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I don't understand anything traduction Espagnol

518 traduction parallèle
and I don't understand anything!
¡ Es todo tan confuso que no logro entender nada!
Don't you understand... I'll do anything to save him! I love him, Echo...
No lo entiendes. ¡ Haré cualquier cosa por salvarlo!
– I don't understand anything at all
- No entiendo absolutamente nada.
Do you think there's anything I don't understand?
¿ Creen que hay algo que no comprenda?
I don't understand anything anymore
Yo no entiendo nada...
- I don't understand anything.
- No entiendo nada.
But understand, I don't intend to let anything interfere with it.
Pero que sepas que no dejaré que nada lo obstaculice.
I see that you don't understand anything! Waiter!
¡ Se ve que no entiendes nada!
I don't understand anything!
¡ No entiendo nada!
I don't understand anything.
Yo no entiendo nada.
Not I am mad, I don't understand anything.
No estoy enfadado, no entiendo nada.
I don't understand anything anymore.
Yo ya no entiendo nada.
I don't understand anything.
No entiendo nada.
I don't understand anything.
Danny, no entiendo nada.
I don't seem able to understand anything you say. I...
No acabo de entender lo que está diciendo.
I don't know. I don't understand anything.
No sé... ya no comprendo nada, Elena...
- I don't understand anything.
- Yo no entiendo de eso.
You don't have to say anything dear, I understand
No digas nada. - Lo comprendo.
I can't deal with fools. You don't understand anything!
No se puede tratar con tontos, no entiende usted nada.
But today I don't understand anything!
¡ Hoy no entiendo nada!
I don't have anything worth saying. But I don't understand.
Hago lo que puedo, pero no comprendo nada.
- It's full of Neapolitans. You know? - I don't understand anything anymore.
No entiendo nada.
That's why I don't understand anything.
Por eso no entiendo nada.
I don't understand anything of what you think and do.
No entiendo nada de lo que pensáis y hacéis.
I don't understand anything.
- Sí, pronto.
But I know nothing, I don't understand anything anymore.
No sé lo que me hago. Ya no entiendo nada.
Whenever I see a girl, my blood starts heating up, my knees shake and I don't understand anything.
# Cuando veo a una muchacha, Me bulle la sangre # Me tiemblan las rodillas Y me olvido de todo.
But I don't understand anything about this.
Pero si no entiendo nada de toda esta historia.
But I don't understand anything anymore.
Pero por fin comprendo más.
Yes, I understand I understand it perfectly and I don't want anything to do with it
Si, lo comprendo lo comprendo perfectamente... y no quiero tener nada que ver con este asunto.
I don't understand anything.
¡ Pero no entiendo nada!
I like doin'it, understand... so don't feel that this is charity or anything like that.
Me gusta hacerlo, ¿ comprende? Así que no crea que lo hago por caridad.
I guess I just don't understand anything.
Creo que no entiendo nada.
Lately, I don't understand much of anything about you.
Últimamente no entiendo casi nada de ti.
I don't really expect you to understand, but when we drove off the other night, all we did was kiss, because he never tried anything more.
Realmente no espero que lo comprendas, pero cuando nos fuimos la otra noche, todo lo que hicimos fue besarnos, porque él en ningún momento intentó otra cosa.
I don't understand anything, but you're a fool.
No entiendo nada, pero tú eres un idiota.
Of course I understand, And I wouldn't dream of forcing you To do anything you obviously don't want.
- Por supuesto que lo entiendo, y no querría forzarte a hacer algo que obviamente no quieres.
But I don't have anything to confess, understand?
Yo no tengo nada que confesar, ¿ entiendes? ¡ Entendido, entendido!
I don't understand anything, I'm going crazy!
Ya no entiendo nada, ¡ me volveré loco!
"But I don't believe them, because I no longer understand anything."
Pero no les creo, porque ya no entiendo nada.
I don't understand anything.
Ya no entiendo nada.
- Music? Don't say anything, I understand! I can only hear music...
- Se oye música.
I don't understand. I haven't lost anything.
No he perdido nada.
But... I don't understand anything!
Pero... ¡ No entiendo nada!
Now look, I just don't have time to prove anything tonight. Do you understand?
Mira, esta noche no tengo tiempo para demostrar nada, ¿ entiendes?
I don't want to get involved, but... I don't understand anything anymore.
No me quiero mezclar en eso... pero ya no comprendo nada.
I don't understand anything anymore, but there's something I have to tell you.
Yo aquí dentro ya no entiendo nada, pero hay algo que debo decirte.
I don't understand anything.
¡ entonces pierdo la cabeza!
I don't understand anything, but I worship you.
No entiendo nada, pero te adoro.
I don't understand anything, Mr. Verma!
No entiendo nada Verma señor!
I don't want anything to do with you, understand?
No quiero tener nada que ver contigo.

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