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I really want to know traduction Espagnol

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But I really want to know your name.
Pero realmente quiero saber tu nombre.
All I really want to know is how you get a 14-year-old girl to become a prostitute.
Todo lo que quiero saber en realidad es cómo haces que una chica de 14 años se prostituya.
What I really want to know from you is about the stuff you do not want to talk about.
Lo que realmente quiero saber de ti es de lo que no quieres hablar.
I really want to know.
De verdad quiero saberlo.
I know I told you I thought it would be so cool a million times, but I don't really want to live in a firehouse.
Sé que te dije que pensaba que sería genial un millón de veces, pero no quiero vivir en un parque de bomberos.
I just want you to know that your comic really helped me.
Sólo quiero que sepas que tu cómic me ha ayudado de verdad.
Yeah, you know what, I gotta work tomorrow and I don't really want to start drinking right now.
Ya, ¿ sabes? , trabajo mañana y y no quiero empezar a beber.
Look, I know you didn't want to come on that double date with me, but I really appreciate it.
Mira, sabía que no querías venir a una cita doble conmigo, pero realmente lo aprecio.
Uh, uh, I know you probably want to wait, but he's really...
Sé que quizás quieras esperar, pero él está realmente...
I want to. I really do. I just don't know how.
Quiero hacerlo, de verdad, pero no sé cómo.
If you don't want to know who you are, it's your business,... But I really have to know.
Si usted no quiere saber quién es, allá usted, pero yo sí necesito saberlo.
I don't really know what you want me to say.
No se realmente lo que quieres que diga.
If you really want to know what I think?
Si de verdad quieres saber lo que pienso.
Dan I know for a fact he's not a threat to me whatsoever so it's really a no-brainer tonight for me to want to vote yve out.
Dan, yo doy por hecho que no es una amenaza para mí, sin duda. Así que, en realidad para mí no hay que pensarlo tanto esta noche para expulsar a Yve.
Listen, I'm not gonna lie about who I am or where I've been, so don't ask unless you really want to know.
Escucha, no mentiré sobre quién soy o donde he estado, así que no preguntes a menos que realmente quieras saber.
Because I did sleep with Zahra last night, OK? If you really want to know.
Porque anoche me acosté con Zahra, ¿ vale?
For me, I just want to know, are we really gonna go break in to a police safe and steal drug money?
Para mí, sólo quiero saber, ¿ realmente vamos a entrar en una caja fuerte de la policía y robar dinero de la droga?
Steve, I wouldn't really, because then, she might tell your father and... No, I want my birth-dad to know about this.
Steve, de verdad que no lo haría, porque entonces, ella se lo contaría a tu padre y... no, quiero que mi padre biológico lo sepa.
She told me exactly what I needed to know, and... I just want to see my family, man. I really do.
Me dijo exactamente lo que necesitaba oír y... quiero ver a mi familia, amigo, en serio.
Yeah, I know this is all about having fun, but I really want to win.
Sí, sé que eso va de divertirse, pero quiero ganar de verdad.
I want to know if she really looked like me.
Es que quiero saber si en verdad se parecía a mí.
Do you really want what you said you wanted? I need to know one thing. - All right. - I got him out of jail - - And I believe that, because you did that.
Lo saqué de la cárcel- -
I wonder what is it that you really want to know.
Me pregunto qué es lo que realmente quiere saber.
She's coming over for dinner, and I really want to give her advice, but I don't know what to say to her, you know?
Va a ir cenar a mi casa, y quiero aconsejarla pero, no sé qué decirle.
You know, what we have is really fun and easy, but I don't want to be that, like, 50-year-old guy who's just hanging out, you know?
Lo que hay entre los dos es divertido y fácil, pero no quiero ser un solterón de 50 años que no hace nada.
No, you know what, I don't really want to... talk about this, is...
No, no quiero saber... No quiero hablar de esto.
Listen, have a great night, and I just want you to know, Walter and I are really good sewers, so we'll have those costumes ready for you in no time.
