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I thought you were joking traduction Espagnol

66 traduction parallèle
But I thought you were joking, your pal René, I find you dull, I find him silly.
¡ Pensé que bromeabas! René me parece un soso, un simple...
- I thought you were joking.
- Pensé que estaba bromeando.
I thought you were joking, but I've had enough.
Pensaba que estabas bromeando, pero ya está bien.
I thought you were joking.
Y yo creía que era una broma.
And I thought you were joking.
Y eso que pensé que era una broma tuya.
I thought you were joking when you told me that.
- El otro día creía que estaba bromeando, cuando me dijo eso.
I thought you were joking but you really did do it.
Pensé que inventabas las historias. Pero realmente lo hiciste.
I thought you were joking.
Creía que bromeabas. - Lo sé.
I thought you were joking.
Yo creía que estabas bromeando.
- I thought you were joking.
- Pensé que bromeaba.
I thought you were joking.
Pensé que estaba bromeando.
Oh, my God, I thought you were joking.
Oh, dios, pensé que bromeaba.
Oh, I thought you were joking.
Pensé que estabas bromeando.
I thought you were joking.
Creía que bromeabas.
- Well, I thought you were joking.
Creí que estabas bromeando.
I thought you were joking.
Creí que era un chiste.
My God, Sarah, you really did take Fred in. - I thought you were joking.
Oh, Sarah, realmente te hiciste cargo de Fred... ¡ Pensé que estabas bromeando!
No, no, I thought you were joking.
No, no, pensé que estabas bromeando.
I thought you were joking... when you said you had an inbred son who lives in your basement.
Yo creía que era broma lo de su hijo endogámico en el sótano.
I thought you were joking.
- Creí que estabas bromeando.
I thought you were joking on that part.
Yo pensé estabas hablando en broma en esa parte.
That would be funny if I thought you were joking.
Eso sería gracioso si pensara que estabas de broma.
I thought you were joking last night.
Creí que bromeabas anoche.
I thought you were joking.
Creí que estabas bromeando.
I thought you were joking.
Pensé que bromeabas.
I thought you were joking about the China girl.
Pensaba que estabas de broma.
But I thought you were joking because of the toy ring you were wearing.
Pero pensé que estabas bromeando por el anillo de juguete que llevabas puesto.
- I thought you were joking.
- Pensé que bromeabas.
Oh, I-I thought you were joking.
Pensaba que estabas bromeando.
Sorry, I thought you were joking about being cast as Schindler cos you made lists.
Lo siento, pensé que estabas bromeando sobre ser escogido como Schindler porque haces listas.
'Cause I thought you were joking.
Porque pensé que bromeabas.
I thought you were joking when you said you were a dirty cop.
Pensaba que bromeabas cuando dijiste que eras un policía corrupto.
I thought you were joking, honey.
Pensé que estabas bromeando, cariño.
I thought you were joking about the $ 5,000 being a lot of money.
Pensé que estabas bromeando acerca de los $ 5.000 siendo un montón de dinero.
I thought you were joking about the peacocks.
Pensé que bromeabas sobre los pavos reales.
I thought you were joking about that.
Creía que estabas bromeando.
Oh, I thought you were joking.
Oh, pensé que estaba bromeando.
Sorry, I thought you were joking.
Lo siento, pensé que estaba bromeando.
I, uh--I thought you were joking about that, Karma.
Yo... pensaba que estabas bromeando sobre esto, Karma.
But I thought you were only joking about going to the hospital.
Creí que sólo era una broma lo del hospital.
I thought you were joking.
Ni siquiera sueñes que eso pueda ocurrir.
And what I said... When you were joking about that kid thing... 'Cause for a second, I had thought you were completely serious.
Y lo que dije cuando estabas bromeando sobre esa cosa de niño..... por un segundo, Pensé que eras completamente serio.
I thought you said you were joking.
Pensé que habías dicho que estabas bromeando.
I was joking, I thought you were someone I know...
Era una broma, pensé que era otra persona...
I thought you guys were joking about the bike squad.
Pensé que ustedes muchachos estaban bromeando con la brigada de bicicletas.
I thought you were joking, man.
Creí que bromeabas.
"Oh, Rhett, you are joking and I thought you were gonna be nice."
"Oh, Rhett, estás bromeando y creí que ibas a ser amable."
I actually heard that you had backward power structures in the UK, but I thought my friends were joking.
De hecho había escuchado que ustedes tenían estructuras de poder retrógradas en el Reino Unido, pero pensé que mis amigos bromeaban.
No, I seriously thought you were joking.
No, en serio, pensaba que era una broma.
I really thought you were joking.
De verdad pensaba que estabas de broma.
When your mom said you were out on a run, I thought she was joking.
Cuando tu madre me dijo que habías salido a correr, creí que estaba bromeando.

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