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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ I ] / I didn't know where you were

I didn't know where you were traduction Espagnol

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He told me where you were. I didn't know anything about that.
¡ Yo no lo sabía!
He mentioned you, but I didn't know where you were.
La ha mencionado, pero no sabía dónde estaba.
I didn't know where you were.
No sabía dónde estabas.
I was too proud to let anybody know I didn't know where you were.
Soy muy orgullosa para dejar que alguien lo supiera, pues no sabía dónde estabas.
I didn't know who you were, where you were.
No sabía quién eras, ¡ dónde estabas!
I didn't know who you were, or what, or where.
Yo no sabía quién eras, ni qué, ni dónde.
I heard that you were canned from your job and you didn't know where your next meal was coming from.
Mamá ha dicho a papá que has perdido tu trabajo y que no tienes nada que llevarte a la boca.
I didn't know where you were!
¡ No sabía dónde estabas!
I didn't know where you were
No sabía donde estabas.
I was looking for you all afternoon. - The clinic didn't know where you were.
Te he buscado toda la tarde, no sabía donde estabas.
I didn't know where you were, I was worried.
No sabía nada de ti, estaba preocupado.
I didn't know where you were.
Yo desconocía tu paradero.
If anything should ever happen to you... if I didn't know where you were for a day... or a week... I don't know what I'd do.
Si algo llegara a pasarte... si no supiera dónde estás durante un día... o una semana... no sabría qué hacer.
I didn't know Ida told you where the keys to the cellar were.
No sabía que Ida te había dicho dónde estaban las llaves de la bodega.
I was ashamed at work,'cause I didn't know where you were!
Tenía vergüenza en el trabajo de que alguien preguntara por tí, porque no sabía dónde estabas.
I wanted to send you a telegram, or something But I didn't know where you were at that moment.
Quería enviarte un telegrama, o algo, pero no sabía dónde estabas.
He wanted to know what you asked me and where you were, but I didn't talk.
Quería saber a dónde habías ido, pero yo no le he dicho nada.
And I didn't know where you were.
No sabía dónde estabas.
I guess they knew I really didn't know where you were.
Vieron que no sabía dónde estabas.
Lonnie, I didn't know where you were.
No sabía dónde estabas.
- I'm sorry, Mr. Adams, but we didn't know where you were - we didn't know what to do.
Lo siento, no sabíamos dónde estaba.
I said I didn't know where you were, but he didn't believe me.
No se creyó que yo no lo supiera.
Jesus Christ. I didn't know where you were.
Dios, no sabía dónde estabas.
He wasn't a whole lot of help, he said he didn't know where you were either but he knew it wasn't dangerous so I shouldn't worry, I should just... Try to be patient.
No fue de mucha ayuda, dijo que tampoco sabía dónde estabas, pero que no corrías peligro y que no me preocupe, que debería tratar de... que sea paciente.
I woke up and I d... i... I didn't know where you were.
- Desperté y... no sabía a donde se había ido.
I didn't know any of you were so interested in the religious controversies of the 1 6th century, but if you are, the fact remains that the memorial is not the actual site of the burnings which took pIacejust around the corner in Broad Street, where there is a brass plaque which we shall inspect in a moment.
No sabía que alguno de ustedes podía estar tan interesado en las controversias religiosas del siglo XVI, pero si realmente lo están, en realidad, el monumento no está sito en el lugar de la quema que se realizó en verdad a la vuelta de la esquina, en Broad Street, donde hay una placa de bronce que, en momentos, iremos a ver.
It ´ s past 1 a.m., I didn ´ t know where you were.
Es más de la 1 de la mañana, no sabía dónde estabas.
We didn't go to supper last night, because I didn't know where you were.
No fuimos a cenar anoche, porque no sabía dónde estaba.
- I didn't know where you were.
- No sabía donde estabas.
Yes, you were, but on the other end of the line where I didn't have to see you, and you didn't know who I was.
Pero al otro lado de la línea donde no esperaba verte y no sabías quién era yo.
- I didn't know where you were, sir.
- No sabía dónde estaba, señor.
I didn't know where you were or what to do, and then...
No sabía dónde estabas ni qué hacer, y entonces...
I didn't know you were a doctor, where did you go to medical school?
Es médico, no lo sabía. Es médico, ¿ y dónde estudió?
Poor Mother, I didn't know. She asked where you were.
Creo que le gustaría verte.
I didn't know where you were.
No sabía donde estabas.
Uh, I just... I didn't know where you were.
No sabía dónde estabas.
I didn't know where you were.
No sabía dónde encontrarte.
I didn't know where you were.
- No sabia donde estabas.
- I didn't know where you were.
- No sabíamos dónde estaba.
He kept asking where you were, and I didn't know what to tell him.
Pasó el día preguntando dónde estabas, y no supe qué decirle.
That I didn't know where you were.
Que no sabía por dónde andabas.
To know where you were when I didn't know you.
Para saber donde estabas cuando todavia no te conocía.
I didn't know where you were.
... vos escuchabas, bueno, pero no sé donde estabas, porque después yo me fui caminando, viste, hasta Punta Mogotes, viste.
What do you mean? Like if there were three of us and I didn't know where to start?
¿ Por ejemplo, ser tres y no saber por dónde empezar?
I was just wondering wh-why you parked out front... if you didn't want anyone to know where you were.
Solo me preguntaba por qué se estacionó enfrente si no quería que nadie supiera en dónde estaba.
I just didn't know where else to go and I thought you were cool.
Lo sé, perdona. No sabía adónde más ir y pensé que eras genial.
I was really worried about you, didn't know where you were.
Estaba muy preocupada no sabia donde estabas.
I just didn't know where you were.
Simplemente no sabia donde estabas.
I didn't know where you were.
- No sabía donde estabas.
I woke up, I didn't know where you were.
Desperté y no sabía donde estabas.
Look, it's all good, man. I told him I didn't know where you were, and Julia might, and he should just try her at the hospital.
Le dije que no sabía dónde estabas... pero que encontraría a Julia en el hospital.

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