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I thought it was you traduction Espagnol

3,782 traduction parallèle
- Well, I thought it was you.
- Creí que habías sido tú.
'Cause it was... I thought it was surprising, you know?
Ya que fue... me pareció sorprendente, ¿ sabes?
It-it was like a- - I thought it was like a dead man's dream, you know?
Fue como si... pensé que era como el sueño de un hombre muerto, ¿ sabes?
I mean, I thought I had it all figured out, what I was supposed to say to Harry, and then you... you got me thinking.
Tenía todo pensado, lo que se suponía que le diría a Harry, y entonces tú... me hiciste pensar.
I thought we decided yesterday, it was a good thing you don't work here - for us.
Pensé que lo decidimos ayer, sería bueno que no trabajases aquí, para nosotros.
I thought it was for me to get close to Laurel and to get in with Ted so he'd soften up to you, but now, I'm thinking that's not the case at all, is it?
Yo pense que esto era por mi para acercarme a Laurel y entrar con Ted por lo que había que ablandarte, pero ahora, pienso que ese no es el caso en lo absoluto, ¿ verdad?
The closest to it I could think of was the person you thought I was in the beginning.
Lo más cercano que se me ocurre era la persona que pensaba que era al principio del todo.
And I was exhausted, and he kept getting worse, and I just thought maybe, you know, it would be better if he just...
Yo estaba cansada y él seguía empeorando... y sólo pensé que... sería mejor que...
I thought it was time you had your own.
Ya merecías una para ti.
Oh, now you want to complete the mission the way it was assigned? I mean, you should have thought of that before, Philip.
¿ Ahora quieres terminar la misión como nos fue asignada?
I thought you said it was a dead end.
Pensé que habías dicho que era un callejón sin salida.
You know, and I looked at him, And it was like we both thought, " oh, no.
Y le miraba, y fue como si ambos pensásemos " oh, no.
It's been a long time since the accident, but I thought you may remember if anything was fishy with the arrow wound.
Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde el accidente pero pensé que quizás usted recordaría si algo le pareció raro con la herida de flecha.
I thought you were positive that she was your mother and that Sutton knew about it.
Pensé que estabas en lo cierto sobre que era tu madre y que Sutton lo sabía.
Good to be able to catch up and see a movie with you now and again. That was great, I thought it was great. I love Meryl Streep.
Me dio mucho gusto tener la oportunidad de ver una película contigo.
I thought it was a prank. ♪ But you had it too good ♪ ♪ Ooh ooh ooh mmm ♪ ♪ There's only so much... ♪
Pensé que era una broma.
I thought it was so funny, you know, a Jewish boy selling crosses.
Me pareció muy divertido, sabes, un chico judío vendiendo cruces.
Well, I've given it some thought, and... maybe I was wrong to keep you and Mads apart.
Bueno, lo he pensado un poco, y... quizá estaba equivocada al apartaros a Mads y a ti.
I thought it for his woman, but if you remember, she was a blonde.
Creí que lo usaba la mujer, pero si recuerda, ella era rubia.
There was a little bit of a rumor on the set about that they didn't really get along that well which I thought was pretty tough to have to be able to, you know on film, appear like they're hitting it off,
Había ciertos rumores en el set que decían que ellos no se llevaban nada bien. Dificultó para mí el poder aparentar en que que se correspondían y que estaban conectados.
Which I thought was great because, you know, sticking a girl's head in cryogenic fluid and smashed it on the counter.
Lo que me pareció genial fue lo de meter la cabeza de una chica en líquido criogénico y reventarla contra el mostrador.
Of course, I was complaining, and I thought my career was over as I would see what was becoming of it but, you know, it was what it was.
Por supuesto, me quejaba y yo pensaba que mi carrera se había acabado al ver la forma que iba tomando, pero era lo que era.
I thought that kind of mountain man, you know, just longer hair falling out, kind of grizzly looking guy, was something that I wanted to put into it.
Ese estilo de hombre de montaña con el pelo caído, rollo oso. Se lo quería agregar.
[laughs ] [ laughs] You know what I mean? But also I thought maybe it was possible
¿ Sabes lo que quiero decir? Pero también pensé, que tal vez era posible que ni siquiera había un ser humano allá arriba.
When I said earlier That I thought you sang it as well as christina, I still believe that, but it was completely different.
Cuando he dicho antes que yo pensé que cantaste como christina, sigo creyéndolo, pero era completamente diferente.
You know, he'd gotten white people to like him. I think Richard thought he had to imitate Bill to get over to become part of the circus or whatever it was.
