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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ I ] / I gathered that

I gathered that traduction Espagnol

252 traduction parallèle
I gathered that too.
- Eso también lo pensé.
- Well, I... I gathered that in some obscure way... you destroyed his career.
- Bueno, yo... he creído entender que, de alguna forma,... has destruído su carrera.
I gathered that last night.
- Eso supuse anoche.
- No, I gathered that.
- No, ya me he dado cuenta.
I gathered that you knew no one in Paris.
Me pareció que no conoce a nadie en París.
I gathered that.
Me di cuenta.
- But I gathered that you and Mr. Britt are -
- Ud. Y el Sr. Britt...
Yes, i gathered that.
Si, lo supongo.
I'm willing to pay for data of any kind. Yes, I gathered that.
Cobro unos honorarios por insultar a las personas.
I gathered that such was his intention.
Supuse que ésa era su intención.
- Joe wants me to marry him. - I gathered that.
- Joe quiere que me case con éI.
They're the same set of ideas that he's had for years. I gathered that much
Son las que llevas defenciendo durante años.
I gathered that,... but you still haven't explained why.
Ya me di cuenta, ¡ Pero aún no me explicas por qué!
I gathered that she and my mother didn't get along very well.
Supe que mi madre y ella no se llevaban bien.
- Well, I gathered that.
- Eso lo he deducido.
I gathered that.
Ya lo sé.
- Honey, I gathered that.
- Ya me Io suponía.
I gathered that from your note.
Lo comprendo por tu nota.
- They are not happy. - I gathered that.
- No están contentos.
Yes, I gathered that.
Sí, ya me he dado cuenta.
From the sound of your footsteps, I gathered that you were not in a particularly amiable mood.
Por el sonido de tus pasos... deduje que no estabas de buen humor.
I gathered that much.
Ya me di cuenta.
I gathered that, but...
Me lo imaginé, pero...
Yes, sir, I gathered that.
Sí, señor, ya lo deduje.
I gathered that.
- Me lo imaginaba.
I gathered that from reading your book.
Lo he deducido por su libro.
I gathered that she and Kenji were quite intimate... but that he never told her about his brother Mike.
No puedo seguir corriendo. - A mí también me falta el aliento. - Sé que ha estado siguiéndome.
I gathered that when you took off at the airport.
Supe eso cuando despegó el avión.
Oh, I gathered that.
- De eso me di cuenta.
- No, I gathered you didn't find that hard work.
- Aposición que no halló aquél trabajo duro.
The war has been over for many years, but I've gathered, as Zola says there were times in that campaign when our staffwork wasn't brilliant.
Aunque hace mucho que acabó la guerra, opino igual que Zola en que a veces la labor de nuestro estado mayor, no fue brillante.
- I sorta gathered that.
- Sí, bueno, eso me imaginé.
- I would not have gathered that, by your actions.
No habría dicho eso de sus acciones.
I gathered from what I overheard, sir... that we're in a slight miasma, sir.
Por lo que oí, señor... estamos en un miasma.
We're all gathered and I'll ask my friend, Mr. Brown, to reach in his hand to see who's to take that gelding for the price of a shilling.
Estamos reunidos y le pediré a mi amigo, Mr. Brown, que extienda su mano y vea quién se llevará el caballo por el precio de un chelín.
I gathered that.
Supongo que no.
Am I to understand you gathered this information before doing your last stretch? That is correct.
¿ Obtuvo esa información poco antes de su último arresto?
I had intended to keep it until the morning, but now that we find ourselves gathered together, this seems as good an opportunity as any to give it to you.
Tenía intención de guardármelo para mañana, pero ahora que nos encontramos reunidos, esta parece una buena oportunidad para dárosla.
Yes, I kind of gathered that.
Sí, me he dado cuenta.
Oh, is that true? I'd always gathered you were something of a ladies'man, rather thickly involved.
Y si observas bien las cosas, Gerry, es igual que estar enamorado.
I rather gathered that.
Lo suponía.
Yes, Jamie, I rather gathered that.
Sí, Jamie, ya me he enterado.
Here are the things that I gathered.
Estos son los objetos que he reunido.
Well, this city was once the center of a great civilization. Yes, I had rather gathered that.
Bueno, esta ciudad fue una vez el centro de una gran civilización.
Yes, I had rather gathered that.
Sí, tenía más bien que se reunieron.
I rather gathered that when we arrived.
Ya lo deduje cuando llegamos.
"And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army."
"Y via la bestia, ylos reyes de la tierra, ysus ejércitos, reunidos para guerrear contra el que montaba el caballo, ysus ejércitos."
In order to perform my police duties, I had to draw on my experience, conservatism and conformism that I had gathered in 40 years.
Para realizar mi deber como policía, era necesario que utilizase la experiencia acumulada de cuarenta años de trabajo, conservadurismo y conformismo.
- Well, I had sort of gathered that.
- Bueno, lo había deducido de algún modo.
And at one point, I noticed that Grotowski was at the center of one group... huddled around a bunch of candles that they'd gathered together. And like a little child fascinated by fire...
Y me di cuenta que Grotowski... estaba en medio de un grupo que sostenía un montón de velas... y él estaba entusiasmado con el fuego.
I'm pleased to inform you that, in general, I approve and share the point of view of those who gathered here.
Me alegra darles a conocer que en general apruebo la opinión de los reunidos y la comparto.

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