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I thought you were mad at me traduction Espagnol

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I thought you were mad at me.
Pensaba que estabas enfadada conmigo.
I thought you were mad at me.
Pensé que estarías enojada conmigo.
I thought you were mad at me. I felt ashamed.
Pensaba que estarías enfadada conmigo.
I thought you were mad at me.
Pensé que estabas enfadado conmigo.
I thought you were mad at me.
Creía que estabas enfadada conmigo.
Because I thought you were mad at me.
Porque pensé que te habías enojado conmigo.
You know, I thought you were mad at me.
Creí que estabas enfadada conmigo.
I thought you were mad at me.
Creí que estabas molesta conmigo.
I thought you were mad at me.
Creí que estabas enojado conmigo.
I thought you were mad at me or... that I get on your nerves.
Pensaba que estabas enfadada conmigo o que te ponía de los nervios.
I thought you were mad at me.
Creía que estabas enfadado conmigo
I thought you were mad at me.
Creí que estabas molesto conmigo.
So I thought you were mad at me.
Pensé que estabas enojado conmigo.
That was so pleasant... and I thought you were mad at me.
Eres tan agradable... y pensé que estabas enfadada conmigo.
But I thought you were mad at me for having you thrown in jail.
Pero pensé que estabas enojado conmigo por enviarte a la cárcel...
Um, I thought you were mad at me.
Um, pensé que estabas enojado conmigo.
I thought you were mad at me.
Pensé que estabas enojada conmigo.
I thought you were mad at me.
Creí que estabas furiosa conmigo.
I thought you were mad at me. But now I know that you weren't.
Pensé que habías enloquecido por mi causa... pero ahora se que no es así.
I thought you were mad at me.
Pensé que estabas enfadada conmigo.
Blair, I thought you were mad at me.
Blair, creía que estabas enfadada conmigo.
I thought you were mad at me.
Creí que estabas enojada conmigo.
And I didn't sit at your table, because I thought you were mad at me.
Y " O me senté a su mesa porque creí que estarían enojadas conmigo.
I am. I-I thought you were mad at me.
Pensé que estabas enfadado conmigo.
I thought you were mad at me.
Pensé que estarías enfadada conmigo.
I thought you were mad at me.
Creía que estabas enfadado conmigo.
That was close. - I thought you were mad at me.
- Pensé que estabas enojada conmigo.
I thought you were mad at me.
Pensé que estabas enojado conmigo.
Oh, I thought you were mad at me.
Pensaba que estabas enfadada conmigo.
I thought you were mad at me. No.
- Pensé que estabas enojada.
I thought maybe you were mad at me.
¿ Estás enfadada conmigo?
I thought maybe you were mad at me.
Creía que estabas enfadado.
I thought maybe you were mad at me or something.
Pensaba que estabas enfadada conmigo.
But I thought you guys were mad at me.
Pero creí que estaban enojados conmigo.
I just thought that you were maybe like, mad at me.
Pensé que tal vez estabas enojado conmigo.
Would you think she'd be mad at you for how hot I thought you were?
¿ Crees que se enojaría si supiera que me gustas?
I thought you were still mad at me.
Creía que estabas enfadada conmigo.
I actually thought you were mad at me.
Realmente pensaba que estabas enfadado conmigo.
I thought maybe you were mad at me.
Pensé que tal vez estás enojada conmigo.
"My name's not Lisa, it's Jennifer," or whatever, and I'll do a big apology and I'll say, "I thought you were the Lisa who was mad at me for not calling."
"Mi nombre no es Lisa, sino Jennifer", o lo que sea, y yo me disculparé y diré : "Creí que eras Lisa y estabas enojada porque no te llamé."
And when you didn't call me back, I thought that you were mad at me.
Y cuando no me has contestado he pensado que estabas molesta conmigo.
I kind of thought you were mad at me.
Pensaba que estabas enfadado conmigo.
Wait, I thought, you were mad at me.
Espera, pensaba, que estabas enojada conmigo.
I thought that you were mad at me?
Pensaba que estabas enfadado conmigo.
I thought you were gonna be mad at me.
Creí que te enojarías conmigo.
I thought you were mad at me. You spit in this?
¿ Le has escupido?
Yeah? I thought you were still mad at me about that little dust-up I had with Reggie.
Pensaba que aún estabas enfadada conmigo por esa pelea que tuve con Reggie.
A little more, and I would have thought you were mad at me.
Pensé que estaba enojado conmigo.
Man, I thought you were really mad at me.
Creía que estabas enfadado conmigo.
All right, but I thought this was, like, the whole reason you guys were mad at me, for going and doing all this solo shit.
Está bien, pero pensé que ese era el motivo por el que estaban enojados conmigo por presentarme como solista.
I thought you were still mad at me.
Pensé que seguías enojado conmigo.

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