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I really don't want to traduction Espagnol

3,016 traduction parallèle
I understand you don't want to be here, OK, but really!
Por favor Emmy. Entiendo que no quieras estar aquí está bien, ¿ Pero en verdad?
Really, Miles. I don't ever want to feel like that again, ever.
De verdad, Miles, no quiero volver a sentir esto de nuevo, jamás.
I don't know, but I really want to meet them.
No lo sé, pero quiero conocerlos.
I really don't know what you want me to say.
No sé qué quiere que diga.
Dude, I really don't want to fuck this up.
Amigo, en serio que no quiero echar a perder esto.
Look, I know things haven't worked out for the two of you, but surely you don't really, actually, totally, completely want her to be unhappy.
Mira, Se que lo de ustedes no funciono de la mejor manera, no desearas de verdad, real y totalmente que ella sea completamente infeliz.
If I do some research on you, you're not going to come up as atheist, and I think because the religion is really for a lot of people, you don't want to hurt that.
Si investigo sobre usted, no encontraré nada que me diga que es ateo. Creo que la religión es muy importante para mucha gente y usted no quiere herir a esas personas.
Look, Davey, I really don't want to have to bring a lawyer into this.
Escucha, Davey, no quiero tener que contratar un abogado.
But really, I don't want you to worry about me.
No quiero que se preocupen por mí.
And if you don't want to be with me, I'm gonna make this really easy on both of us.
Y si no quieres estar conmigo, voy a hacer esto, mucho más sencillo para los dos.
I really don't want to hear about your divorce.
No quiero oír sobre su divorcio.
I really don't want to do that.
De verdad que no quiero hacer eso.
I want to believe that, you know, I really do. Just please don't let me down again, okay?
Quiero creerlo, pero... por favor, esta vez, no más decepciones.
I mean, it's pathetic really, but, looking back, but you know, yeah, you don't want to make enemies of your main allies in the environmental movement by tackling something which is difficult, contoversial.
Es patético, cuando lo pienso, pero sí. No quieres convertir en enemigos a tus principales aliados en el movimiento ecologista afrontando un tema que es difícil, polémico.
You know, I really don't want to have a baby, but to get rid of it at my age seems a little gauche.
Sabes, realmente no quiero tener a un bebé, pero deshacerse de él a mí edad parece un poco torpe.
I don't want to really talk about it, but, uh, The important thing is regina's gonna be okay.
No quiero realmente hablar de ello, pero, uh, lo importante es que Regina va a estar bien.
I want to learn all about it, But i just don't really want to eat people.
Quiero aprender todo sobre ello, pero yo sólo realmente no quiero comerme a la gente.
I don't know that we'll ever be friends, but I want you to know that I am really happy for you and Harper.
No sé si alguna vez seremos amigas pero quiero que sepas que estoy muy feliz por ustedes dos.
Individuals involved in this industry Don't want to see any regulation whatsoever, So I think that's really the key.
Individuos involucrados en esta industria no quieren ver ninguna reglamentación, creo que este es el punto clave.
I don't really want to live here.
Realmente no quiero vivir aquí.
I don't really want to go back there tonight.
Realmente no quiero volver allí esta noche.
I don't care if they want to build a new ship and sail it back to Russia... not really the point, is it?
No me importa si quieren construir un barco y volver a Rusia... no es lo importante, ¿ verdad?
I really don't want to get into it.
Realmente no quería participar.
I hope it does, because I really don't want to have to do that ever again.
Espero que sí, porque realmente no quiero tener que repetirlo nunca.
I want you to talk to that warden guy about getting my boyfriend out'cause I really don't think Herbert's gonna help with that.
Quiero que hables con ese alcalde sobre conseguir que mi novio salga porque no creo que Herbert vaya a ayudar con eso.
Oh, geez, Rick. I really don't want to have to do that.
No quiero hacer eso.
I really don't want to go, I hate the idea of a business job, of belonging to someone, of not being able to do what I want, like you can, Carla.
En verdad no quiero ir, odio la idea de un viaje de negocios, o de pertenecer a alguien, o no ser capaz de hacer lo que quiero, como puedes tú, Carla.
And there's an after party at her friend's mom's house, so I'm like, ok, You know, because I don't really have a choice if I want to score.
Y hay una fiesta post rumba en la casa de la madre de su amiga, y yo pienso, ok, ya sabes, porque no tengo otra opción si quiero ligármela.
I really don't want to.
Realmente no quiero hacerlo.
I, er... went along with what you said about me "stealing" your girlfriend, cos I know you don't want the whole world to know what really happened.
Yo, eh... He estado pensando en lo que dijiste. Acerca de mí "robándome" a tu novia, porque sé que no quieres que todo el mundo sepa lo que realmente pasó.
I really don't want to hurt anybody.
Realmente no quiero hacerle daño a nadie.
I don't really want to start world war III.
Realmente no quiero empezar la Tercera Guerra Mundial.
Anyway, I don't want to talk about this anymore because my nerves are shot today... and I really want you to see me at my best.
De todos modos, no quiero hablar de esto más porque mis nervios se dispararon hoy... y realmente quiero que me veas en mi mejor momento.
You're not being that nice to me, so I don't really understand why you'd even want to have me around.
No estás siendo tan bueno conmigo, y no entiendo por qué querrías ni tenerme cerca.
I don't really want to go.
- No tengo muchas ganas de ir.
I really don't want to talk to you right now.
No quiero hablar contigo.
Yeah, I really don't want you to, though.
Sí, en serio no quiero que lo hagáis.
I just... I really don't want to go to jail.
Es que... de verdad que no quiero ir a la cárcel.
I don't really want to.
No quiero eso.
Should I tell you why I really don't want to go?
¿ Quieres saber? , por eso es que no tengo ganas de ir.
I don't know if I really want to sell them.
No sé si realmente quiero venderlas.
I really don't want these pictures to end up in the press.
Realmente no quiero que estas fotos acaben en la prensa.
We've just been connecting again, you know, like we did up at the ranch and... well, the other night, we had this really intense moment, and... I don't want to follow through until I get your blessing.
Hemos vuelto a conectar, sabes, como lo hicimos en el rancho y... bien, la otra noche, tuvimos este momento tan intenso, y... no quiero seguir hasta que consiga tu bendición.
I should be, but I'm afraid if I stop speaking, you're gonna break up with me, which I really don't want you to do.
Debería, pero tengo miedo que si dejo de hablar, terminarás conmigo, y es algo que no quiero que hagas.
Uncle Gibbs, do you really want me to do something I don't want to do for the rest of my life?
Tío Gibbs, ¿ de verdad quieres que haga algo que no quiero hacer por el resto de mi vida?
- Guys, I really don't want to get involved.
- Muchachos, no quiero involucrarme.
Oh, God, I really don't want to go back to being nothing.
Dios, no quiero volver a sentir que no soy nadie.
Amy, I feel really bad about what happened with Eileen's computer, and I just--I really don't want you to give anything you found on there to anyone.
Amy, me siento fatal por lo que hicimos con el ordenador de Eileen, y de hecho... no quiero que le entregues nada de lo que encontramos a nadie.
I don't really want to talk about that here.
No sé, no quiero hablar de eso aquí.
Okay, listen, I really don't want to talk about this right now, okay?
Vale, escucha, realmente no quiero hablar de esto ahora mismo, ¿ vale?
But I also don't want to be one of those guys That lets pride get in the way of what he really wants.
Pero tampoco quiero ser uno de esos tipos que permite que el orgullo se interponga entre lo que de verdad quiere.

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