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I really don't think so traduction Espagnol

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I really don't think so.
Qué dulce es, pero no lo creo.
I'm sorry, but I really don't think so, sir.
Lo siento mucho, pero no estoy de acuerdo, como es natural, señor.
- I don't think so, Mother, really.
- No me parece, madre, de verdad.
Your rabbit is charming but I really don't think so.
Su conejo es fascinante pero, no pensaba en algo así.
- Really, I don't think so.
- No creo.
You'll pardon me for saying so, but I don't think so, really.
Cuando encuentres unos mejores, avísame.
- I really don't think so.
Me parece que no.
I don't think he really loves her, but with you so far away...
Creo que él no la quiere, pero como no le dices nada.
I really think I'm in love, so don't go away.
De verdad creo que estoy enamorado.
- I don't think so. - You don't really know what happened in that house.
- Usted no sabe a ciencia cierta Io que sucedió en esa casa.
Si andas por aquí, podemos conseguir una botella y pasarla muy bien.
And I don't really think that personal rancor is going to help the situation, if I may say so.
Y verdaderamente no creo que ese rencor personal vaya a remediar la situación, si me permites decirlo.
I'll really die. Oh, i don't think so.
No lo creo, amigo.
Oh, no, I don't think so, not really.
- No, yo no lo creo.
- I don't really think so.
- Me parece que no.
Oh, I don't really think so, Lily.
- No lo creo, Lily.
No, really I don't think so
No, realmente no lo creo.
I really don't think so.
En verdad no creo eso.
- No, I really don't think so.
- No, realmente no lo creo.
Maybe, but I don't really think so.
Puede ser, pero realmente no me parece.
No, I don't think so, but I'd be surprised if he's ever written anything about me. Really?
No, no lo creo, pero me sorprendería que él escribiera algo sobre mi.
No, I don't really think so.
No, no lo creo, la verdad.
No, I really don't think so.
Me parece que no.
Oh, no, I really don't think so, especially in the case of a doctor.
Por lo menos a mí. No lo creo. Especialmente en el caso del doctor.
Well, you see, if I don't keep my B average, I'm gonna lose my scholarship, and I really don't think I'm gonna do so well in your final exam.
Si no mantengo mi media de "B", perderé mi beca y no creo que pueda hacerlo bien en su examen final.
No, I don't think so. I mean, do you really think... that things like having no father, and stuff like that helps up here?
No, no lo creo. ¿ De veras piensas... que circunstancias como no tener un padre ayudan en el concurso?
I got a Iot to do, so we should really go ahead... don't you think?
Tengo mucho que hacer, así que deberíamos seguir... ¿ no lo crees?
I really don't think so.
Creo que no.
You will forgive me, Miss Nazimova, for saying so, but I don't think Rudy's really exactly in the mood for company.
- Disculpe por decírselo, pero... no creo que Rudy esté de humor para recibir visitas.
I really don't think so.
La verdad es que creo que no.
I don't think it sounds so crazy. Not really.
No creo que sea una locura tan grande.
I don't know what to think really it happens so often.
Todo el mundo dice que nos vamos, no sé lo que pensar sucede tan a menudo.
I can't really say, but I don't think so.
No sabría decirles, pero no lo creo.
I really don't think so.
No puede ser.
I really don't think so at all.
No puede ser de ninguna manera.
- So if you'll just step outside... - I don't really think that we're...
- En realidad no creo que...
- I really don't think so, Diane.
- Yo creo que no, Diane.
Now I spent the past 40 years of my life in Africa, so you see, I'm really not terribly well informed of what is happening in the rest of the world, which is possibly not a bad thing, don't you think?
Pasé los últimos 40 años en África. Como ve, no estoy tan bien informado como parece del resto del mundo. Lo que posiblemente no sea tan malo, ¿ verdad?
I don't think so. I'm not sure. Ok, Dorothy, when you meet people, you should really make an effort to try to remember their names.
Cuando estás con alguien conocido esfuerzate en mantener el nombre.
- I really don't think so.
- Realmente no lo creo
I was so scared, but I think it went really well, don't you?
Tenía mucho miedo, pero creo que ha ido bien, ¿ no creéis?
I don't think so. In any case, it really doesn't interest me... and it won't be in the documentary either.
De todas formas, no me interesa y no debe aparecer en el documental.
Hey, really, I don't think we played so bad, you know.
Oye, de verdad, no creo que jugamos tan mal, ya sabes.
I really don't think so, Sue.
Lo dudo mucho, Sue.
You know, I'm really flattered, fellas, but I don't think so.
Usted sabe, yo realmente estoy halagado, muchachos, pero yo no lo creo.
- I really don't think so - You don't
no lo creo porque no?
I really don't think so. I'm a little tense.
Estoy un poco tensa.
What I've realised, because I don't think either of us is particularly stupid, although maybe we are, is how plausible you are, so very plausible. - Really?
- ¿ En serio?
I really don't think I can do this again so soon.
No creo que pueda hacerlo de nuevo.
Well, I really don't want to add to that tension, so I think I'd better go and finish getting dressed.
Bueno, realmente no quiero agregarle a esa tensión por eso pienso que mejor me vaya y termine de vestirme.
I really don't think so.
No lo creo.

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