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I thought you knew that traduction Espagnol

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You're first on the list, Jeff. I thought you knew that.
Eres el primero de todos.
We grow up together since 17 years, and I thought you knew that.
Hemos crecido juntos desde los 17 años, pensaba que lo sabías.
Oh, it's lovely, Mother, but I thought you knew that we had to take up the rug you gave us last year because the floor is just too highly polished.
Oh, es encantadora, madre, pero pensé que sabías que tuvimos que retirar la que nos diste el año pasado... porque el suelo está demasiado pulido.
I thought you knew that.
Pensé que lo sabía.
Well, I, I thought you knew that.
Creo que ya lo sabes.
I thought you knew that.
Creí que lo sabías.
I thought you knew that's what they call him.
Creí que sabías que así es como lo llaman.
I thought you knew that without me havin'to say it.
Creía que lo sabías sin tener que decírtelo.
Oh, I thought you knew that, sir.
Creí que lo sabía señor. No.
Well, I thought you knew that.
Pensaba que lo sabías.
I thought you knew that.
Creía que lo sabías.
- I thought you knew that.
- Creía que ya lo sabía.
I thought you knew that.
Pensé que lo sabías.
I thought you knew that the Child Protection Services had taken Malin.
Pensé que sabía que los de Servicios de Protección se habían llevado a Malin.
Well, Judge, I-I kind of thought you knew about that.
Bueno, juez,... me imaginé que eso ya lo sabía.
50 dollars or 50 days. That's five times more that you thought I knew.
Eso es cinco veces más de lo que se creía que yo sabía.
When I think how you've given yourself to him like that after kissing me so nicely this morning when I thought our life was before us and old Sebastian, who thought he knew everything can't even take care of his niece
Vas y te entregas a un cabrón... ... en la cuneta. ... después de besarte esta mañana.
Guess I thought'cause I was older... that I - I knew more about right and wrong than you all did.
Creí que, al ser mayor,... sabía qué estaba bien y qué mal mejor que vosotros.
When I first knew you, the sight of you and your home stirred old shadows that I thought had died out of me.
Cuando te conocí, el verte a ti y el ver tu casa agitó viejas sombras que creí que habían muerto en mí.
I thought you and I were the only ones who knew about that.
Creía que usted y yo éramos los únicos que lo sabíamos...
Well, I guess she thought if you thought I knew how that would make everything go faster.
Piensa que si crees que los hice yo, todo irá más rápido.
I thought you knew about that, Applejack.
Pensaba que Io sabías, Applejack.
But since I knew that you were anxious to get rid of the property, and all the memories connected with it, I thought that in my position as Mayor, I would take the liberty of sending for you.
Como sé que está ansiosa por deshacerse de la propiedad... y todos los recuerdos relacionados con ella... pensé que, siendo el alcalde... podía tomarme la libertad de enviar por usted.
I thought I knew you better than that.
Creí que te conocía mejor.
I thought you wasn't coming, yet I knew somehow that you would.
Creí que no vendrías. Y aún así, de algún modo, sabía que lo harías.
I thought that you were the only one that would believe me, that you were the one that knew that I spoke the truth.
Pensé que usted era el único que me creería... que era el único que sabía que yo decía la verdad.
I thought you were going to make trouble when I first saw you. Then when I discovered that you got on to that music, I knew. So, here I am.
Aun no lo he decidido, quizá podría producirse un lamentable accidente,
I thought you knew about that.
Creía que lo sabías.
I thought you knew me better than that.
Usted me conoce mal.
I thought that if you knew they weren't coming till sundown, maybe you've got business in Bright City or something.
Pensé que quizá si sabías que iban a venir, tendrías algo que hacer en Bright City o algo así.
The tank's on the roof, I thought you knew that.
La cisterna está en el tejado, ¿ No lo sabías?
I hear him say to this punk That if he thought he could get a short sentence, He'd make a deal with you as long as nobody knew
Le oí decirle que, si le echaran pocos años... haría un trato, siempre que nadie lo supiera.
I thought you knew quite well that guy I hit in front of your house.
Me pareció que conocías bastante bien a ese chico que he atropellado delante de tu casa.
I just thought that you should know that I knew about the young man.
Solo pensé que debías saber que yo sabía lo del joven.
Because I knew that whatever I should've thought about it, inevitably I would've been praying not to forget you, but to possess you.
Porque sabía que, aunque debiera pensar otra cosa... cuando rezara no lo haría para olvidarte, sino inevitablemente... para poseerte.
And when you involved yourself personally in this thing, You thought, I'd shoot first and then think, is that it? I knew it was wrong.
Y cuando se tomó la molestia de venir para verlo muerto se aclararon mis dudas.
If you knew that, why did you ask what I thought?
Si sabía eso, ¿ por qué me preguntó mi opinión?
I always thought that you knew a lot about Don Mariano but you keep it hush hush.
Siempre he creído que de Don Mariano sabes pero callas.
Today when I first knew it was your ship that followed us, I thought of you and wondered what I would find.
Hoy, cuando supe que era tu nave la que nos seguía pensé en ti, y me pregunté qué me encontraría.
I thought you knew better than that.
Creí que eras más listo.
- I always thought that you knew. - Oh yes?
Por que tanta confianza?
I thought you knew who they were. That it was part of a dispute.
Pensé que sabría quiénes eran, que se trataba de una disputa.
I knew that thought would occur to you sooner or later.
Sí, sabía que tendrías esa idea tarde o temprano.
I feel that everything I thought about you before I really knew you is not what I feel anymore.
Siento que todo lo que pensaba de usted antes de conocerla realmente no es lo que siento ahora.
I thought you knew, thought that's why you'd come.
Pensaba que lo sabía. Pensaba que venía por eso.
I would have thought you, of all people, knew me better than that.
Habría pensado que tú, entre todos, me conocía mejor que eso.
Well, I always knew it would be asking too much, but I sometimes wondered : What if you married him? 771 01 : 02 : 23,787 - - 01 : 02 : 26,153 I thought how nice that would be.
Bueno, siempre supe que sería pedir mucho, pero a veces me preguntaba :
What do you mean "unknown?" I thought you knew every drug known to mankind... three thousand or something like that. Unknown?
DESCONOCIDA ¿ Desconocida?
I thought that you knew that.
- Yo no quiero que te vayas. Pensaba que ya lo sabías.
I thought you knew by now that I'm serious. That I've dedicated my life.
Pensaba que a estas alturas ya sabías que soy seria, que he dedicado mi vida.
I thought that your first Christmas in a new town, where you knew maybe three people, wouldn't be your favorite.
Las primeras navidades en una nueva ciudad no serán las mejores.

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