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I don't know you that well traduction Espagnol

893 traduction parallèle
It has been only for a short while since you were scouted to our Empire after staying in the U.S. for years. So I guess you don't know well, so that's why I'm telling you this.
Porque ha estado mucho tiempo en Estados Unidos... y no ha pasado mucho desde que fue contratado... voy a ponerlo al día con algunas cosas.
Well this.. I don't know how to tell you. I'm afraid that for this case, we won't be able to give you the loan.
No sé cómo debo empezar... va a ser difícil conceder un préstamo en este momento.
It might've been somebody from outside. How do you make that out? Well, I don't know.
Lo primero que hay que hacer es encontrar quién vio a alguien, aparte de Druce... en la cercanía a la 1 : 30 de esa mañana.
Well, I was feeling bad and like you know, he gave me something to drink and, well, I guess in my condition it went to my head'cause I don't remember anything very clearly after that.
Bueno, me sentía mal, como ya sabes, y me dio algo para beber, y... Bueno, me temo que en mi estado, se me subió a la cabeza porque no me acuerdo de nada de lo que pasó después.
Hey, look, you don't know that guy as well as I know him.
Tú no le conoces tan bien como le conozco yo.
- You know, I don't think that we ought to tell him about that Black Dog, now, do you? - Well, why not?
- No creo que haga falta contarle lo de Perronegro, ¿ no crees?
Well, I don't know. You being Toby Walker and famous and all that.
Como es usted tan famoso...
But now that you are going and there'll be nobody well, I don't know what I shall do.
Pero ahora que se va, no tendré a nadie y no sé qué hacer.
Well, now, say, that's - I don't know how to thank you.
Caray, eso es - No sé cómo darle las gracias.
Well, I don't know what it's all about, but if that's the way you feel, it's good enough for me.
No entiendo porqué, pero si es lo que quieres, está bien.
Bah, that would suit me very well, only I don't know... if you know how to warn your commander that you missed a train.
Me haría un favor, pero no creo que sepa cómo decirle a su comandante que ha perdido el tren.
- No. Well, maybe I don't know the tripe they play up on Snob Hill, but I know what they like down here and that's more than you'll ever know.
No sabré de la basura que tocan en Nob Hill, pero sé lo que gusta aquí.
Well, I've been talkin'it over with some of the boys and... Well, you're taking chances, Jesse, that we don't like. I ain't no coward and you know it.
Hablé con alguno de los muchachos y... te estás arriesgando mucho.
Well, if that's the way you feel, I don't know.
Bueno, si se pone así, no sé.
Well, I can only say that if you think you can get her away from the Salvation Army... by talking to her as you've been talking to me, then you don't know Barbara.
Sólo le diré que si creer poder alejarla del Ejército de Salvación... hablándole como me acaba de hablar, es que no conoce a Barbara.
I don't think I know you that well.
No Io conozco tan bien.
Well, you must know me well enough by this time, Mr. Dingle, to realize that when things have to be done, I don't procrastinate.
Ya debería conocerme lo suficiente, señor Dingle, para saber... que cuando algo debe hacerse yo nunca lo aplazo.
Don't you dare to call me that. You know very well I never even made one decision without your knowledge and consent.
Sabes que jamás tomo una decisión si tu conocimiento y tu consentimiento.
Well, I don't know whether Dr. Parry is right or wrong but I agree that you should have that chance to go to Boston.
No sé si el Dr. Parry tendrá razón o no, pero opino como él que deberías ir a Boston.
So Lieutenant O'Rourke can have a look at you. - Well, I don't know whether that's fair.
Así el teniente O'Rourke podrá verte.
I know well that you don't smoke.
Sé bien que no fumas.
You know as well as I do I don't have that kind of money.
Sabes de sobra que no tengo ese dinero.
I don't know. Well, it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is you're still alive.
- No lo sé. – Da igual, lo único que importa es que sigue Ud. con vida.
Well, in the first place, I don't know who you are, except that you say you're from the Ohlrig yacht, and in the second place, I owe that taxi driver $ 6.50 which Mr. Kartos said...
Excepto que dice venir del yate de Ohlrig. En segundo lugar, le debo al taxista 6 dólares y 50 centavos que el Sr. Kartos dijo que pagaría. - Me ocuparé de eso.
Well, I know, if you don't, and that's exactly why I'm here.
Pues yo sé por qué, si tú no lo sabes. Por eso estoy aquí.
