I don't know him traduction Espagnol
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I don't know, but I am willing to spend an eternity to figure out a way for him to have a normal life.
No lo sé, pero estoy dispuesta a pasar una eternidad descubriendo una manera de que tenga una vida normal.
I don't know, but if Poison showed his face to pick him up, he must be really important.
No lo sé, pero si Veneno asomó la cara para buscarlo, debe ser muy importante.
But the thing is, I don't know what's going on with him these days.
Pero realmente no sé qué le está pasando a ese hombre.
But I don't even know what I'm absolving him of.
Pero ni siquiera se de que lo estoy absolviendo. ¿ Esta bien?
I don't know if I killed him in time to stop the Undoing.
No sé si le maté a tiempo para detener la Perdición.
I don't know, I haven't heard from him yet.
No, es que no sé, no sé, todavía no me contestó...
I don't know what they gave him.
No sé qué le dieron.
I don't know what they fed him, he'll be like this all week.
No sé qué le dieron los rusos... Va a estar un par de días así. Vamos.
I don't know, I don't see him killing his own daughter.
No lo sé, no lo veo matando a su propia hija.
I don't know. Why don't I call David and let him know you're unhappy?
No lo sé. ¿ Por qué no llamo a David y le hago saber que no estáis contentos?
And the more thinkings I have about it, I don't know if I want The Motel to grow up in a greasy storage motel. I want him to grow up somewhere awesome where people just like to fucking chill and party.
Y cuanto más lo pienso, no sé si quiero que El Motel se críe en un motel grasiento, sino en un lugar genial donde la gente esté bien y se divierta.
I don't fucking know him personally, dummy.
No lo conozco personalmente.
I don't know. I offered it to him.
No lo se, se la ofrecí.
Si, no lo conozco.
Maybe I don't even know him yet.
Quizá no la conozco aún.
I don't know what I'd do if I lost him as well as you.
No sé qué haría si lo perdiera, al igual que a ti.
I don't know who's the bigger pussy, him or Laronne.
No sé quién es más marica, él o Laronne.
You don't know him like I do.
Tú no lo conoces como yo.
Tell him... I don't know, just a little lie that will make him relax and then we... we'll figure it out.
Dile... no lo sé, alguna mentira para relajarlo y luego... veremos.
Honestly, Gareth, I don't know what she sees in him.
De verdad, Gareth, no sé qué ve ella en él.
No, he's just some guy. I don't know him.
Solo es un tipo.
I don't I know if I should hang out with him.
No sé si debería pasar tiempo con él.
I don't know, maybe because I've known him since he was 15.
Quizá porque le conozco desde que tenía 15 años.
I don't know if she visited him.
No sé si lo visitó.
I don't know why, but, you know, step by step, Kurt's desire for me just disappeared and, uh, he seemed to want something that I-I couldn't give him.
No sé por qué, pero, ya sabes, paso a paso, El deseo de Kurt para mí simplemente desapareció y, uh, parecía querer algo que yo-yo no le podía dar.
- You don't know him the way I do.
- No lo conoces como yo.
But if Boris survives, I'll let him know you don't approve.
Pero si Boris sobrevive, le diré que no lo apruebas.
I don't know under what name he might be registered, but he is here and I will see him.
No sé bajo que nombre pueda estar registrado, pero está aquí y lo veré.
So should we go talk to him? I don't know.
- ¿ Crees que deberíamos ir a hablarle?
I didn't have to meet him, I didn't have to talk to him, I don't even know where he is.
Ni siquiera tuve que verle, ni hablar con él, ni saber dónde está.
I told him already I don't know.
Ya se lo he dicho, no lo sé.
I don't know him.
No le conozco.
I know, but I don't know what else to call him.
Lo sé, pero no sé que más llamarle.
I don't know how Scott got it to him.
No sé cómo Scott consiguió dárselo.
I don't know what image you have of him, past or present.
No sé qué imagen tengas de él, antigua o actual.
No, I don't know. He was like this when I found him.
Estaba así cuando lo encontré.
I don't know what you could possibly see in him.
No sé que has podido ver en él.
I don't know how you made my dad hide your heroin but the police are so close so you are going to get him out of this or I'll tell them everything I know.
No sé cómo hizo papá para ocultar su heroína, pero la policía está tan cerca, por lo que lo sacarás de esto. - O Les diré todo lo que sé.
You know, just because Gus and I didn't have a two-year engagement doesn't mean I don't know him.
Solo porque Gus y yo no hayamos tenido un compromiso de dos años... no quiere decir que no le conozca.
Well, I don't know how to say this, but I can't work with him.
Bien, no sé cómo decir esto, pero no puedo trabajar con él.
My wife wants him out, and... it's just... I don't know, it's more pressure.
Mi esposa le quiere fuera, y... no sé, es más presión.
I don't know him any more.
Ya no le conozco.
I don't know, but when I find him...
No lo sé, pero cuando lo encuentre...
I know you don't wanna hear this, but I can't help him anymore.
Sé que no quieres escuchar esto... pero no lo puedo ayudar más.
Yeah, I don't really know him, but I've seen him around.
Sí, en realidad no lo conozco, pero lo he visto por ahí.
Maybe it's better if I don't know which one is him.
Quizá es mejor si no sé cuál es.
Look, I know he's your friend, Felix, but next year, I don't want him here.
Mira, sé que es tu amigo, Felix, pero el año que viene, no lo quiero aquí.
Why in the world are we letting him take this call? I really don't know.
- ¿ Por qué lo dejamos atender?
No, I don't know him.
No, no lo conozco.
- I don't know him, I don't trust him.
- No lo conozco, no confío en él.
And I still don't know why that prophet anointed him over me.
Y todavía no sé por qué el profeta ungió a él en lugar de mí.
i don't care how long it takes 27
i don't think so 6892
i don't speak russian 17
i don't know 71756
i don't smoke 209
i don't care 5140
i don't understand 6275
i don't 12020
i don't understand what you mean 21
i don't give a shit 400
i don't think so 6892
i don't speak russian 17
i don't know 71756
i don't smoke 209
i don't care 5140
i don't understand 6275
i don't 12020
i don't understand what you mean 21
i don't give a shit 400
i don't care what happens to me 20
i don't care anymore 101
i don't know what you mean 438
i don't mind 890
i don't care what you think 60
i don't remember 1361
i don't want to lose you 137
i don't think so either 27
i don't want to bother you 51
i don't know you 553
i don't care anymore 101
i don't know what you mean 438
i don't mind 890
i don't care what you think 60
i don't remember 1361
i don't want to lose you 137
i don't think so either 27
i don't want to bother you 51
i don't know you 553