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I haven't slept traduction Espagnol

909 traduction parallèle
Whether, you know, whether you're in the woods or in the cabin, you always feel like something is watching you, and the past two nights, I haven't slept very well, you know.
Aunque estés en el bosque o en la cabaña, siempre sientes que hay algo que te está observando, y las últimas dos noches, no he dormido muy bien, sabes.
- I haven't slept a wink all night.
- No dormí nada en toda la noche.
─ Now, Carmen. I haven't slept in three nights.
Llevo tres noches sin dormir.
I haven't slept yet.
No he dormido aún.
I haven't slept for months.
Hace meses que no duermo.
I haven't slept in a week.
Hace una semana que no duermo.
I haven't slept a wink since you left me. Why did you run away like that?
Desde que me dejaste no he pegado el ojo. ¿ Por qué huiste así?
Concha, I haven't slept for 72 hours.
Concha, hace 72 horas que no duermo.
I, too, haven't slept.
Yo tampoco he dormido.
You know - I haven't slept for 48 hours
Llevo dos días sin dormir, ¿ sabes?
Marinochka, I haven't slept so well in ages!
Marínochka, hace mucho que no había dormido tan bien
But I haven't slept for so long. I want to go.
Pero no he dormido en tanto tiempo.
It doesn't mean the slightest, dumbest thing to you that I haven't slept for two nights because of him.
No significa absolutamente... nada para ti que yo no haya dormido durante dos noches por él.
I haven't slept all night.
Entiendo que no ha sido fácil.
- I haven't slept for two nights.
- Llevo dos noches sin dormir.
I bet I haven't slept half as much as you.
Mírenme. Seguro dormí mucho menos que ustedes.
I haven't slept for days.
Hace días que no duermo.
It's just that I haven't slept much, I guess.
Pero casi no he dormido.
I haven't slept here since...
No había dormido aquí desde- -
I haven't slept since, uh...
No duermo desde que -
I haven't slept since about 1936.
No duermo desde 1936.
I haven't slept in two months.
Hace dos meses que no duermo.
No he dormido bien últimamente.
I haven't slept a wink all night long.
Yo no pegué ojo en toda la noche.
I haven't slept a full two hours since this thing happened.
Apenas he dormido dos horas desde que ocurrió.
I haven't slept properly since he had that row with his dad... and slammed out of the house.
No he dormido desde que se peleó con su padre y se fue.
I haven't slept in a bed for two months.
No duermo en una cama hace dos meses.
- Frankly, I haven't slept for days.
Llevo días sin dormir.
I haven't given it very much thought. Well, don't forget the house George Washington slept in on Elm Street.
No olvides enseñarle la casa de George Washington.
I haven't slept a wink for nights.
Hay noches que no pego ojo.
- I haven't slept a wink.
No he cerrado un ojo, y tengo tantas ganas de dormir.
Well, I haven't slept a wink either.
Yo tampoco he dormido.
I haven't slept for two nights.
Llevo dos noches sin dormir.
I haven't slept all night.
No he dormido en toda Ia noche.
And this is the first time I haven't slept at home.
¿ De dónde vienes?
I haven't slept since, and we haven't lost any more.
No he vuelto a dormir y no hemos perdido ninguno más.
I haven't slept so well in years.
No he dormido tan bien en años.
"Darling.." "During the six days that have elapsed since I saw you last.." "I haven't slept, I haven't eaten, and I speak only when I'm spoken to."
Cariño, en estos seis días que han pasado desde que no te veo, no he dormido ni comido y solo hablo cuando me hablan.
I haven't slept a wink since I read it.
No he dormido nada desde que la leí.
I haven't slept.
No dormí.
I haven't slept for three nights.
Hace tres días que no dormimos.
I haven't slept for three weeks.
Llevo tres semanas sin dormir.
If he asks me once more "were you out there?" in that tone of voice... i haven't slept since we left joppa.
Si me vuelve a preguntar : "¿ estabas allí?" en ese tono de voz... no he dormido desde que salimos de joppa.
I haven't slept in three days
Llevo tres noches sin dormir
I haven't slept in three days.
Llevo tres días sin dormir.
I haven't slept Like that in my Life.
Nunca había dormido tanto.
I haven't slept in three nights
Hace tres noches que no duermo.
- I haven't slept in days.
Llevo varios días sin dormir.
I haven't slept in three nights.
No he dormido en tres noches.
I haven't slept since I saw you last.
No he dormido desde que la vi anoche.
I haven't slept for two months.
Hace dos meses que no duermo.

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