A mucha gente blanca le gustaba, y creo que Richard pensaba que tenía que imitar a Bill para formar parte del circo.
I'm not placing the blame back on you but on the situation. You were in your situation, and I was in mine... Because I'd never give it a second thought if someone was ignoring me.
No digo que tu eras culpable de algo, lo era la situación tu estabas en esa situación y yo estaba en la mia porque a mi nunca me importó si alguien me estaba ignorando.
I thought it was really nice to meet you last time. We spoke as adults...
Creo que fue agrabable la última vez que nos juntamos ya que hablamos como adultos...
Do you see a "D" and "J" on it? Oh. D.J. I thought it was an "O."
¿ Ves una "D" y una "J"? D.J. Pensaba que era una "O".
You know, it's like the situation with Tammi is harder on him than I thought, and I thought I was managing it.
Pensé- - Sabes, es como que la situación con Tammi le resulta más difícil de lo que creí y creí que yo la estaba manejando.
If I thought that's all it was, I wouldn't ask it of you.
John, me conoces. Si pensara que solo era por eso, no pediría eso de ti.
I thought it was weird that you hadn't been calling her.
Pensé que era raro que no la hubieras llamado.
Okay Harry, I tolerated you because I thought that it was helping my son.
Está bien, Harry, te he aguantado porque creí que estaba ayudando a mi hijo.
I wanted to tell her but... I thought it was best you told her.
Quería decirle esta mañana, pero pensé que es mejor que lo hagas tú.
It was horrible, I thought about you the whole time.
Fue horrible, pensaba sólo en ti.
You know, I always thought Natalie was gifted, but when, like, these nerdy experts agree, it feels amazing.
Sabes, siempre pensé que Natalie era superdotada, pero cuando, los expertos están de acuerdo, se siente increíble.
I thought it was really tasty, and I want to see what else you can do.
Pensé que era muy sabroso, y quiero ver qué más puede hacer.
I thought it was what you wanted.
Pensé que era lo que querías.
'Cause it would kill me if I ever thought that I was keeping Travis from being happy... or you.
Porque me mataría solo pensar que he separado a Travis de su felicidad o a ti.
So I thought it was time I... gave you an answer to that.
Así que he pensado que era hora de daros una respuesta a eso.
I know, at first I thought it was just sexual but he's amazing maybe you're just confused
Lo sé, al principio pensé que era sólo sexual pero él es maravilloso. Tal vez estas confundido.
You thought it was too expensive, and I said the only other safety net we have is the Hoosier Lotto, so we ended up getting it.
Pensaste que era demasiado cara, y yo dije la única otra red de protección que tenemos es la Lotería, así que la contratamos.
Robert, I don't know what you're gonna do, but he is your son, and he just did what he thought was the right thing to do, so... if I want your opinion, I'll ask for it.
Robert, no sé lo que harás, pero es tu hijo y solo hizo lo que pensó que era correcto hacer, así que... si quisiera tu opinió, te la pediría.
See, I thought this was one of those situations where I did one thing wrong, you did one thing wrong, but now it turns out that I did two things wrong, and... you did no things wrong.
Verás, pensé que esta era una de esas situaciones donde yo hice algo mal, tú hiciste una cosa mal, pero ahora resulta que yo hice dos cosas mal, y... tú no hiciste nada mal.
Bet you thought it was pretty real when I rescued you from that well.
Seguro que creías que era algo real cuando te rescaté de ese pozo.
- Why? Because I thought it was funny and everyone would think it was Kevin and I thought you'd think it was funny. God!
Porque pensé que era divertido y que todo el mundo pensaría que fue Kevin y pensé que te divertiría.
I thought it was boring without you.
Estaba aburrida sin ti.
You've been playing Meadow since the show first started, so I just thought it was about time I came by.
Has estado jugando Meadow desde que la serie comenzó, así que pensé que era el momento de venir.
First, I thought it was static or interference, but now I know it came from you.
Al principio, pensé que era estática o una interferencia, pero ahora sé que vino de ti.
I thought it was the only way you'd agree to come with me.
Pensaba que era la única forma en que aceptarías venir conmigo.
That medal belonged to my grandfather, and I gave it to your mother, and she wouldn't have passed it on to you unless she thought there was something right about the man who gave it to her.
Ese medallón perteneció a mi abuelo, y se lo di a tu madre, y ella no te lo hubiera dado a ti a menos que pensara que había algo bueno en el hombre que se lo dio a ella.

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