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I thought you might like it traduction Espagnol

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I thought you might like it.
- Pensé que te gustaría.
I thought you might like it back.
Yo pensé que te gustaría volver.
I thought you might like it, can you collect old weapons and such.
Pensé que te gustaría, puedes coleccionar viejas armas.
And I thought you might like it.
Y pensé que te gustaría.
I-I thought you might like it, Dad.
Pen... pensé que te gustaría, papá.
I thought you might like it. You might need it for when you're....
Puede que lo necesite para cuando...
I thought you might like it.
Pensé que te gustaría.
- I thought you might like it.
- Creo que te gustará.
I thought you might like it.
Pensé que te gustaría
I thought you might like it.
Pensé que les gustaría.
It's been such a hot day - I thought you might like to take a drive.
¿ le gustaría dar un paseo en coche?
Well, I thought you might like to start and drink a lot of it.
Te mueres y ya está. A menudo, no tan rápido como la gente cree, Jim.
I thought perhaps you might like to have it.
Pensé que tal vez te gustaría tenerlo.
It's none of my business, of course, but I thought you might like to know.
No es de mi incumbencia, pero pensé que querría saberlo.
Still, I thought it would be nice for you to take away with you some of Paris'countryside since we were speaking of the country the last time I saw you that perhaps you might like to come with me
Sin embargo, pensé que seria bonito para usted llevarse el recuerdo de la campiña de París. Como estuvimos hablando del campo-- - la última vez que la vi-- - pensé que le gustaría ir allí conmigo y pasar el fin de semana.
I thought you might like to talk to him before I make it public.
Quizás usted quiera hablarlo con él antes de que yo lo anuncie.
Oh, and there... There was a piece of paper with his writing on it, which I thought you might like.
Y había un trozo de papel con su letra que te gustaría conservar.
I thought you might like to wear it at the dance tonight, so I rushed it.
Pensé que le gustaría lucirlo en el baile de esta noche, y lo acabé a la carrera...
Oh, well. Just as you like. I thought it might do you good.
Bueno, pensé que te apetecería salir.
I don't quite know how to say it but there's a mature quality about her that's disturbing in a child and my husband and I thought that a school like yours where you believe in discipline and the old-fashioned virtues might, well, perhaps teach her to be more of a child.
No sé cómo decirlo. Hay en ella cierta madurez que es alarmante en una niña. Mi marido y yo pensábamos que en una escuela como la suya que exalta el orden y las virtudes básicas le enseñarían a ser más niña.
I thought you might like to have it.
Pensé que le gustaría tenerlo.
- I thought you might like to see it again.
- He pensado que te gustaría verlo.
I thought you might like to see it.
Tengo una novela incompleta.
I just thought you might like to know what it's like to be on the other end of a gag.
Pensé que le gustaría saber lo que se siente cuando te gastan una broma.
I mention it in case some of you ladies thought you might like to try it once.
Lo digo por si alguna quiere intentarlo.
As it was addressed to you, sir, I thought you might like to have it.
Pensé que querría recibirla, señor, ya que estaba a su nombre.
It's not a Stradivarius. It belonged to an uncle of mine, but I thought you might like to use it while you are here.
No es un stradivarius perteneció a un tio mio y pensé que querría usarlo mientras está aquí.
I thought you might like to talk about it.
Quizá quieras hablar de ello.
I said, "I kind of thought you might like to spend the night with it, you know."
Le dije : "Quiero que duermas con ella".
I thought the two of you might like it.
Pensé que les podría interesar.
I thought maybe you might like to see some of it.
¿ Te gustaría verlo?
It's Granny's ring she gave me and I thought you might like to have it, but I didn't think you'd wear it if I gave it to you right now.
El anillo de la abuela. Ella me lo dio y pensé que te gustaría conservarlo, pero no creí que fueras a usarlo si te lo daba ahora.
I don't suppose it is of the slightest importance, but I thought you might like to see it, so I brought it with me.
No creo que sea de gran importancia... pero pienso que usted lo querrá ver... por lo que lo traje conmigo.
No, at first I might have thought it'd been like that, But then, you realize that Half the chicks that are gonna be out there,
No, al principio si, pero te das cuenta que las chicas estarán ahí y estarás con ellas.
I thought, if you wouldn't find it a bore... you might like to look around the house.
He pensado, que si no lo encuentras un aburrimiento... podría interesarte dar una vuelta por la casa.
I thought perhaps you might like to take a look at it.
Pensé que quizás quería echarle un vistazo.
I thought you might like to have it.
Pensé que querrías tenerlo.
I was gonna save it until... you went off to college, but I thought you might like to have it today.
Iba a guardarlo hasta que... te fuiste a la universidad, pero yo pensé que te gustaría tenerlo hoy.
Well, I thought maybe you might like to cuddle a little. I mean, you didn't feel like it last night.
Bueno, pensé que querrías algunos mimos, como anoche no te apetecía...
I thought you might like to talk about it.
Pensé que tal vez quisieras hablar de eso.
I thought you might like to talk about it.
Pensé que querrías hablar.
But I thought you or Miss Geist might like it.
Pero yo pensé que a ud o la Srta. Geist les podría gustar.
- I thought you might like to have it.
Pensé que te podría gustar.
- I thought you might like to have it.
- Pensé que te gustaría tenerla.
Yes. So, Rory, your grandfather and I thought it might be nice after dinner... to go around the house and pick out what you'd like us to leave you in our will.
Así que, Rory, tu abuelo y yo pensamos que, después de cenar, seria bueno que... buscaras por la casa lo que quieras que te dejemos en nuestro testamento.
look, I found this, and I thought that you might like it.
... mire, me encontré esto y pensé que le gustaría.
I saw it in a newspaper and thought you might like it.
Lo encontré en un periódico y pensé que te gustaría tenerlo.
I thought I might suggest you reconsider that tie as it makes you look like a boorish, virulent ponce.
Pensaba que podría sugerirle que reconsiderara esa corbata ya que le hace parecer un grosero, un chulo virulento.
I thought you might like to have it.
Creí que iba a gustarte quedarte con ella.
Delivered to him... he said he was once in the music business but... you know I thought he might like it. I think he gave it away.
Sí... a un tipo que le llevaba comida del proyecto Ángel y dijo que una vez estuvo en el negocio musical, pero... no se, pensé que le gustaría creo que lo regaló
The interesting question is not yes or no but why. Well, I did it because I thought it would turn her on but it didn't even taste of chocolate and it looked like she'd shat the bed. It might still have been art but it didn't do what you wanted.
lo interesante no es el sí o el no sino el por qué bueno, lo hice porque pensé que la encendería pero ni siquiera probó el chocolate y parecía que se cagó en la cama aún así puede que fuese arte, pero no sé lo que buscabas con ello

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