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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ I ] / I heard what you said

I heard what you said traduction Espagnol

779 traduction parallèle
I heard what you said about me.
Escuché lo que dijo de mí.
I heard what you said to Zanny.
Escuché lo que le dijiste a Zanny.
- I heard what you said to Godfrey. - So what?
Oí lo que le decías a Godfrey.
I heard what you said.
¿ Sabes que no te escuché? ¿ Qué cosa?
And I heard What you said, too.
Y tambien oí lo que dijiste.
I heard what you said.
Oí lo que dijiste.
Yes, yes, i heard what you said, but i'm talking seriously.
Sí, sí, le he oido,... pero estoy hablando en serio.
- You heard what I said.
- Ya me escuchaste.
You heard what I said.
Oíste lo que dije.
Yes, I'm talking to you you heard what I said!
Sí, a ti te estoy hablando. Oíste lo que dije.
- you heard what I said César is going along this time
Oíste lo que dije. César irá contigo esta vez.
You heard what I said too, didn't you?
¿ Y tú, me has escuchado a mí?
You heard what I said.
Ya has oído lo que he dicho.
You heard.. ... what I said.
Has oído lo que he dicho.
I heard what Jerry said about taking money from you, Father, and I feel just as he does.
Oí Io que dijo Jerry sobre el dinero, papá, y siento igual que él.
Why, you heard what I just said, didn't you?
Oíste Io que acabo de decir, ¿ no?
Did you hear what I said, old man? Yes, I heard.
- ¿ Has oído lo que te he dicho Philip?
- You heard what I said.
- Ya ha oído lo que he dicho.
You heard what I said, boys.
Ya oísteis lo que dije, chicos.
- You heard what I said.
- Ya me oíste.
I'm glad you heard what I said.
Me alegro de que me hayas oído...
You heard what I said.
Ya oíste lo que dije.
You heard what I said.
Ya me has oído.
- You heard what I said, didn't you? - Hey.
- Has entendido lo que he dicho.
I wish you could have heard what that judge said.
¡ Ojalá hubieses oído lo que dijo el juez!
You heard what I said!
- Ya has oído lo que he dicho.
Well, let's go on deck and let them look at us. Willie, you heard what I said.
Entonces deberíamos dejar vernos por cubierta.
You heard what I said.
Ya has oido lo que he dicho. Ven, Louie.
- You heard what I said.
- Ya oíste lo que dije.
I'm sorry, ladies. You heard what the sheriff said.
Lo siento, señoras, pero ya oyeron lo que dijo el Alguacil
You heard what I said.
Me has oído.
You heard what I said. Get up!
- ¿ No has oído lo que te he dicho?
I heard what you just said, Tyndall.
Le acabo de oír, Tyndall.
You heard what I said, I think.
Ha oído lo que he dicho, creo.
It isn't settled, you heard what I said.
No. Ya me has oído.
Haven't you heard what I said?
¿ No oyeron lo que dije?
Te he dicho que debes obedecerme.
You heard what I said.
- Ya me ha oído.
You heard what I said.
Te veré en donde vives en media hora.
I'd swear on a stack of Bibles. You heard what the doctor said.
Lo juraría sobre un montón de Biblias.
Didn't you hear what I said? I heard you.
U aya, un listillo.
- You heard what I said.
- Ya me han oído.
You heard what I said.. beat it.
Ya me has oído. ¡ Largo!
- You heard what I said about the peasants?
¿ Y lo que dije sobre los campesinos?
- You heard what I said.
- Si me llamase "Trimble"...
Did you heard what I said?
- ¿ Has oído lo que dije?
You heard what I said!
Ya has oído lo que he dicho.
You know what I said to myself when I heard she'd been cooled off?
¿ Saben qué me dije cuando supe que la habían matado?
You heard what I said, didn't you?
¿ Escuchó lo que le dije?
If you even knew Mary, then what you just said... is as dirty and rotten as anything I've ever heard.
Si conociera a Mary, sabría que lo que dijo... es la mentira más sucia y despreciable.
Let's say i heard nothing and you forgot what you've said to me.
No he oído nada, y tú has olvidado lo que me has dicho.

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