Well, now that you know I don't know, tell me what it is, so I know too!
Ahora que sabes que no lo sé, dímelo y así también lo sabré yo.
Well, I don't know anything about you either. Let's leave it that way?
Sí le diré una cosa sobre mí.
well, I might not exactly be..... what they call a madre nobile, but you have been..... so sweet to me, that I don't know what I..... wouldn't do to see you happy.
Aunque no soy lo que se dice un espíritu noble, han sido tan amables conmigo, que haría cualquier cosa para hacerlos felices.
well, I might not exactly be what they call a madre nobile, but you have been so sweet to me, that I don't know what I wouldn't do to see you happy!
Aunque no se puede decir que sea un espíritu noble, han sido tan amables conmigo que haría cualquier cosa para hacerlos felices.
Well you're going to hear. I don't care what you think of me, but you must believe that I know their kind.
- Pues seguirás oyendo. No importa lo que piensen de mí, pero conozco a esta clase de hombres.
I'd rather say you don't know them well. - Don't talk like that.
- Yo diría que no les conoces tan bien.
Well, I don't know, of course... but that's quite a line you've got there.
Pues, no lo sé, desde luego, pero es una frase estupenda.
Don't be stupid, you know as well as I that I didn't come here to see the house or your employer's closet.
¡ No hagas el estúpido! ¡ Sabes muy bien que no hemos venido aquí para ver la casa, o el armario de tu jefa!
As an immigrant and an alien... I can't claim to know Mr. Lincoln as well as you people... but I don't believe that he minded a bit... that those two spent their poor little two-hour honeymoon in his parlor.
Como inmigrante y extranjero... no conozco al Sr. Lincoln tanto como Uds... pero no creo que le importe... que ésos dos pasen su pobre luna de miel de 2 horas en su salón.
Well, I don't know that you'll want to stay on with all that has happened...
No sé si querrá quedarse. Con todo lo que ha pasado...
I don't quite know how to say it but there's a mature quality about her that's disturbing in a child and my husband and I thought that a school like yours where you believe in discipline and the old-fashioned virtues might, well, perhaps teach her to be more of a child.
No sé cómo decirlo. Hay en ella cierta madurez que es alarmante en una niña. Mi marido y yo pensábamos que en una escuela como la suya que exalta el orden y las virtudes básicas le enseñarían a ser más niña.
- Well, don't you think I know that?
- Bien, ¿ crees que no lo sé?
Suppose I'm back home and I don't like the way that Uncle Sam is treating me. Well, do you know what I can do?
Supongamos que vuelvo a casa y no me gusta cómo se porta el Tío Sam.
Of course, he was much taller than I, but there's something about a tall man that I, well I don't know, you look up at him and he looks down at you, and I don't know, you just go on like that indefinitely.
Jamás hubiese imaginado algo así de Kimo, un encanto con las mujeres.
Well, I know that you don't take everyone, but...
Ya sé que no coge a cualquiera, pero...
You're kind of cute, but I don't think I know you that well.
Eres guapo, pero no te conozco muy bien.
Well, maybe you're right at that. I don't know.
Quizás tengan razón, no lo se.
- You know very well that I don't...
- Sabes que no es...
Yes, I know I don't do it too well, but I warn you that I've traveled half Andalusia... there's where we could earn the big bucks.
Sí, ya sé que no lo hago demasiado bien, pero te advierto que ha recorrido medio Andalucía, allí sí que podríamos ganar billetes.
Well I don't know what you were thinking Llewelyn, but you can take that away for a start. I want to build a new administration block not a ladies lavatory.
Puede deshacerse de todo esto, quiero un edificio administrativo.
No se como empezar a contártelo.
Oh well, you know Nanny I don't have anything to do with that.
Ah, bien. Usted sabe, Nanny, no tengo nada que ver con eso.
Well I don't dig that kind of jazz, but I want you to know that you are big-hearted.
A mí no me van. Pero quiero que sepas que tienes un gran corazón.
I don't know you well enough to answer that.
No la conozco tan bien como para responder a eso.
I know you're trying to create atmosphere for me, but... well, I just don't feel frightened, that's all.
Ya sé que intentas crear un ambiente para mí, pero... bueno, me sentiría frustrada, esto es todo.
Well, just before we start the trading I'd like you to know that I don't enjoy being treated like a prisoner.
Antes de negociar debes saber que no me gusta que me traten como a un prisionero.

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