Que pases una buena noche. Quería decirte : Walter y yo cosemos bien.
But, you know, I have some really potent medical weed at my house if you want to come over?
Pero tengo una yerba medicinal bien potente en casa si quieren venir conmigo.
I didn't know how he'd been in the meantime. I - l-l-l didn't want to guess, really,'cause I'd brought disgrace on him and his family, and I imagined he might hate me.
No sabía cómo le había ido la vida. No quería saberlo, de hecho... porque yo había causado su deshonra y la de su familia... y creía que me odiaría.
So at this point, I think everyone really wants to take a break, for one, and just kind of let things happen naturally to a certain extent to see where we want to go with it, you know.
En este momento creo que lo que queremos es tomarnos un descanso. ... y dejar que las cosas pasen naturalmente y ver a donde queremos ir después.
I really want you to leave, but I don't know how to say it without sounding like a dick.
Quiero que te vayas, pero no sé cómo decirlo sin ser grosero.
What they really want to know is if I have special rates at Céline and elsewhere.
Lo qué quiere saber realmente es... si tengo tarifas especiales en Céline, o donde sea.
And just so you know, I really don't want to be in this, Geneva.
Y para que lo sepas, yo realmente no quieres estar en esto, Ginebra.
If you want us to be childless the rest of our lives, I would really like to know.
Si quieres que pasemos el resto de nuestras vidas sin hijos realmente me gustaría saberlo.
I just really want to get her right, you know?
Sólo quiero comprenderlo bien, ¿ sabes?
I know you're taken, and I've had a couple drinks, but there's something I r-really, really want to say to you.
Hay algo que realmente quiero decirte.
I'm sad to see you go, but we all know this is something that you really want.
Estoy triste por que te vayas, pero todos sabemos que es algo que realmente quieres.
But I'll need to know if you really want this job.
Pero necesito saber si de veras quiere el empleo.
I want you to know that I really do appreciate you.
Quiero que sepas que realmente te aprecio.
I just want to let you know I had a really good weekend.
Quería que supieras que he tenido un fin de semana muy bueno.
You know what, Emily, I really don't want to hear it.
Sabes qué, Emily, no quiero escucharte.
I know you didn't really want to give me a ride today, but thanks.
Sé que en realidad no querías darme un paseo hoy, pero gracias.
You know, I really don't want to talk about his issues right now.
Sabes, no quiero hablar sobre esos temas ahora mismo
Um, I'm not trying to be pushy or anything, but I was just thinking if you really want to know more about the lab, maybe you could give me your number and we could go out sometime and talk about it.
Em, no estoy tratando de de ser insistente ni nada, pero estaba pensando si realmente quieres saber más acerca del laboratorio, tal vez tú podrías darme tu número y podríamos salir algún día y hablar de ello.
And I have the capital to save your shoe company. Hey, you know, that's a perfect segue, because I really do want to hear... Yeah.
Y tengo el dinero para salvar tu empresa de zapatos.
And at this point I just really want to know what the deal is.
En este punto realmente quiero saber en lo que estamos.
I want to know who really killed my daddy.
Quiero saber quién mató a mi papá en realidad.
And, you know, maybe neither one of us exactly saw this night going like this, but you gotta ask yourself, I mean, do you really want tonight to be about what could've been?
Quizá no creímos... que esta noche sería así... pero debes preguntarte... ¿ te quedarás con la duda de cómo hubiera sido esta noche?
If you ever want to bounce anything off me. I don't know, case work, anything, really.
Si alguna vez quieres pagar algo conmigo, no sé, algún caso, lo que sea, en serio.
I want to make sure that you're... you're doing this for you, you know, because it's what you really want.
Mira, sólo quiero asegurarme de que... de que haces esto por ti, ¿ sabes? porque es lo que realmente quieres.
Look, I know you guys really want to go, but if anything happened to you out there, I couldn't live with myself, okay?
Miren, sé que ustedes de veras quieren ir, pero si algo les sucede ahí afuera, no podría vivir conmigo mismo. ¿ ok?

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