejarlo ahí, hay muchas cámaras, alguien podría verme.
Frame an innocent kid? He's her boyfriend, and I couldn't stand to see her happy.
Es su novio y no podía soportar verlos felices.
I don't see any reason why I couldn't make it.
No veo ninguna razón para que no pueda hacerlo.
I couldn't see much of her mother in her, at first, not until she told me who she was.
No podía ver mucho de su madre, al principio, no hasta que me dijo quien era.
Well, yeah, but I couldn't even see that it was a person at this point.
- Bueno, sí, pero en ese momento, no me di cuenta que era una persona.
I couldn't see anything else, really.
No pude ver nada más, en realidad.
I couldn't see any difference.
Y no pude ver ninguna diferencia.
♪ You thought I couldn't see without you, perfect vision ♪
* Pensaste que no podría ver sin ti, visión perfecta *
I couldn't see the keyboard but I could make a sound.
No veía las teclas, pero podía hacerlas sonar.
I couldn't see anything anymore.
No pude ver nada mas.
You see, I couldn't bear for you to think that we might... take up together again.
No podría soportar que pienses que podríamos... estar juntos nuevamente.
I yelled'cos I couldn't see you.
Gritaba porque no podía verlo.
I couldn't see Matty's right eye.
No puedo ver el ojo derecho de Matty.
I thought it was interesting she couldn't accept that coffee, and I wanted to see how deep it went.
Quería ver qué tan profundo llegaba. - ¿ Y ahora?
And I can't see the possibility of us not lasting, or I couldn't until you started talking like this.
Y no puedo ver la posibilidad de un futuro juntos, o que no podías hasta que empezaste a hablar así.
I told you you couldn't see him.
Te dije que no podías verle.
I just couldn't see it.
Simplemente no pude verlo.
I couldn't see through all the smoke.
No pude verlo entre todo el humo.
I couldn't even see it.
Yo no podía incluso verlo.
I-I couldn't see it.
No pude verla.
When I was in Forrest's apartment, I couldn't see that box of files he was shredding clearly.
Cuando estaba en el apartamento de Forrest, no pude ver... con claridad la caja de archivos que estaban triturando. ¿ Verdad?
I couldn't see what they saw until a few months ago. I was sitting down with my three daughters, and we were looking at the yearbooks from my junior high and high school years.
No veía lo que ellas veían, hasta que hace algunos meses estaba sentado con mis tres hijas y veíamos mis anuarios de secundaria.
I couldn't wait to see your face when you saw.
No podía esperar a ver tu cara cuando vieras este sitio.
I saw qualities in Rachel she couldn't see in herself.
Vi cualidades en Rachel que ella no podía ver en sí misma.
I see you couldn't avoid getting involved.
Veo que no pudiste evitar quedar involucrada.
I couldn't see you at all in there.
No pude verte allí en absoluto.
'Cause you couldn't wait to see what I wanted.
Porque no pudiste esperar a ver qué era lo que yo quería.
♪ Picking up the ways I couldn't be ♪ Picking up the things I never see
# Recorriendo los lugares donde no pude estar, recogiendo las cosas que no vi #
I couldn't see properly.
No podía ver bien.
The idea that I couldn't see him, but he could see me, made me very uncomfortable.
La idea de que no podía verlo pero él podía verme me hizo sentir muy incómodo.
I brought it before the group, but I couldn't convince them to see your way.
Lo planteé ante el grupo, pero no pude convencerlos de que lo vean a tu manera.
He put something over my head, so I couldn't see, and he taped my mouth.
Puso algo en mi cabeza, para que no viera, y me tapó la boca.
I couldn't see my hand in front of my face much less which way he ran.
No podía ver ni mi mano, mucho menos que él se había ido.
Yeah, it'd be like, "uh, I told my niece we couldn't go see Smurfs again, and then she, like, started warping space and time."
Sí, sería como "Le dije a mi sobrina que no iríamos a ver Los Pitufos otra vez y entonces ella empezó a curvar el espacio y el tiempo".

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