I said it first traduction Espagnol
508 traduction parallèle
Well, I said it first on the boat.
Bueno, lo dije la primera vez en el barco.
And I said it first!
Yo lo dije primero.
- No, I say it to you, not you... I said it first, shave me...
- No, lo digo yo, no usted... lo digo yo primero, usted me afeita...
- So she's nice. I said it first.
- Yo lo he dicho primero.
- It might make her nicer if I said it first.
- Ella queda mejor si lo digo yo. - De acuerdo.
I said it first, Grey.
Lo dije yo primero, Grey.
I said it first.
Lo he dicho primero.
- I said it first!
- Lo dije primero!
The first day, the first night... I said to myself, I think this is it.
El primer día, la primera noche me dije a mí mismo, creo que esto lo es.
I told the man... that I wanted to ask you first, but he said, "No, it must done today."
Le dije al caballero... que quería consultarte antes, pero dijo, "No, debe hacerse hoy".
That's what I said in the first place, isn't it?
Es lo que había dicho, ¿ no?
I only said your last book was stellar, first time you wrote it.
Sólo dije que tu libro fue genial la primera vez.
i don't want it said that we were the first to give up.
No quiero que se diga que fuimos los primeros en rendirnos.
You know, it's funny. When I woke up, the first thing the nurse said to me was : " You've been raving about a Carol.
Sabes, cuando desperté, lo primero que me dijo la enfermera es que en sueños había hablado de Carol, y preguntó si era mi mujer.
- That's the first time I've said it.
- Es la primera vez que lo digo.
She said it first, and then I said it.
Ella lo dijo primero y luego lo dije yo.
Well, she said it first, and then I said it.
Ella lo dijo primero y luego lo dije yo.
This is exactly what I said it was in the first place, an advertising letter, cunningly worded to arouse the curiosity.
Es lo que dije que era desde un principio... una carta publicitaria redactada para estimular la curiosidad.
- It's just like I said in the first place.
Él se acuerda bien. Yo ya se los avisé. El ejército, realmente, es así.
Aaa! It's the first thing you said I believe.
Es lo primero que dice en lo que creo.
I said the same thing to Semple last night when I first got wind of it.
Eso mismo le dije a Semple anoche después de pensarlo detenidamente.
That's the first time anyone said that about me and it's one of the few times when I am.
Es la primera vez que alguien dice eso de mí y es una de las pocas veces que lo soy.
Anyway, I said I'd discuss it with you first
De todas formas, le dije que lo discutiría primero contigo.
- I said I saw it first
- He dicho que la vi primero.
Yes, it's the first time. People often said I should go to jail..
Sí, la primera. ¡ Cuántas veces me han dicho : "se bueno y acabarás en la cárcel".
Not for the first I said then of course it my be a girl
Que no para el primero, aunque puede que sea una niña.
First that I may preach the word of God truly and you hear it let us bow our heads to Him who said :'Whatsoever you ask the Father in my name He will give it you'.
Antes de que predique la palabra de Dios y de que vosotros la escuchéis inclinemos las cabezas ante él que dijo :.. ...'lo que le pidáis al Padre en mi nombre él os lo concederá'.
At first I wanted to bring it down to us, "he dies"... I said, " if you die no one will know we've been here.
Al principio no quería bajarla con nosotros, "que se muera",... le dije, " si se muere nadie sabrá que hemos estado aquí.
Then Lt. Brandt handed me a cigarette... lighted it for me and... as I took my first puff, he said...
Después el teniente Brandt me dio un cigarrillo. Me lo encendió y... al darle la primera pitada, me dijo...
I got it the first day. Remember what you said?
¿ Recuerdas lo que dijiste nada más verla?
I've been turned in by the best of them, believe me, but I'll get it said first.
Ya lo han hecho otros, créame, pero antes lo dejaré dicho.
I thought you said it was love at first sight.
Creía que era amor a primera vista.
First you said I had to understand, now I don't. You understand it?
Primero dijo que tenía que entender, y no lo entiendo. ¿ Lo entiende usted?
I said it was the first time.
He dicho que era la primera vez.
- l've said it first! - No, I was first!
- ¡ Lo he dicho primero!
I'm glad you said it first.
- ¿ Te llevo?
He said it first, I swear.
Primero fue él, lo juro.
It's been 20 years since I first said no to you.
Han pasado 20 años desde la primera vez que le dije que no.
At first he seemed troubled and said he'd discuss it with my uncle, but when I told him my uncle's words, he was shocked.
Al principio parecía preocupado y dijo que lo discutiría con mi tío, pero cuando le conté las palabras de él, se aturdió.
I said that the first time I set foot in it.
Dije eso la primera vez que puse un pie aquí.
I haven't said anything to him about it, till I talked to you first.
A él no le dije nada. Primero quería hablar contigo.
First, I put my arms around him, yes, and then pulled it in my direction so that feel the scent on my breasts, yes and his heart was deranged, and yes, I said yes I do, yes!
y yo primero le rodee con mis brazos sí y le atraje hacia mí para que pudiera sentir mis senos todo perfume sí y su corazón pareció volverse loco sí le dije sí quiero
- Jim, when I suggested to Spock it was time for his routine checkup your logical, unemotional first officer turned to me and said : "You will cease to pry into my personal matters, Doctor, or I shall certainly break your neck."
- Jim cuando le sugerí a Spock que se hiciera su chequeo de rutina su primer oficial, siempre lógico y falto de emociones, me miró y dijo "Debe dejar de entrometerse en mis asuntos personales, doctor o de seguro le cortaré el cuello."
Of course, the first million was the most difficult to me, I'll say that. Still, my broker said it would be.
El primer millon es el mas duro de amasar es lo que me dijo mi agente de bolsa.
First we asked if I'd get my degree, and it said no.
Primero le preguntamos si me graduaré, y me dijo que no.
The guy got it, the first thing he said to me, he said, "I can see how difficult this is, but I really am into this, you know?"
El tío lo ha pillado, lo primero que me ha dicho ha sido : "Ya veo lo difícil que es, pero realmente me gusta, ¿ sabes?".
I pencilled it in first, but I said, " No, that's being dishonest.
Rellené el primero, pero me dije : " No, eso no es ser honesto.
It was I who first said that clitoral orgasm should not be only for women.
Fui yo el primero en decir que el orgasmo del clítoris no debía limitarse a las mujeres.
And your own lives, your own troops, must come first, so I said yes, I did want it taking out.
Y sus propias vidas, sus propias tropas, debe venir primero, así que dije que sí, yo lo quería sacar.
I said when was it that you first spotted the cider, sir?
Pregunté, ¿ cuándo fue la primera vez que vio la sidra?
A man on the first floor said to me I should take it to the hall of records.
En el primer piso, me dijeron que fuera a los tribunales civiles.
i said 6904
i said yes 136
i said okay 48
i said no 690
i said don't move 33
i said go home 16
i said i don't know 41
i said i would 56
i said wait 33
i said enough 36
i said yes 136
i said okay 48
i said no 690
i said don't move 33
i said go home 16
i said i don't know 41
i said i would 56
i said wait 33
i said enough 36
i said stop 168
i said i'm sorry 104
i said to him 70
i said nothing 76
i said go 69
i said to myself 122
i said stop it 59
i said i'm fine 68
i said shut up 121
i said it 310
i said i'm sorry 104
i said to him 70
i said nothing 76
i said go 69
i said to myself 122
i said stop it 59
i said i'm fine 68
i said shut up 121
i said it 310