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I thought you were different traduction Espagnol

208 traduction parallèle
- I thought you were different.
- Creía que era diferente.
- And I thought you were different from the rest of them.
Creía que usted era diferente. ¿ Vamos o qué?
I thought you were different.
Creía que eras distinta.
I thought you were different.
Pensé que usted era diferente.
So simple that I thought you were different.
Tan simple, que creí que usted era diferente.
I thought you were different from them.
Creía que no era como ellos.
I thought you were different! You are all the same!
Pensé que tú eras diferente, pero todas sois iguales, iguales.
I thought you were different, but you're also a coward and incompetent!
¡ Creía que eras diferente, pero sólo eres un cobarde, tú también!
I thought you were different from other men but I was wrong. I'll send the toys back to the factory.
Pensé que era diferente de otros hombres pero estaba equivocada.
I thought you were different.
Creí que tú eras diferente.
I thought you were different.
Pensé que eras diferente.
I thought you were different from other guys.
Pensé que eras diferente de los otros chicos.
- I thought you were different.
- Creí que eras diferente.
I thought you were different.
Creí que eras distinta.
I thought you were different.
Creí que eras diferente.
I thought you were different!
Creí que eras distinta.
Do you know something? I thought you were different than the others.
yo crei que tu eras diferente a los demas.
You know, I thought you were different.
Tu sabes, Pense que eras diferente.
You know, I thought you were different, but you're just like every other guy I've ever met.
Sabes, pensé que eras diferente, pero eres igual que todos los otro chicos que he conocido.
I thought you were different.
- Creía que eras diferente.
I thought you were different.
- Creí que eras diferente.
I thought you were different from other guys.
Pensé que eras diferente a los otros chicos.
I thought you were different than other guys.
Pense que eras diferente de los otros
I thought you were different from her.
Pensé que serías diferente de ella.
I thought you were different.
Pensé que eras distinto.
I thought you were different.
Creía que eras diferente.
I thought you were different, but you're animals!
- ¡ Vete a la verga! - ¡ Y yo no más gilipollas! ¡ Pensé que eran distintos pero sois las mismas bestias!
When I met you, I thought you were different from the rest, special.
Cuando te conocí, pensé que tú eras diferente, que eras especial.
I thought you were different, Byrne. I really thought you were different.
Pensé que tú eres distinto.
I thought you were different.
- Pensaba que eras distinto.
I thought you were different from other men
Pensé que eras diferente de otros hombres.
I really thought you took me seriously, you were different from the others, the snakes with gentle faces, with enticing eyes and hearts like devils.
Llegue a creer que me tomabais en serio, que erais distinta a las demas, viboras de dulce semblante, de mirada lisonjera y corazn endemoniado.
I thought maybe you were different.
Creí que tal vez usted era diferente.
I had thought you were something different, something strong, rare exciting, above a stupid, ugly, commonplace world.
Había imaginado que eras distinta, fuerte, excepcional, de gustos exquisitos.
Yo también estoy sorprendido.
I just thought you were different, that's all.
Sólo pensé que eras diferente, eso es todo.
Just when I thought you were so different, that I could trust you.
Justo en el momento que pensé en que era diferente, y podía confiar.
That was what you said, but I thought things were different.
Eso lo decíais vosotros, pero yo veía las cosas de otro modo.
Different from what you've always been, different from who I thought you were a woman who would never live like one of them with a head full of nothing but bank notes!
Sí, diferente de todo aquello que siempre habías sido, de lo que creía de tí. ¡ Una mujer que no se aliaba con ellos, con esas cabezas llenas tan solo de billetes de mil!
I had thought that maybe you were different.
Creí que al menos tú eras diferente.
When I met you tonight, I thought that you were not really any different from your people just a little more classy, of course.
Cuando esta noche le conocí, pensé que en realidad Ud. no era muy diferente a toda su gente solo que con algo más de clase, por supuesto.
They were very expensive. I thought you should know. Now you realize the contradictions that exist between different ideas, systems, theories, countries, and flags.
Que, además, nos cobraron muy caro, pensé que debían que saberlo, para que se dieran cuenta de las contradicciones... que existen entre las diferentes ideas, sistemas, teorías, países... y banderas.
I thought you, at least, were different.
Pensaba que tú por lo menos, eras diferente.
Because I thought you were something different.
Porque para mí eras algo diferente...
You must always have been very different from the man I thought you were.
Quiere decir que siempre has sido muy diferente de lo que pensaba.
I thought maybe you and me were different.
Pensé que... quizá tú y yo éramos diferentes.
I thought you were gonna say something different.
Creí que ibas a decir algo diferente.
Honest to God, I really thought you were different.
Lo juro por Dios, de verdad pensé que tú eras otra cosa.
I just thought you were different.
Pense que eras diferente.
I thought you were decent, different, but you're not.
¡ Pensé que eras decente, que eras diferente, pero no!
You don't look any different. I thought they were supposed to make us all huge and veiny.
no pareces diferente. pensaba que nos harian grandes y llenos de venas

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